The village chief standing nearby was also irritated, and looked at Axue kindly and said,"Yes, your father always says this to everyone he meets every day, 'My daughter is a little fairy master.’"

After saying that, he looked at Axue's father and said,"Tiesheng, take the child home quickly. Look, there are two friends behind us. Don't leave them out in the cold.""

"Hey! Good"

"The village chief is right."

Liu Tiesheng then remembered the two children who came back with Axue, and hurried to Meng Yue and Dansheng,"It's my fault. I was so excited that I ignored the two little friends. Please forgive me."

Meng Yue waved her hand and smiled,"No, no."

"Uncle Liu, you can just call me Meng Yue, his name is Dan Sheng."

After introducing herself and Dan Sheng, Meng Yue continued,"Uncle Liu hasn't seen Axue for many years. This is human nature, and you don't have to be polite, Uncle Liu."

Liu Tiesheng smiled honestly, looking at the little girl in front of him who was the same age as his daughter, and couldn't help but feel more pity,"Okay, Meng Yue, Dan Sheng, welcome to Liujia Village���

Dansheng also stepped forward and said uncomfortably,"Uncle Liu, please don't mind us bothering you."

Liu Tiesheng looked at the two polite and well-behaved children and liked them from the bottom of his heart,"We are very welcome to have you here, how could you think we are bothering you?"

"Let's go home."

Meng Yue smiled happily and nodded at him,"Okay." She turned to look at Dan Sheng behind her, gave him a naughty face, and motioned him to follow.

Dan Sheng's originally awkward mood was instantly cured by this naughty face. He put on that naughty smile on his face and followed Meng Yuesheng.

Axue walked up to A Da's parents,"Uncle, aunt"

"Ada brought you some things, I will send them to you tomorrow."

Ada's father Liu Tiezhu's eyes lit up instantly and asked happily,"Really?"

Axue smiled and nodded to him

"Good, good, good boy."

Ada's mother Liu Wang asked worriedly,"Is Ada okay?"

Axue looked at her with a comforting smile on her face,"Ada is very good and works very hard, but he hasn't built his foundation yet, so he can't go home to visit his family."

"He asked me to tell you that he will come back to see you after he builds his foundation, so you don't have to worry."

"In the sect, Ah Da also made many friends and fellow apprentices, and the relationships were very good."

Liu Wangshi listened to Ah Xue's words quietly, and then she shed tears and whispered,"That's good, that's good…………"

The three children who were older or younger than Axue hid behind Liu Wangshi in fear, secretly looking at Axue.

Axue showed them a kind smile, and the girl who was older than Axue finally looked at Axue boldly,"Is my brother very powerful?"

Axue smiled and nodded to her affirmatively,"Yes, he is very powerful."

"Can he fly in the sky?"

Ah Xue nodded again,"Yes, he can fly very high and very fast."

When the three children heard Ah Xue's affirmative answer, their eyes immediately lit up, just like the stars in the night, shining brightly and dazzlingly.

"Great! When big brother comes back, he can take us to the sky."

"I want him to take me to the county seat."

"I want it too. I want it too."

"I'm going to catch the clouds. They must be soft and comfortable."

"I want one, too."

The youngest little boy followed behind his two sisters and said happily that he wanted one too.

Liu Tiezhu looked at his three noisy children and looked at Axue embarrassedly,"Good child, go home with your parents, they are waiting."

Axue nodded,"Okay, bye, uncle.""

"Hey! Good."

Liu Tiesheng looked at Liu Tiezhu and said comfortingly,"Brother Tiezhu, don't worry, Xiao Axue said it's okay, then it must be okay."

The village chief also comforted,"Tiezhu, relax, the child is better outside than in the village, and has a bright future."


"Tiezhu's family, you should stop crying."

"Tiezhu's wife is crying with joy"


"Ah Xue, please go back soon."

"Goodbye, uncles, aunts."

"Hey! Goodbye"

"What a good kid."

"Who said it wasn't?"

"It's a pity that our children don't have spiritual roots."

"There will be fewer and fewer of them. Those who stay here are getting worse and worse, and there will be fewer and fewer people with spiritual roots."

Axue brought Dansheng and Mengyue back home with her parents, and saw a group of craftsmen who had already started working next to their courtyard.

A manager saw Axue and his group coming back, and hurried over and said,"Little Immortal Master, it may take a few days. In order for you to have a place to live temporarily, we discussed with your father and the village chief, and finally decided to build a courtyard next to it."

"After the new one is built, we can tear down the old one."

Axue nodded,"Okay, thank you for your hard work."

"It's not hard, it's not hard. It's our honor to work for the little fairy master. We are so happy."

After saying that, he turned around and looked at the people behind him and asked,"Don't you think so?"


The people who were working stopped what they were doing and stood there and said happily

"The fairy master is really awesome"

"Yes, he has achieved success in cultivation at such a young age and can now go home to visit his family."

"I also heard from a relative in Youzhou City that in large sects, people can only go home to visit their relatives after they have established their foundation."

"Yes, with Xuantian Sect as our backing, we can naturally enter the largest sect."

"Xuantian Sect, that's where the immortals live. I heard that everyone there can become an immortal or a god."


Becoming an immortal or a god seems to be like this, but the people living in Xuantian Sect are not immortals or gods, but ordinary cultivators.

When Liu Tiesheng heard someone praising Ah Xue, he was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth."Don't stand there, the food has been prepared long ago, let's go in and eat.""

"Well, OK."

After Ah Xue responded, she turned to look at Meng Yue and Dan Sheng, smiled slightly, and extended her hand to invite them in."Two distinguished guests, please come in."

Dan Sheng paused, then turned to look at Ah Xue with a playful smile,"Young master, please come in first.""

"Phew, hahahaha…………"

Meng Yue couldn't help laughing when she saw the interaction between the two. She held Liu Li's arm and said,"Aunt, let's go. We should go first."

Then she walked in with Liu Li.

Ah Xue also followed Meng Yue's example and held Liu Tiesheng's arm and said,"Daddy, let's go."

Dan Sheng at the back felt his heart go cold and there was a chill in the autumn wind behind him.

Suddenly, a petite figure flashed out of the door and Meng Yue pulled the person in.

Ah Xue shook her head and looked at Dan Sheng,"It's really unbearable to watch."

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