The young man on the stool stood up vigilantly when he saw someone coming in. He relaxed when he saw that the people coming in were two little girls, and one of them was the little girl who bought him and fed him healing pills.


"You bought me?"

Axue nodded, walked over and sat on the other side of the table, looked at Meng Yue and the boy,"Sit down."

The two looked at each other, Meng Yue walked to Axue and sat down first, and the boy sat back on the stool.

Axue looked at the boy and asked in a cold voice,"What are your plans for the future?"

The boy shook his head and looked at Axue blankly, and suddenly chuckled,"Didn't you buy me?"

Axue couldn't think of what to say for a while. She bought him because she didn't want him to be rescued by Li Qian. Although Li Qian was imprisoned in the Cliff of Repentance, it didn't matter if she came out early, or if this person fell into the hands of any male supporting role, it would be no different from falling into the hands of Li Qian.

But how to properly arrange this person now?

"Why don't you just leave, and you will be free in the future."

The boy's eyes moved after hearing this, and then he said with a lonely expression,"What if I am free? From childhood to adulthood, I have escaped many times, but each time I would return to the hands of different traffickers in different ways."


After hearing what he said, Axue couldn't understand. Why didn't the enemies of Medicine King Valley kill him directly, but sold him to human traffickers again and again?

Apart from anything else, the poison in his body is not something that ordinary people have.

Axue suddenly realized that she seemed to have saved a big trouble.

At this time, Axue was very troubled. There were still a lot of troubles waiting for her. It was estimated that they would take action as soon as they left the market. With such a good opportunity, I believe those people will not miss it.

Forget it, what does it matter if there is one more or one less.

According to the previous life, he could live alone to be found by Medicine King Valley, so in this life, he should not die with himself, right? Unless his luck is really too bad.

"So what do you mean?"


The boy showed a rascally smile,"You bought me, so of course you are my master."

Axue held her forehead and said,"I'm sorry, I didn't go there to buy a slave, but I was curious, so now you are free."

The boy suddenly looked at Axue pitifully,"You don't want me anymore?"


Ah Xue really regretted buying him now,"How about this, you follow me first, and when you want to leave, just go."


"By the way, what’s your name?"

"I don't know. I haven't had a name since I was a child, only various code names."

Axue remembered that the owner of Yaowang Valley seemed to have the surname Dan, so why not give him a surname Dan directly, so that he doesn't have to change it later."You have poison in your body and need elixir to detoxify. From now on, you will be called Dansheng, which means that the medicine will cure the disease and give you a new life."


What Ah Xue didn't expect was that she would stay for two years, until the sect competition.

After resolving Dan Sheng's issue, Ah Xue turned to look at Meng Yue, took out two low-grade spirit stones and handed them to her,"This is for you."

"Your mission is completed, we will leave here tomorrow."

Meng Yue waved her hand and refused,"Fairy Axue, no need, you already paid me yesterday."

Axue put the spirit stone directly into her hand without allowing it to be refused,"Take it, thank you for leading the way for me."

Meng Yue had no choice but to take the spirit stone,"Okay, thank you, Fairy Axue,"

"Go ahead"


"Fairy Axue, we will meet again if we are lucky enough.

Meng Yue said and stood up to leave.

"Wait a minute." Ah Xue suddenly shouted.

Meng Yue turned around and asked,"Ah Xue, is there anything else?"

Ah Xue stood up and walked to Meng Yue's side, looking at the little girl in front of her who was the same age as her, and said softly,"Live for yourself in the future."

Meng Yue's pupils dilated instantly,"You...………"

Axue nodded,"Yeah, I heard a sentence or two on the way."

Meng Yue looked a little unnatural. Thinking of what Axue had just said, she asked unconfidently,"Live for yourself, but can I?"

Axue nodded,"What's impossible? You are so smart, I believe you will understand. If it is not worth it, just leave. The world is so big. With your intelligence, are you still afraid of not being able to survive?"

Meng Yue thought of her family. As the saying goes, if there is a stepmother, there will be a stepfather. It is really true. Every piece of spiritual stone that she worked hard to earn every day fell into the hands of her stepmother. Their family eats delicious food, but she can't even eat leftovers.

Kicking, beating and cursing are commonplace. Is such a home really still a home?

If she doesn't leave, do she have to endure it for the rest of her life?

Thinking of this, Meng Yue looked up at the fairy Axue in front of her, who was one year younger than her. She was so dazzling, so confident and strong.

Meng Yue nodded vigorously,"Yeah, I will."

"Thank you, Fairy Axue."

Meng Yue said with a relieved smile on her face, and left the inn with her back straight.

Axue looked at Meng Yue's figure and smiled slightly. On the way back, Axue thought of a person in her previous life, Meng Yue from the Loose Cultivator Alliance, who had five spiritual roots and was famous all over the world with a book of five-element swordsmanship.

Dansheng had been silent all the time, silently looking at the two little girls in front of him, until Meng Yue left, then he supported his head with one hand and tilted his head, saying in an unclear tone,"The young master is such a good person."

Axue rolled his eyes at him,"Just call me Axue, and I'm not a good person. I bought you, and when you have the ability in the future, remember to return me double the spirit stones."

"Rest now, we will set out tomorrow. Please inform us in advance that there may be strong men chasing you on the road, so you can consider leaving on your own."

Dan Sheng suddenly approached Axue,"It seems that you have offended a lot of people."

Axue took a step back, turned and walked out of the room, opened the next room and walked in.

Dan Sheng reached out and touched his nose, and said silently,"You really change your face like turning a book."

After that, he turned around and lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling in a daze.

The next day, Axue walked out of the room and saw Dan Sheng leaning on the guardrail, and said coldly,"Let's go."


Ah Xue took Dan Sheng downstairs. Ah Si downstairs saw her and hurried over to greet her,"Are you leaving, little fairy Ah Xue?"

Ah Xue nodded.

"Ah Xue!"

Meng Yue walked in from outside,"Ah Xue, it seems that we are destined to be together. I just arrived and you were about to leave. The timing is just right."

"I thought I would not be able to catch up with you, and then I would leave by myself"


"Ah Xue, can I leave with you?

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