Ah Xue felt relieved, then turned her eyes and looked coldly at a place


"As expected of a disciple of Xuantian Sect, he has quite a few good things in his hands."

"I just wonder if you still have this top-grade thunderbolt talisman?" As soon as the man finished speaking, a sword energy from the late Jindan period came towards him. It turned out that when Ah Xue took out the thunderbolt talisman, she also took out the jade pendant given by Ye Chenxi, and held it in her hand with her sleeves, waiting for this man to come out and give him a surprise attack.




"Damn girl, you…………"

"Qing Lian Du Xiu!"

Axue was not idle after activating the jade pendant, and immediately used Qing Lian Du Xiu.

As expected, Ye Chenxi's sword energy could not kill this person.

The Jindan cultivator waved his hand and easily dispersed Axue's sword energy.


"Little girl, that sword energy just now was your last bargaining chip, right?"

"Then it's my turn to attack now."

After saying these harsh words, the pressure from the Jindan Master was fully exerted. Ah Xue pretended to be suffocated by the pressure, bending over and trying to support herself. In fact, she was holding the jade pendant in her hand and was looking for an opportunity to strike.

Ah Xue's soul had already advanced to the late Jindan stage, approaching the Yuanying stage. The pressure from the Jindan stage had no effect on Ah Xue.

Ah Xue showed weakness because there were only three sword energies in total, and she had already wasted one sword energy, and she didn't want to waste another one.

The Jindan Master looked at Ah Xue. Although he was injured at this time, he still didn't take her seriously.

"It's time to end it."

Just when the Jindan monk was about to kill Ah Xue with one move, when he was halfway through his power, another sword energy came straight to his Dantian.

The Jindan monk quickly sacrificed his own life magic weapon to block it.


There was another loud crash, and a short knife fell to the ground.…………"

Jindan Zhenren spat out another mouthful of blood. Just as he raised his head to curse, he found that another thunder talisman fell down.……………

The Jindan monk was blown upside down, his black hair was dusty, and his robes were torn.

This time, Ah Xue took out two cards directly. There was no other way. Although the things given by the eldest brother were all good, they could not withstand the opponent's more magic weapons.


After two explosions, the Jindan monk was finally killed by Axue's external objects because of his talkativeness and underestimation of the enemy. Xuanzhen, who had been invisible in the sky, was speechless by Axue's wasteful fighting style. If it were other disciples, they would have fled for their lives or stayed in the sect to practice and would not come out. But she was so good that she directly blasted the man to death with the sword energy jade card and the talisman.

There are also these idiots and trash. They are chasing a person and talking nonsense. What kind of big tail wolf is this little girl? She is just pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. She doesn't say a word in a fight and just blasts directly.

Alas! I really don't know what to say.

This little girl is simply a little fox.

Axue didn't know that there was a top boss above her head complaining about her. She waited until all the explosions subsided and confirmed that the Jindan monk was dead before walking to his body.

Looking at the horrible body that was blown up, Axue complained in a low voice,"Fortunately, you talk a lot and look down on me."

Otherwise, I would be the one who died today.

This is a fight. You must not talk too much in a fight, because when you are talking, the enemy has already attacked. What are you doing? You are just waiting to be beaten.

In the world of cultivation, it is not just about cultivation and combat power, but comprehensive ability.

IQ, strategy, magic weapon, contract, cultivation, skills, backing………Etc.

It doesn't mean you are invincible just because you are strong, but you must always be vigilant and never underestimate the enemy. You must be prepared for every battle and take it seriously.

After taking the storage ring of the Jindan cultivator, Ah Xue turned around and continued to harvest the storage bags of the other four foundation cultivators and Qi Yongchang. After collecting them, she did not open them immediately, but threw them all into the space.

"Xiao Yao will check to see if there is any problem, especially the residual soul and consciousness."

""Yes, I understand."

The bloodthirsty demon vine used its vines to open the storage ring and four storage bags one by one, and carefully checked everything inside.

Ah Xue released a flash of fire, which directly destroyed the corpse, and then flew on the sword, slowly waiting for the next wave of pursuit. She believed that this was just the beginning, and there would be many more to come. She had to solve this matter before returning home.

"Master, there is a magic weapon here with a pattern on it."

Axue's consciousness entered the space and saw that there was indeed a hexagram pattern on a defensive jade plate.

"This might be the pattern of some force. Put this jade token away first. Are there any other problems?"

"There is nothing else. There is nothing useful in those storage bags."

"The things in this storage ring are very messy."

Axue looked at the various treasures spread on the ground by the bloodthirsty demon vine,"This should be obtained by robbery, or by taking on a special killing mission." The bloodthirsty demon vine asked in confusion,"Robbery?"

Axue nodded,"Yes, it means killing people for treasures"


"The master is also robbing."


Ah Xue chuckled, her voice cheerful,"This is someone automatically sending us a storage bag."

The bloodthirsty demon vine was still a little confused,"Is there any difference?"


Axue explained to it slowly,"Robbery is automatically bullying the weak, someone automatically gave themselves up, someone wanted to rob me, but I killed them instead."

After Axue said this, the bloodthirsty demon vine understood,"Oh, so that's how it is."

Axue thought of another partner in the space, and then asked,"How is Huoxuan?"

"Should be able to reach Nirvana directly"



The bloodthirsty demon vine said excitedly,"If Nirvana is successful, it will become a fire phoenix."

Ah Xue's head was full of black lines after listening to the bloodthirsty demon vine's words,"What if it fails?"


The bloodthirsty demon vine's excitement was instantly interrupted, and it said in a bad tone,"Master, you'd better pray for it to succeed. Neither of us can afford the price of failure."


Ah Xue's lips curled slightly. She believed Huo Xuan would succeed, but she couldn't help but tease Xiao Yao,"What will be the price of failure?"

The bloodthirsty demon vine waved its vines and said angrily,"If it fails, we will both be cannon fodder?"

"What does cannon fodder mean?"

"Cannon fodder means cannon fodder"

"So what does that mean?"

"I mean dead."

"Little demon, I found…………"

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