This is the advanced defensive magic weapon that Lu Jinyu gave to Axue. After saving Axue twice, it finally completed its mission.

Axue put away the broken bracelet, raised a cruel and evil smile at the corner of her mouth, and slowly looked up at Luo Qing,"You like explosions, right?"

"Then you must want to try it too."

Ah Xue endured the bloody taste in her throat and threw out a thunderbolt talisman,"Explode!" BANG!…………

After the explosion, there was only a broken array plate at the explosion site.


Ah Xue was furious, and instantly vomited blood,"It's actually a teleportation array!"

"The monk can run away, but the temple cannot. Luo Qing, you are done."

A Xue raised a wicked smile and used her soul to contact Ye Chenxi through the small jade sword in her sea of consciousness.

"Big brother, are you there?"

"Well, but what happened?"

"The inner disciple Luo Qing used the God Control Array to deal with me. When I tried to kill him, he escaped using the teleportation array."

Ye Chenxi was shocked,"God Control Array!"

He asked hurriedly,"Is Junior Sister injured?"

Axue smiled slightly, feeling warm in her heart,"Brother, don't worry, I'm fine."

Ye Chenxi breathed a sigh of relief,"Well, I will report this to the Law Enforcement Hall, Yu Huachen will handle it, Junior Sister, protect yourself outside"

"Okay, goodbye, brother."


Ah Xue simply explained to Ye Chenxi what happened just now, so as to prevent Luo Qing from going back to cause trouble.

Then he took out a high-level defense array and a hidden array, put high-quality spirit stones in them at the same time, and then entered the space.

Xuan Zhen had been silently protecting Ah Xue in the air. After seeing that she was fine, he also sent a message to the sect.

"The matter of the God Control Array should not be underestimated, let Nangong Han check the source."

Luo Qing's teleportation array disk is a long-distance transmission, and it happened to be teleported to the vicinity of the sect. Luo Qing appeared in the sect in a mess, and the evil man complained first, and went directly to the Law Enforcement Hall to tell how he was robbed of his opportunity by the disciples of Jianfeng, and then was killed.

Yu Huachen sneered,"You should first explain what the God Control Array is."

"Come here, take him away for strict interrogation."

Luo Qing heard something was wrong and asked loudly,"Wait!"

"Why didn't you listen to me? Just because she is a disciple of Jianfeng, can she do whatever she wants?"

"Is the Law Enforcement Hall fair?"

Yu Huachen glanced at him indifferently,"Arrest him."

What a joke, the Tribulation Patriarch beside the little girl is not just for show.

As soon as Ah Xue in the space entered the space, she meditated directly, and the little demon ran to her side and waited anxiously.

The Yuanshen in Ah Xue's sea of consciousness slowly turned around and looked at her own sea of consciousness, looking into the depths of the sea of consciousness,"Come out."

Unexpectedly, a small accident would actually bring out her inner demon, fortunately it was discovered early.

The inner demon is something that is more deadly at the most critical moment.

As soon as Ah Xue finished speaking, her soul suddenly seemed to be pulled back to her body in her previous life, and she experienced the despair and pain again.


Axue yelled and exploded, summoning the Blue Lotus Sword in her dantian for the first time. As soon as the Blue Lotus Sword came out, the man who had been pressing on Axue a second ago was instantly torn into pieces, and his flesh and blood turned into red mist and drifted around.

Axue's eyes were red, her black hair was flying, and she looked at the black smoke floating around. She stretched out her right hand lightly, and the Blue Lotus Sword automatically appeared in her hand.

""Blue Lotus is the only one that stands out!"

Ah Xue spun around and swung a sword around herself. The Blue Lotus Sword released by the Blue Lotus Sword was even more powerful and fierce than the Wood Spirit Sword.

A series of blue lotuses appeared beside Ah Xue. Ah Xue held the Blue Lotus Sword and thrust it upward.


The Green Lotus Sword instantly released powerful spiritual power, and all the Green Lotuses seemed to have received an order and went out to fight.

The Green Lotuses swept the four directions instantly with purifying power. Ah Xue finally got rid of the control of her inner demon and returned to her sea of consciousness.

A harsh voice said in disbelief,"You actually broke your own inner demon!"

Then a black mist appeared in Ah Xue's sea of consciousness.

"You are the inner demon, or the demon that feeds on the inner demon."

"That's right, this is the first time this demon has failed. You, a little human, can actually see through your own inner demons."

"You're not an ordinary demon, are you?"


"I am a demon from outside the domain, seduced by the smell in your heart.………"

Ah Xue understood. No wonder her inner demons were brought out again. She had broken her inner demons when she was on the road of self-examination.

She didn't expect that she would have inner demons again. It turned out that this thing was the cause.

""A lotus withered."

After Ah Xue figured out the reason, she raised her sword and chopped without saying anything. She wanted to chop to death this damned demon from outside the domain, who dared to let her experience that feeling again.

For a moment, black fog rolled in Ah Xue's sea of consciousness, and the green lotus chased after her. It was hard to tell who would fight.

"Little brat, aren't you afraid that this demon will destroy your sea of consciousness?"

Axue's eyes revealed a sneer,"If it could be destroyed, would you be talking so much nonsense?"

After saying that, he ignored it and continued to attack. The Green Lotus Sword seemed to be able to understand Axue's mind. Every time it could attack the black fog accurately and disperse it.

Being dispersed again and again, and gathering together again and again, the extraterritorial demon became much weaker. It roared in anger and prepared to use a big move.

The black fog gathered together in an instant, tumbling and spinning rapidly.

Axue looked at it warily with her hands behind her back. Just as the black fog flew towards Axue, Axue made a move and released a ball of fire.


The demon from outside the domain screamed and said in horror,"The Fire of Nirvana…………"Then it slowly dissipated.

Axue smiled, waiting for this moment.

Huoxuan was evolving, and its flames were becoming stronger and stronger.

‘The fire of Nirvana?’

‘It's really powerful. '

It seems that Huo Xuan will succeed in Nirvana. From now on, he will not be the Flamingo King, but a real Fire Phoenix. The fire of Nirvana is the Fire Phoenix's natal fire. It can not only burn entities, but also souls. The Fire Phoenix is a divine beast, and it is naturally opposed to all evil things. This little demon is not yet mature, and it just happened to run into the muzzle of the gun.

Ah�� looked at her sea of consciousness. She was really worried about the sea of consciousness that had been visited by the extraterritorial demon. Then she released flames to burn it again in the sea of consciousness, and then left with peace of mind.

Ah Xue in the space slowly opened her eyes.

The bloodthirsty demon vine saw Ah Xue open her eyes, and asked hurriedly,"Little fool, are you okay?"


‘Little fool………Hehe. '

Axue closed her eyes slightly and said in a dangerous tone,"Little demon."

The bloodthirsty demon vine didn't seem to notice,"Master, you're okay."

Axue nodded lightly,"Yeah."

The little demon was relieved,"I was scared to death"

"Why did you lose contact?"

Axue shook her head and touched the vine of the bloodthirsty demon vine."I'm fine."

"Xiaoyao, do you have anything to tell me?"

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