"I………"The bloodthirsty demon vine was a little hesitant.

Ah Xue thought that she might have asked about the bloodthirsty demon vine's privacy,"If it's difficult, you can keep it to yourself."

The bloodthirsty demon vine shook its vines,"It's not difficult."

"I just don't know how to say it"


"It's like I have an extra human memory."


Axue looked at it puzzledly,"What do you mean?"

"I don’t know either. It’s just that in the past two days, some memories suddenly appeared in my mind, but I know that they are not my own memories, but I don’t know how they came from."

"Is that so?"

"So does it affect you?"

"Not yet. On the contrary, these memories have made me understand more about you humans."

"Oh, that's good."

After listening to the bloodthirsty demon vine's explanation, Ah Xue finally felt relieved,"Okay, go and heal your wounds, why is it still like this?"

The bloodthirsty demon vine wanted to roll its eyes like a human, but it had no eyes, so it could only roll its eyes in its heart.

"It's all because of you. You were there fighting a life-and-death battle, so how could I rest and heal my wounds?"

Ah Xue felt warm in her heart and smiled and said,"Thank you, little demon."

The bloodthirsty demon vine felt a little embarrassed by her gaze and said casually,"What are you thanking me for? I found that you, a little fool, like to say thank you the most."


Ah Xue heard this name again and asked in a gloomy tone,"Little fool?"

"Yeah, you're a little fool."

"I'm not stupid"

"You don't know whether you are stupid or not, only we know that you are stupid."


Axue felt that she couldn't continue chatting that day, so she closed her eyes and meditated.

The bloodthirsty demon vine saw Axue practicing, so she hurried to refine the crystal core of the blood-sucking vine.

Five days later, Axue opened her eyes and felt that her cultivation had improved a lot. She believed that she would soon be able to break through the late stage of foundation building.

Axue turned her head to look at the bloodthirsty demon vine on the side. Seeing that it was rooted motionlessly beside the spiritual spring to refine the crystal core, Axue smiled and looked down at the spiritual spring, no, it should be said that it is now a spiritual lake.

As Axue's cultivation increased, and the soil of rest was added, the space became larger and larger, and more and more empty.

In the entire space, except for Xiaoyao and Huoxuan, there were only the spiritual plants beside the spiritual lake.

It seemed that catching the monster beast was imminent.

After looking at the space, Axue flashed out of the space, put away the array plate and flew towards Youzhou City with the sword.

Two days later, in Youzhou City, Axue found the Du Family Inn.

A waiter came up to greet her warmly,"Fairy, do you want to eat or stay at the hotel?"

Ah Xue said coldly,"Stay at the hotel, find someone"

""Axue!" An excited voice came from upstairs.

Axue looked up and saw Meng Yue running down the stairs,"Axue, you're finally here."

Hearing the voice, Dansheng also walked out of the room and followed her downstairs.

Axue saw that both of them were safe and sound, and her expression relaxed. She nodded and asked with a smile,"Are you guys okay?"

Meng Yue said happily,"Yes, everything went well."

Dansheng looked at Axue and asked with a slightly ruffian look in his eyes,"Little master, were you injured along the way?"


"Ah Xue is tired from the journey, let's go upstairs first."

Meng Yue took Ah Xue upstairs and opened a room,"Ah Xue, this is for you."

"OK, thank you!"

After the three of them walked in and sat down, Dansheng looked at Axue, and looked her up and down again,"Are you really not injured?"

Axue shook her head,"No."

Then he said,"I have the talisman and magic weapon given by my senior brother, I'm fine."

Meng Yue asked worriedly,"Axue, will there be any more assassinations in the future?"


"Moreover, the cultivation level of the people who come here will be higher each time."

"What should I do then?"

"I can't be on guard every day, can I?" Ah Xue chuckled,"What's wrong with that? Just treat it as a kind of experience. It's a good thing that someone is eager to fight with me."

"As long as I'm the last one alive, that's fine."


Meng Yue looked at the dazzling little girl in front of him, wondering, 'Is that so? '

But she felt that what Axue said seemed to make sense.

Dansheng didn't say anything else. He had been displaced since he could remember. He had met all kinds of people and seen all kinds of darkness.

Part of the reason he was able to survive was that he was smart enough, and part of the reason was that the man deliberately wanted to torture him, wanting him to be unable to live or to die.

At the bottom of this world, he had experienced all the despair, helplessness, and fear.

Therefore, he understood Axue's meaning very well.

Either the enemy dies or you die. In order to survive, you have to become stronger.

At this time, Dansheng had a hope in his heart, a slim hope, but as long as there is a glimmer of hope, it is all hope, isn't it?

Axue looked at Dansheng and silently gestured to Meng Yue. The two of them waited quietly for Dansheng.

After a while, Dansheng seemed to have figured it out. The whole person looked as if there was a ray of sunshine shining on him, bright and not sad.

Axue smiled knowingly,"Don't worry, as long as it is poison, there will be a nemesis."

"Medicine King Valley may have a way, but it may not be possible to go there directly. If you have a chance, you can try it."

In his previous life, he was cured of the poison by the master of Medicine King Valley, but Ah Xue didn't know how.

"Medicine King Valley?"


"You can search for it yourself, or go directly to Yaowang Valley."

"You can also wait for the big competition of the major sects in two years and go to Jianfeng to find"

"At that time, the master of Yaowang Valley should go"


Dansheng stood up, clenched his fist, bowed to Axue, and said,"Dansheng would like to thank the young master here."

Axue shook her head,"Sit down."

She looked at the two of them again,"I'm going to go home tomorrow.���Look, what are your plans?"

Meng Yue looked at Axue with a smile,"Is it convenient for us to visit?"

Axue laughed softly,"It's not inconvenient. My family lives in Liujia Village. Those who stay there are mortals. Those who have cultivation have gone to Xuantian Sect or joined Youzhou City."

"If you don't mind, then let's go together."

Seeing that Axue agreed, Meng Yue said happily,"How could I mind?"

"So Axue is a disciple of Xuantian Sect, sorry for the disrespect."

Meng Yue said, and clasped her hands together and saluted playfully.

Axue smiled slightly,"Yes, I was a new disciple recruited when Xuantian Sect came here to recruit disciples six years ago."

Meng Yue widened her eyes in surprise,"So, you came home to visit your family after building your foundation?"

Axue nodded.

Meng Yue felt a little doubtful about her life. Axue is now more than eleven years old. Six years ago, she was more than five years old. She started to test her spiritual roots and practice at the age of five, and she built her foundation in six years.

Meng Yue calculated and exclaimed,"I don't know if you are a genius or all the disciples of Xuantian Sect are geniuses. This cultivation speed is too fast!"

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