"What did you find?"

The bloodthirsty demon vine's heart beat uncomfortably.

Axue paused for a moment before saying,"I found that you are really smart."

"Of course, I am an ancient demon vine."After saying that, the bloodthirsty demon vine slowly breathed a sigh of relief. While chatting with the bloodthirsty demon vine, Ah Xue landed in front of a forest. She raised her head and frowned at the forest in front of her.


Something is wrong. There must be someone with high cultivation here, or a formation.

Because the forest in front of him was so quiet that there was not a sound, not even the sound of wind blowing through the leaves.

So, this should be a formation.

Axue stood still and did not move, which made Luo Qing, who was hiding on the other side of the forest, very anxious.

Axue squinted her eyes and looked at the formation in front of her,"Little demon, there is a formation in front, it should be a high-level formation, right?"

When the bloodthirsty demon vine heard about the formation, it suddenly remembered the storage bag and storage ring that it had just robbed, and hurriedly said excitedly,"Master, please let me out, I'll take a look"


Ah Xue stretched out her hand, and a vine with a small red flower appeared in her palm.

"No, this seems to be a spiritual-level formation?"

Axue said slowly,"Xiao Yao, you are really amazing. You even know the formation."


The bloodthirsty demon vine always felt that something was wrong with its master, but it couldn't figure out why. It usually wouldn't think too much about things it couldn't figure out, and then it said proudly,"What's the big deal? I'm an ancient demon vine."

Axue shook her head helplessly,"Okay, then, honorable sir ancient demon vine, can you break the formation?"

This question stumped the bloodthirsty demon vine. The bloodthirsty demon vine secretly complained in its heart, 'I'm still young, and many inheritances haven't been opened, and the formation happens to be one of those things."

After complaining, it said weakly,"Why don't we take a detour."

Axue shook her head,"Why take a detour? We can still find him this time and get rid of him. What if we don't find him next time and go directly into the formation? I don't know if we can get out then."

"You are right, let's go ahead."


After Ah Xue finished speaking, she did not enter the formation immediately. Instead, she took out a piece of top-grade spirit stone and held it in her hand. She circulated the Xuantian Jue and absorbed the spiritual power inside to replenish her Dantian. Soon, a piece of top-grade spirit stone turned into powder and drifted away with the wind. After Ah Xue adjusted her state, she walked into the formation carefully and vigilantly.

As Ah Xue stepped into the formation, a blood-red light instantly surrounded her.

Ah Xue immediately felt the terrifying pressure coming from the formation, which made her spine feel broken. At the same time, the spiritual power in her Dantian was also lost at a very fast rate.

Ah Xue quickly took out an advanced defense array disk and activated it, covering herself in the defense shield. The pressure was relieved a lot, and the speed of spiritual power loss in her Dantian was also slowed down a lot.

Ah Xue took out another spirit stone and circulated the Xuanling Jue to absorb it, while saying,"What kind of formation is this, little demon? Why is it so fierce?"

This time, the little demon did not answer Ah Xue immediately, but looked for the answer in his memory and inheritance.

Ah Xue looked down at the vine in his hand, while absorbing the spiritual power in the spirit stone, while quietly waiting for it.

"God-controlling formation."

Ah Xue's face changed when she heard the three words uttered by the bloodthirsty demon vine,"God-controlling formation!"

"You said this is the mind-controlling formation? The formation that can control the spiritual consciousness of cultivators?"

Ah Xue asked again in shock.

The bloodthirsty demon vine tapped its vines and said seriously,"Yes, it is the mind-controlling formation that can control the spiritual consciousness of cultivators."

Ah Xue asked puzzledly,"But how can there be such a formation here? Could it be someone from the Demon Sect's Refining Stone Sect?"

The bloodthirsty demon vine chuckled,"That's not necessarily true. Who says that evil things will only be used by people from the Demon Sect?"


"What do you mean?"

"So stupid. So stupid."

"Little demon, you actually despise me"

"Uh, no"

"But what should I do now?"

"Don't worry, although this is a mind-controlling formation, it is far different from the one we talked about. Don't you realize that your own mind is not affected at all?"


"But it is enough for us to deal with."

After listening to the bloodthirsty demon vine, Axue recalled some rumors about this formation that she had heard in her previous life.

The mind-controlling formation can directly imprison the cultivators who enter the formation, extracting their spiritual power and vitality for the use of the formation. It can slowly control the cultivators' consciousness without anyone noticing and drive them for its own use.

At the same time, it is also isolated from the outside world and disappears on the spot, as if a space has been opened directly on the spot, so this formation can only be broken from the inside.

This formation is a spiritual-level formation of the Corpse Refining Sect, which can only be used by demon cultivators with high cultivation. The Corpse Refining Sect used this formation to harm many cultivators and turned them into evil corpses. The combat effectiveness of this evil corpse is as high as that of living cultivators, and it only obeys its master.

It can be said to be extremely cruel.

"Master, do you want to try your blood?"


Axue asked doubtfully,"Can my blood break the formation?"

The bloodthirsty demon vine was also a little uncertain,"I just thought of a kind of blood in ancient times, which is very strong."

Axue said speechlessly,"That is the blood of the ancients, not my blood."

"But you are also very strong, sir."


"That's impossible."

"How will you know if you don’t try?"


Ah Xue was a little tempted by the bloodthirsty demon vine,"I should try it or not, just in case it is...…………"

"Why don't we give it a try!" Ah Xue took the Wood Spirit Sword and flew into the air. He used the Wood Spirit Sword to cut her palm, then flew around in a circle, and blood was scattered into the formation space.…………

Wherever the blood went, the blood-colored light quickly retreated as if it had encountered a strong enemy.

Seeing this scene, Ah Xue was really a little curious about her own bloodline.

"Master, walk back thirty steps."

Axue didn't ask why and walked back thirty steps.

"Six steps to the left."

Axue took another six steps to the left, and suddenly a big knife came straight at Axue's face and chopped down.

Axue turned her wrist and the Wood Spirit Sword went straight up. With a clang, Axue's arm was injured and felt severe pain. The knuckles instantly broke and a lot of blood flowed out. The bloodthirsty demon vine was stimulated by Axue's blood and jumped out directly from the palm of her left hand. More than a dozen vines waved to meet the big knife. The big knife instantly split into ten, and the ten big knives and the bloodthirsty demon vine flashed in the air.

"Master, go quickly, five steps back, two steps to the left, the array is there, sprinkle your blood on it"


Ah Xue hurriedly followed what the bloodthirsty demon vine said and walked quickly towards the formation.

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