At this time, a woman in her thirties walked out of the room. Seeing Axue and the other two coming back, she hurriedly stepped forward and said respectfully,"The master is back, and the food is ready."

Axue smiled and nodded to her,"Thank you for your hard work."

The servant who was bought back happened to be a middle-aged couple. They had a son, and their child happened to have spiritual roots.

After the child grew up and was able to practice, the couple asked someone to send him to a small family in Youzhou City to practice. After going to Youzhou City, he never came back and his whereabouts disappeared. After the pain of losing their son, the two lived a lonely and helpless life, so they had been looking for work outside until they were bought back by Axue.

Liu Li took Axue with one hand and Meng Yue with the other, and said gently,"Come on, let's go in and have dinner together"



Axue and the others walked into the room and saw a large table filled with home-cooked dishes, including meat, vegetables, cold and hot dishes, soup, and white rice.

Axue and Mengyue were fine, but Dansheng couldn't stop drooling at the delicious food. He hadn't seen food for a long time, so long that he almost forgot what it tasted like.

Liu Li invited the two to sit down and said affectionately,"You must be tired after traveling all the way. Sit down and eat, and then go to rest after you finish eating."

Mengyue said gratefully,"Well, thank you."

"Uncle Liu, Auntie, you guys take a seat too."

Liu Li said happily,"Hey!"

"Sit down, let's all sit together."

Several people sat down one after another.

Liu Tiesheng happily took out a jar of wine and poured a glass for each person,"Today Ah Xue is back, and there are two young friends. It's a big happy event. Let's all have a drink together."

Meng Yue smiled and responded,"Okay."

Dansheng also quickly picked up his glass,"Thank you, Uncle Liu."

Axue looked at the four people laughing happily at the table, her heart warmed, she picked up her wine glass and clinked glasses with them.

After the meal, both the host and the guests were happy. After the meal, Axue walked out of the room and slowly walked around the yard. When she walked to the kitchen door, she saw two large water tanks at the door were full of water. Axue had an idea and took out two drops of Linghu water from the space and put them in the water tank.

As the space is upgraded, the spiritual power implied in this Linghu water is increasing. Mortals without cultivation should not have too much, one drop in a tank is enough.

Meng Yue and Dan Sheng on the side sat under the eaves, watching the busy craftsmen next door and the sound of washing dishes coming from the kitchen.

Meng Yue showed a confused and envious expression on her face,"Is this home?"

Dan Sheng shook his head,"I don't know."

It should be, home…………

What a luxurious word that is, we don't deserve it.

"Meng Yue, there are not many rooms at home, can you and Axue share one room?"

Liu Li came over and asked Meng Yue uncertainly.

Meng Yue quickly stood up and said with a smile,"Aunt, it's okay, don't worry, we can just do whatever we want."

Liu Li looked at such a sensible child with relief,"Hey! Good!""

"Then Dansheng, you can sleep in the north room, it's just a little small."

Dansheng said with a smile,"It's okay, I have a place to stay."

Liu Li nodded gently,"Okay."

"You guys can go and have a rest then. I have cleaned up the room."

"Well, OK."

Meng Yue nodded quickly and said gratefully,"Thank you, auntie, for your trouble."

Ah Xue walked around outside and added spiritual spring water to the water source in the village before returning to the room. As soon as she entered the room, she saw Meng Yue sitting in the room waiting for her. Ah Xue said apologetically,"The house at home is not big enough. When the new house is built, it will be more spacious."

"So I have to let you two suffer for a while."

Meng Yue quickly shook her head after hearing what Ah Xue said, and said with a smile,"Look at what you said, the place I live in Qingyou City is much worse than here, and you are still afraid that I will suffer."

At this point, Meng Yue sighed,"I! I came here to enjoy life."

"Here I don't have to work every day, do housework, or rush out to earn spirit stones at dawn."

Axue thought of Meng Yue's family and comforted her,"It will be better in the future."

Meng Yue nodded,"Yeah, that's right"

"It will get better day by day."

"Ah Xue, let's practice quickly."

Only when you become strong can you get better, just like Ah Xue, so practice is the right thing to do.


"Neither of them slept, and both took out their cushions to meditate and practice."

In the morning, the rooster in the yard crowed, followed by the crisp chirping of birds, the sound of people getting up, washing, opening doors, talking, and the chirping of some unknown insect.…………

Everything was so pleasant, cozy and beautiful.

Axue and Meng Yue opened their eyes at the same time, smiled at each other, and performed a Dust-Removing Technique on themselves at the same time, tidied their clothes and hair, and walked out of the room.

The sun was rising, and the air was fragrant. Dan Sheng was waiting outside with a smile, and there were also the craftsmen who were busy building next door.

Meng Yue was moved,"It's so beautiful!"

Dan Sheng approached Meng Yue and asked teasingly,"Oh? Is it the beauty of the person or what else is beautiful?"

Meng Yue shook her head,"It's the kind of mood…………"

"I like it here."

Dansheng lowered his head and laughed,"I thought Yue girl said I was beautiful"


Meng Yue rolled her eyes,"Come on, I've seen the world, and you're just average looking."

Dan Sheng moved closer to Meng Yue and asked with his head down,"Is it really average?"

Meng Yue stepped back, her tone tougher,"How could it not be true?"

Dan Sheng looked at Meng Yue's bluffing, and the smile on his face deepened,"Then why are you dodging?"

Meng Yue glared at him angrily,"There are differences between men and women."

Dan Sheng chuckled,"You, a little girl, still think there are differences between men and women. Will you grow up?"

Meng Yue nodded seriously,"I haven't grown up yet, so don't tease me."

"Even if you're teasing me, I'll doubt you…………"When Meng Yue said this, she looked at Dan Sheng with a strange look in her eyes.

"Yue girl, what are you thinking? Is your brother Dan that kind of person?"

"You can know a person's face but not his heart"


Ah Xue, who had already walked far away, listened to the two people's playful conversation, with a smile on her face. She shook her head and murmured,"What a pair of funny people."

After leaving the house, Ah Xue followed the path in her memory and walked towards Ah's house.

Various crops, vegetables, and fruits were planted on both sides of the country road.

This is under the jurisdiction of Xuantian Sect. Even though it is a small mountain village, it is not barren. The land is fertile, and there is a trace of spiritual energy in the air. Some crops are low-level spiritual plants, which are specially supplied to the city of cultivation.

The crops in the fields are also growing very well. As long as you are willing to work hard, you will never starve to death.

The people here are very hardworking and kind. There is no intrigue and right and wrong like those big families in the city of cultivation.

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