Ah Xue smiled slightly,"It's possible, but it will be very dangerous."

Meng Yue lowered her head and smiled,"Let's go."

Ah Xue's lips curled up slightly,"Let's go."

Dan Sheng automatically followed the two.

The three of them walked out of the inn together. Meng Yue turned back and said to Ah Si who was following behind,"Take care, Uncle Ah Si, we will meet again if we are lucky. Say goodbye to Uncle Feng for me, I will come to see you later.""

"Go ahead. When you are alone outside, you must take good care of yourself and don’t be too soft-hearted.

Ah Si was really happy for this poor child. He should have left that blood-sucking family a long time ago. He must come back alive.

Meng Yue nodded happily and followed Ah Xue and the others.

Ah Si stood at the door until he could no longer see the figures of the three people. When he turned around, he saw his own shopkeeper standing behind him, looking at the direction where Meng Yue disappeared like him.


Feng nodded, a smile appeared on his face, and he said calmly,"Very good.""

‘It's much better to leave than to stay here and suffer. '

Axue took Meng Yue and Dan Sheng and did not leave the city. Instead, she walked to the outside of Qingyou City's teleportation array and took out a storage bag and gave it to Meng Yue.

"You two take the teleportation array to Youzhou City first, and then go to Du's Inn to wait for me."

Meng Yue asked worriedly,"Axue, what about you?"

Dansheng thought of what Axue said yesterday, put away the frivolous expression on his face, and looked at Axue seriously,"Can you come back alive?"

Meng Yue's pupils shrank when she heard Dansheng's words,"Axue!"

Axue smiled at the two of them,"Don't worry, I will definitely come back alive."

Meng Yue was about to say that we should go together, but then she remembered that she was only at the third level of Qi Refining. What else could she do except die and be a burden?

It would be better to leave early and find out the situation for her there.

"Ah Xue, we will always wait for you, you must come back.

Ah Xue nodded,"Don't worry."

Then she turned and left.

Meng Yue and Dan Sheng looked at the little girl who left alone, feeling sad and helpless.

"Let's go to Youzhou first"


Axue originally wanted to take Dansheng away with her, but now Meng Yue was temporarily added, so Axue decided not to take anyone with her, and let Meng Yue take Dansheng away on the teleportation array, and she would go to meet those people.

Sooner or later, we have to face it, so it is better to solve it as soon as possible to avoid involving my family.

A hundred miles outside Youzhou City, Axue looked at the three foundation-building cultivators who surrounded her, standing quietly with the Wood Spirit Sword in her hand.

"" Hey! It's so lively."

A familiar voice came from behind. Ah Xue didn't need to turn around to know that this person was Qi Yongchang, whom she met on the first day she entered Qingyou City. Seeing that Ah Xue ignored him, Qi Yongchang couldn't help but say something foul,"Little bitch, it seems that you have offended a lot of people."


Axue's eyes turned cold and she waved her sword. The late-stage foundation-building cultivator beside Qi Yongchang pushed Qi Yongchang away with a palm, and then she pinched the magic formula to shoot a fireball. The sword energy collided with the fireball and made a violent collision sound, which slowly dissipated.

Qi Yongchang was suddenly pushed out. Just when he wanted to curse, he looked up and saw the powerful spiritual power collided. He was so scared that he quickly closed his mouth and dared not say a word.

The foundation-building cultivator saw that his fireball was broken up and asked in surprise,"You are not a Qi-refining cultivator, you have built a foundation!"

Axue did not answer him, and slashed at him again and again. She also followed the sword energy and approached the foundation-building cultivator.

The foundation-building cultivator quickly took out a few talismans and put one on himself, and threw all the others at Axue.

Axue quickly turned over, took out the flying sword from the space and flew into the sky, and took out more than a dozen fireball talismans from the space, and retaliated and threw them at the late-stage foundation-building cultivator at once.

The monk looked at the talisman flying towards him and immediately broke out in a cold sweat. He cast a defensive shield while fleeing.

Bang... bang... bang bang...………

""Blue Lotus Solitary Show!"

Ah Xue followed with a move of Blue Lotus Solitary Show.

At this time, the defense shield of the foundation-building cultivator had already been broken, and a white blue lotus with a breath of death had already appeared in front of the foundation-building cultivator.


The foundation-building monk was so frightened that his soul flew away. He wanted to launch an attack to resist, but he was already powerless because he had just cast a defensive shield.



With an explosion, the life of the foundation-building monk was wiped out.

After Ah Xue's sword burst out, without a pause, she flew in front of Qi Yongchang and killed him with one sword.…………

Blood spurted out from the neck

"you………cannot…………kill………I" fell to the ground with a thud.

After seeing Axue kill a late-stage foundation-building cultivator, the three foundation-building cultivators who were still watching could no longer sit still.


"Damn, the news is wrong"


Ah Xue turned around and rushed towards the three people with the sword in hand. The Green Lotus Sword Technique was used. The Green Lotus Sword Intent and the magic weapons of the three people collided with each other, making a fierce and harsh collision sound. Sparks flew everywhere. The spiritual power fluctuations generated by the collision of sword energy and magic weapons distorted the air and spread to the surroundings.

Ah Xue's eyes did not fluctuate at all. There was only one sword in her heart. She could break all the methods with one sword and become stronger when facing a strong opponent."Kill."

At this time, Ah Xue's eyes were full of murderous intent. Although these three people were working together to deal with her, it also gave her the opportunity to kill one of them. After all, they were gathered together at this moment.

Ah Xue used another Green Lotus Duxiu move. The three people had a tacit understanding. Two of them defended, and the other one slashed at Ah Xue with a sword at the same time. Ah Xue flew and spun. The Wood Spirit Sword circled in the air with the sword energy that was slashing towards her. Then the Wood Spirit Sword swung, and the sword returned with the same attack force.


After two consecutive collisions, the opponent's defense was broken. However, after using Qinglian Duxiu twice in a row, half of the spiritual power in Axue's Dantian was already empty. There was also a Jindan cultivator behind her, watching her closely. She must not consume too much spiritual power.

Axue took out a thunderbolt talisman given to her by Ye Chenxi from the space and threw it at the three people.

The three people's defense had just been broken, and before they could react, they saw Axue's action.

"not good!"



After a loud bang, a shattered shield appeared at the center of the explosion.

The foundation-building cultivator inside the shield watched the magic weapon in his hand break apart, and suddenly he was furious,"Damn it!"

"How dare you destroy my magic weapon?"

"I must kill you! I will tear you into pieces!"

Ah Xue's eyes turned cold, and then she threw out a thunder talisman.


The foundation-building cultivator who was cursing just now looked at the flying talisman in horror.

"ah…………" boom……………

Axue opened her eyes wide and continued to look at the place of the explosion. This time, the three people never came out.

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