Ah Xue walked to the door of a courtyard and knocked twice.

With a creak, the door opened from the inside, and a girl younger than Ah Xue poked her head out from the door,"Sister Ah Xue!"

"Dad, Mom, Sister Axue is here."

Liu Tiezhu in the yard heard his little daughter's shout and came out excitedly,"Axue!"


"Come in"


Ah Xue followed Liu Tiezhu into the yard.

Liu Wangshi and the two children in the house heard the sound and came out,"Ah Xue is here!""

"Come in, let's talk inside."


Several people walked into a small living room. Liu Tiezhu invited Ah Xue to sit down, and Liu Wangshi brought Ah Xue several plates of cakes and fruits.

"Ah Xue, these are fruits grown at home, they are very sweet"

"Come and try it"

"Thank you, auntie," Ah Xue said as she took a small fruit from the plate and took a bite.

"Mm, it's very sweet."

He took out a few more and gave them to the three children standing in the distance, smiling and saying,"Come, let's eat together."

After yesterday's questioning,���The people were already familiar with Axue. Seeing Axue giving them fruit, they quickly reached out to take it and said,"Thank you, Sister Axue.""

"Thank you, Axue."

After eating the fruit in her hand, Axue looked at the others with a smile and took out a stack of banknotes from the space."Uncle, this is what Brother A gave you."

"What my elder brother gave me are silver ingots. I was afraid you wouldn't be able to keep them properly, so I privately exchanged them for silver notes in the county town."

Ah Xue took out the gifts and some clothes she had bought,"And these things are also what my elder brother asked me to bring to you."

Liu Tiezhu looked at the silver notes and the things on the table that suddenly appeared in front of him, and his eyes were red."Axue, these things were all bought by you, right? I'll return the money to you."

Ah Xue smiled slightly,"Uncle, these are not worth much silver."

"And it was also my eldest brother who told me to do so."

Liu Tiezhu sighed and said,"I know my own child. He is a carefree and silly boy. I never thought of these things."

"He will definitely think that as long as I have money, I can buy whatever I want myself."


It is true that no one knows a son better than his father!

Ah Xue said helplessly,"Uncle, just keep it with peace of mind. Just think of it as my filial piety to you and aunt."

"And it's not just you who have it, everyone in the village has it, I'll send it to the village chief's house in a while." At this point, Ah Xue was afraid that he would refuse again, so she continued,"Okay, uncle, you guys go ahead, I'll go to the village chief's house now."

After saying that, Ah Xue got up and left, as if there was a wild wolf chasing her. Ah Xue breathed a sigh of relief when she walked out of the door. She was really not suitable for doing such sentimental things.

Ah Xue smiled and shook her head and walked towards the village chief's house again. After entering the yard of the village chief's house, Ah Xue shouted into the house,"Is the village chief at home?"

The village chief came out of the room and shouted enthusiastically,"Ah Xue!"

Then he quickly welcomed her into the house,"Come on, come in."

Ah Xue smiled and nodded,"Okay."

After the two entered the house, the village chief's daughter-in-law also brought them fruits and added a pot of tea.

The village chief looked at Ah Xue in front of him and couldn't help but praise her, saying,"What a great guy, amazing!"

"You have already learned a lot at such a young age. You are a capable little girl."

Axue smiled and shook her head,"Grandpa Village Chief, please forgive me. Axue's talent is average. I can come back so early, all thanks to the care of the master."

The village chief nodded,"You are right, you are grateful and repay the kindness, you are a good child"

"What's the matter today?"

"There is one thing I would like to ask you for help."

"Just tell me whether you want to help or not."

Ah Xue nodded and took out some things from her space ring, which almost filled up the whole room.


The village chief looked at the thing that suddenly appeared in his house in surprise.

""Grandpa Village Chief, these are some gifts for the villagers. They are daily necessities. Please help me call everyone to share them."

The village chief slowly turned his head and looked at Axue,"This? Are they all for the villagers?"

Axue nodded.

Seeing Axue nodding with a smile on her face, the village chief was moved and said,"Child, Grandpa Village Chief thanks you for your kindness on behalf of the villagers."

"You are too polite."

Axue saw that the purpose of this trip had been achieved, and said with a smile,"It won't be long, Axue will be back soon, I will trouble you to take care of this matter."

"it's okay no problem"

"Axue says goodbye"

"Hey! Good."

After coming out of the village head's house, Ah Xue walked back home slowly. On the way, she met many pedestrians who greeted Ah Xue enthusiastically. Ah Xue greeted them one by one.

When she walked into the house, she saw Liu Li sitting in the yard.


"Hey, my good girl is back"

"Well, they are here."

Liu Li pointed to the next door and said,"Look, they are helping over there. As expected of a cultivator, this little girl Meng Yue can do the work of ten people."

Ah Xue looked at Meng Yue, who was busy and having fun in the crowd, with a smile in her eyes.

Ah Xue sat next to Liu Li and turned to look at her,"Mom, there is something I want to ask you."

Liu Li looked at Ah Xue tenderly and stretched out her hand to help her tidy up the hair around her ears,"What is it?"

"Mother, are there any great people among our ancestors?"



"There's none?"

"Is there anyone special?"

Liu Li was not sure for a moment, and asked carefully,"My dear girl, I don't know how to answer your question, because I don't know who our ancestors are. Why don't you just tell me the reason?"

Ah Xue nodded,"Mother, it's like this. In the past few years, I found that my���The pulse seems very strong, so I came to ask. If you really don’t know, then forget it."

Liu Li's face suddenly changed, her expression was a little complicated and sad.

Axue looked at Liu Li's face and asked with concern,"Mom, what's wrong with you?"


Liu Li hesitated, with a complicated look and a strong reluctance in her eyes. After a long while, she seemed to have made up her mind and looked up at Ah Xue.

""Mom, Axue has grown up. Since you asked, your father and I should fulfill our promise."

Then she stood up slowly with her hands on the ground,"Come with me."

Axue was a little anxious,"Mom, what happened?"

Liu Li walked slowly towards the room,"You will know everything in a while."

Axue had no choice but to follow Liu Li into the room. Liu Li took a shovel, walked to the head of the bed, dug up the wall, and took out a wooden box from it.

Looking at the box in her hand, Liu Li looked sad, tears streaming down her face. She slowly turned around and looked at Axue, crying,"Axue, you have to leave eventually."

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