Ah Xue was shocked,"Mother?"

Mrs. Liu Li cried so hard that she couldn't speak. After a while, she calmed down and said,"Be good, come and sit down and listen to mother."

Ah Xue felt uneasy and had a bad premonition."Okay."

Mrs. Liu Li sat down on the bed and recalled Ah Xue's childhood while saying,"Ah Xue, you are not the daughter of me and your father."

"What?"Axue stood up in shock when she heard her mother's words and looked at her mother in disbelief.

"Mom, what are you talking about?"

"How could I not be your and daddy's daughter?"

Liu Li stretched out her hand to comfort her and pulled her to sit down,"Be good, sit down and listen to me slowly."

"Back then, your father and I rescued a girl in the mountains. That girl looked like a fairy from heaven.

Thinking of the appearance of Axue's biological mother, Liu Li's eyes sparkled with amazement.

"No, she should be more beautiful than the fairies in the sky."

"The girl stayed at home for a month, and left alone after her injury healed."

"After she left, my mother found out she was pregnant. Unfortunately, she was unlucky. She was over 40 years old before she had a child, but the child died when she was born."

"Just one month after your child died, your mother suddenly appeared at home, holding you, who was only six months old."

"Your mother said she wanted to leave here, but she couldn't take you with her, so she asked us to adopt you."

"I had just lost my own child at that time, and I liked you the first time I saw you, and naturally I treated you as my own child."

"Your mother gave you a jade token before she left. This is it."

"She said if you don't ask in this life, then I won't give it to you and let you be an ordinary person."

"If one day you ask, it means you already know your differences, then you should work hard to cultivate yourself to become stronger, and then we will give you the jade pendant, and you will know everything."


Ah Xue hugged Liu Li tightly, feeling extremely sad, as if someone had cut her heart with a knife,"How could I not be your child?"

"Mother, you are lying to me, right? This can't be true."

"Mom, you lied to me, didn't you?"

""Little Axue will always be our child."

A hoarse voice suddenly came from the door. Liu Tiesheng stood at the door with red eyes, looking at the two people crying beside the bed.

Axue heard her father's voice and turned back sadly and shouted,"Daddy,………"

Liu Tiesheng took heavy steps and walked up to the mother and daughter,"Xiao Axue, no matter if we are related by blood or not, you are our daughter, right?"


"Okay, stop crying."

"Daddy has raised you for five years. Just because we are not related by blood, do you not recognize me and your mother?"

Ah Xue shook her head quickly."No, no."

"You will always be my father and mother."

Hearing Axue's words, Liu Tiesheng showed a relieved smile on his face,"That's all, we will always be a family."

Axue nodded vigorously,"Yes."

Liu Li also stood up and said comfortingly,"Good girl, don't cry."

"Wipe your face and take a look at the jade pendant your biological mother gave you. What is it?"

Liu Li said, looking at the jade pendant."She is a very strong person. She kept you because she had no choice. So don't blame her. I can see that she really doesn't want to let you go."


"Go ahead"


"It's okay, go ahead."


Ah Xue walked out of the room with the jade pendant in her hand. She looked up at the dazzling sunlight and felt a little dizzy. She walked back to her room and sat on a chair, looking at the jade pendant in her hand with a dull expression.

"Why did things turn out like this?"

Parents of two lives are no longer biological in the blink of an eye.…………

Ah Xue felt lost and helpless. For a moment, she didn't understand who she was. She didn't know what she should do now.

This sudden blow was too violent and too unexpected. Now she didn't know how to deal with it. She just sat on the bench until late at night.

Outside, Liu Tiesheng and his wife, Meng Yue, and Dansheng had been waiting silently in the yard.

The sky gradually became dark, and countless stars appeared in the sky, and the moon slowly climbed out of the mountain.

With a creak, Ah Xue opened the door and walked out of the room. Looking at the four people who were anxiously waiting outside, Ah Xue's wandering and helpless heart suddenly seemed to have a place to go and settled down.

"Daddy, Mommy, I'm fine."

Liu Tiesheng nodded with tears in his eyes,"It's good that Xiao Axue can think it through."

"Just remember that you will always be my Liu Tiesheng's precious daughter."

Axue's face was filled with two lines of happy tears. These are her parents. They are always with her in this life and in the next.………

For all eternity

"Daddy, Mommy, thank you. You will always be my parents, forever and ever."


Liu Li finally couldn't help hugging Axue and burst into tears,"My good girl…………"

Ah Xue reached out and hugged her, crying and comforting her,"Don't cry, mother."

"Don't cry, mother…………"

After a long while, she finally comforted Mrs. Liu Li. Ah Xue looked at everyone and said,"Dad, Mom, I need to stay in seclusion for a few days."

Then she turned to look at Meng Yue and Dan Sheng and said,"Meng Yue, Dan Sheng, please help me look after the house these days."

Meng Yue nodded quickly and said,"Don't worry, I'm here to make sure everything is arranged properly."

Ah Xue smiled at her and took out a storage bag and handed it to Meng Yue."This is what we bought. Take it first. We can use it after the yard over there is built."

Meng Yue took the storage bag and smiled at Ah Xue and said seriously.

"Don't worry about retreating, I'll be there for you outside."

Axue nodded,"Thank you for your help."

Meng Yue smiled and shook her head,"Why is it a problem?"

"I feel very happy and relaxed here. These are the happiest two days I have had since my mother left."

Seeing that Meng Yue really liked this place, Ah Xue said with peace of mind,"You all go and have a rest. I will go into seclusion."

Liu Tiesheng and the others nodded and told her to rest assured and go into seclusion.

"Go ahead"

"Don't worry."

Ah Xue turned around with a relaxed smile on her face, and the whole person seemed to become more transparent. She walked into the room, took out the defense array, and flashed into the space.

Liu Tiesheng outside watched the door of the room close, then turned to look at Meng Yue,"I'm going to sleep in the village tonight, Meng Yue, I'll let you and your aunt stay together for a few days."

Meng Yue smiled and shook her head,"No, no."

She stepped forward and held Liu Li's arm,"Aunt, let's go, let's go and rest."

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