There was a loud explosion.………

Then there was the sound of a magic weapon being scrapped, and another defensive magic weapon also showed signs of breaking.

Wang Yanzhen was shocked and quickly used another defensive magic weapon to barely protect himself.

The disciples below looked at Wang Yanzhen who was in a panic, laughed, and talked about

"He actually competed with Jianfeng in explosion?"

"This is why there are so many magical treasures in Qifeng"

"Why can't a person in the late Nascent Soul stage defeat a person in the late Golden Core stage?"

"Jianfeng advocates practicing sword skills through fighting, which is not an ordinary golden elixir."

"As for Qifeng, they have been refining weapons for many years, so their attack power is not high. Although the attack power of fire spirit power is high, you can see that the scimitar of Master Wang Feng, the sword technique he swung was only spiritual power. It can be imagined that he did not comprehend much about sword technique, and it was even worse than spells."

The disciples under the ring were commenting on it. Ye Chenxi on the ring quickly closed the distance between him and Wang Yanzhen, and the two of them were fighting in close combat.

The figures of the two flashed quickly, and the Qi-refining disciples and foundation-building disciples under the stage could only see a residual image.

Then a scream came, and Wang Yanzhen vomited blood, with a thunder sword stuck in his shoulder.

This sword did not give Wang Yanzhen a simple wound, but it was accompanied by thunder and lightning.

The thunder spirit power in the thunder sword entered Wang Yanzhen's body through the wound, destroying his meridians ragingly and going straight to his dantian.

Wang Yanzhen was shocked and quickly mobilized all his spiritual power to resist.

Ye Chenxi had a lot of knife wounds on his body at this time, but he didn't care at all. His voice seemed to come from the depths of the Nine Netherworld,"I, the disciples of Jianfeng, don't cause trouble, but I'm not afraid of it."

Wang Yanzhen raised his head with difficulty, his face twisted in pain,"You!"

Ye Chenxi's eyes were filled with anger, like a knife stabbing at Wang Yanzhen,"Take care of yourself, this is not over yet."

Zhou Liujiang saw that it was almost done, and walked onto the stage,"Ye Chenxi of Jianfeng wins."

The formation on the stage was opened, and Lin Yun and An Zifeng hurried onto the stage.

Ye Chenxi saw that Wang Yanzhen's meridians were almost destroyed, and it would be difficult to heal even if he was given time to close himself for decades, so he drew his sword and let him go. When the Thunder Sword was drawn out, Wang Yanzhen was pulled by the force and knelt on the ground with his left leg.

Lin Yun held Wang Yanzhen,"Master."

Wang Yanzhen endured the pain in his meridians and spit out a word,"Let's go."

Lin Yun nodded,"Okay."

Ye Chenxi turned his cold eyes to Mu Wanqing

"Uncle Mu, please."

Mu Wanqing walked up to the ring with a dark face,"Do you really want to make things difficult for my Yaofeng?"

Ye Chenxi was unmoved,"I didn't before, but now I really do."

Mu Wanqing's face became even darker,"My Yaofeng disciples are still imprisoned in the Cliff of Repentance, what else do you want?"

Ye Chenxi turned the Thunder Sword in his hand,"He is imprisoned, but his heart is not at peace at all"

"Uncle Mu, please make a move."


Mu Wanqing is an alchemy practitioner, and her only attack is fire magic plus poison.

Mu Wanqing formed a spell with her hands, and a large fire circle quickly surrounded Ye Chenxi.

Looking at Ye Chenxi in the fire circle, Mu Wanqing raised the corner of her mouth with a faint smile,"Yes.""

With a command, the fire circle capped, completely surrounding Ye Chenxi, and was still shrinking.

Ye Chenxi felt the high temperature around him, snorted coldly, held the Thunder Sword with both hands and slashed forward angrily.

Such a simple slash, but it carried the terrifying power of thunder and powerful destructive power.

With a slash of the sword, a crack was directly split in the fire cover that wrapped him. Ye Chenxi leaped out with the sword in his hand, swinging the Thunder Sword in his hand continuously, one move after another. The best way to fight against Fa Xiu is to beat her so that she has no time to attack, and then close the distance to attack.

Mu Wanqing released fire spells while retreating to try to increase the distance between the two.

The two people on the stage were fighting lively, and the audience below were watching lively.

The two formed a chase and hide style at this time. Fighting style.

Mu Wanqing was finding it more and more difficult to fight. She was so focused on refining pills that she didn't have much experience in fighting. Ye Chenxi was just the opposite. Every sword technique of Jian Feng was learned from battles. After being honed in battles of all sizes, it became even sharper and more powerful.

As a last resort, a pill appeared in Mu Wanqing's hand.

Ye Chenxi's eyes were cold. He snorted coldly and slashed two swords behind Mu Wanqing, forcing Mu Wanqing to stop.

With Wang Yanzhen's lesson, Mu Wanqing didn't dare to confront Ye Chenxi head-on. Ye Chenxi flashed and appeared beside Mu Wanqing. It was too late for Mu Wanqing to dodge. Ye Chenxi made a feint with his right hand and reached out with his left hand to grab the pill from Mu Wanqing's hand. When he was retracting the hilt of the sword, he hit Mu Wanqing's shoulder violently.


The pain from her shoulder made Mu Wanqing cry out.

Ye Chenxi took this opportunity to give Mu Wanqing a pill, but not one, but two.

Mu Wanqing felt something strange in her throat and asked angrily,"You!"

"What did you give me to eat?"

Ye Chenxi asked in a cold voice,"Don't you know your own food?"

"Uncle Mu, have you forgotten where I come from and are plotting against me?………"

Mu Wanqing's face turned pale, and she also remembered Ye Chenxi's birth.

Ye Chenxi came from the royal family of Fenglin Kingdom in the secular world.

The Fenglin royal family was in chaos, the queen was in power, and the eldest prince Feng Chenxi overthrew the Feng family, recommended loyal ministers to the throne, and he himself withdrew from the imperial city.

Mu Xiuhan, who was traveling outside, happened to be in the secular world.

They met by chance and found that he turned out to be a rare heavenly thunder spirit root, and his deeds were also spread throughout the secular world.

He was upright and had commendable character, so he simply brought him back to the cultivation world and worshipped Han Lingxiao as his master.

He was already twenty years old when he became his disciple.

In just a few decades, Ye Chenxi had already cultivated to the late stage of Jindan.

The people of Jianfeng are really against the sky.


Thinking of this, Mu Wanqing lowered her head dejectedly,"I admit defeat."

Zhou Liujiang heard Mu Wanqing's voice of admitting defeat, shook his head and walked onto the stage,"Jianfeng Ye Chenxi wins."

Mu Wanqing suppressed the anger in her heart and walked down the stage step by step.

Ye Chenxi finally turned his gaze to Leng Han.

Leng Han sighed, looking at Ye Chenxi on the stage with a complicated mind, 'I can neither fight nor lose, it's really hard for me. 'If I hurt this guy, I can't handle Jianfeng's anger, and if I lose, I can't afford to lose that person.

It's really a dilemma.

"I give up."

Leng Han gave up directly without any expression on his face.

"It was my fault for not educating my disciples strictly. I have already sent my evil disciple to the Cliff of Repentance. When your master comes out of seclusion, I will personally go to Jianfeng to make amends."

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