Ye Chenxi nodded.

At this time, Jun Xie appeared in the audience,"Big Brother."

Ye Chenxi turned his head to look at him, and Jun Xie walked to the front of the ring.

"Senior Brother, the disciples of Jianfeng sent a message. There are rumors from the Loose Cultivator Alliance that the disciples of Xuantian Sect Jianfeng behaved improperly, provoked powerful people, and caused the destruction of their village."

Ye Chenxi laughed softly after hearing this,"Hehe………"


Then his eyes became fierce and ruthless,"You really don't know how to live or die."

"Send a message to all the registered disciples of Jianfeng, and ask them to spread the news in Xuantian Continent"

"My disciples at Jianfeng really offended the strong, which led to sniping and killing along the way, and even a mortal village was massacred."

"This is my fault. I thought a righteous cultivator would have his own bottom line, so I was not prepared. I didn't expect them to attack innocent mortals. I overestimated the bottom line of human nature."

"Since you were implicated by my disciples of Jianfeng, I will definitely avenge you."

"If you, the cultivators outside Liujia Village, want to know the murderer, Jianfeng will provide evidence. If you want to blame my disciples, I will take over."

"Yes, I'll do it right away."

Ye Chenxi looked at Mu Wanqing coldly as she walked out,"You want to plot a conspiracy, then I'll make it an open conspiracy."

The disciples below were in an uproar after hearing this.


"They actually massacred an entire mortal village!"

"Isn't it clearly stated in the world of cultivation that cultivators cannot attack mortals at will?"

"Yes, Xuantian Continent has the laws of heaven. If a cultivator attacks a mortal, he will definitely fail the thunder tribulation."

"It seems that Senior Brother Jianfeng has a reason for challenging the three peak masters."

"Do you remember the end of the secret realm three years ago?"

"You mean……………"

"This is Xuantian Sect……………"

"Who said it wasn’t!"


The disciples below were talking about it.

Mu Wanqing was unsure, thinking about the future.…………

Mu Wanqing felt some tingling in her meridians, and she quickly looked inside to find that the toxins had corroded her meridians, gradually thickening and clogging them."Despicable!"

Ye Chenxi asked in a puzzled voice,"Despicable?"


"Uncle Mu’s own poison, don’t you have the antidote?"

"You!" Mu Wanqing angrily swung her sleeves and left.

Having achieved his goal, Ye Chenxi turned around and walked down the stage.

Xiao Hanshan, who was fighting next to him, walked up to him and asked with concern,"Are you okay?"

Ye Chenxi shook his head,"Junior sister is still unconscious, she will go first."

Xiao Hanshan nodded quickly,"Okay, go quickly, don't worry, the sect will not sit idly by."

Ye Chenxi nodded and disappeared.

Nangong Qingyun looked at the place where Ye Chenxi disappeared,"Tsk.…………"

"This is the senior brother!"

Xiao Hanshan slowly turned his head and looked at Nangong Qingyun,"Are you envious?"

Nangong Qingyun nodded.

"Want it?"

Nangong Qingyun nodded.

Xiao Hanshan looked at his junior brother with disdain,"It's a pity that people don't think highly of you, a twenty-year-old in the late stage of foundation building."

Nangong Qingyun said unconvinced,"What's wrong with twenty years old? Senior Brother Ye started practicing at the age of twenty."

Xiao Hanshan sighed,"Yes, he started practicing at the age of twenty!"

"Let's go back too."

Not only the disciples were watching this challenge, but also the elders, the sect master, and the two supreme elders.

Xuan Zhen sighed as he watched the disciples' discussions below.

Xuan Ling's face was grim,"Investigate the massacre of the village and kill them directly."

"It is absurd that the Xuantian Sect, the upright cultivators of Xuantian Continent, actually did such a shameful thing."

For a moment, the anger and pressure of the cultivator who was crossing the tribulation shocked the elders below, causing internal injuries and a layer of cold sweat on their foreheads.

Yu Huachen and Nangong Han quickly responded,"Yes."

Xuan Zhen said disappointedly,"This incident has a huge impact, and it should also involve the families below.………"

Xuan Ling's face was cold,"We can't fight back, so we will refuse to accept their disciples in the future. My Xuantian Sect dare not accept such disciples."

"It seems that Xuantian Sect needs to be cleaned up internally.

Nangong Han quickly responded,"Yes"

"If you have nothing to do in the Law Enforcement Hall, please go around more often. Don't let your reputation fall."

""Yes," Yu Huachen gritted his teeth.

Then Nangong Han and Yu Huachen took charge in person and investigated the massacre of the village.

A month later, the Wang family of Tianling City was driven out of Tianling City, and the head of the Qifeng Peak of Xuantian Sect was executed in public as a warning to others.

The Li family of Youzhou City received a warning and sent away the Li family disciples recruited this time, including Li Qian from the Confinement Cliff.

Jiang Feng of Lin County was killed.

In the hall of Jianfeng, Ye Chenxi reached out to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Jun Xie followed closely,"Senior Brother."

Ye Chenxi shook his head,"It's okay, the injury is not serious."

"Don't tell them"


"Big Brother, please go and regulate your breathing."


"Keep an eye on them, I'll be fine soon."

"Okay, don't worry, big brother."


Ye Chenxi responded and disappeared. Jun Xie looked at the drop of blood on the ground, his eyes dark enough to swallow everything, and a wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth,"Wang Yanzhen, Mu Wanqing…………"

The next day, news came from Xuantian Sect that the masters of Qifeng Peak and Yaofeng Peak announced that they would go into seclusion after returning, ignoring external affairs, and all affairs within the peak would be handled by the eldest disciple.

There was also a more detailed news that the young disciple of Jianfeng was plotted against in the secret realm and almost died in it. After the secret realm ended, the disciples of Yaofeng were punished, and the disciples of Qifeng were abolished and expelled.

Two years later, the disciples of Jianfeng successfully established their foundation and returned home to visit their families. Liujia Village was massacred. The disciples of Jianfeng fought desperately with the evil Jindan cultivators, and then saved the souls of the dead and fell into a coma. The eldest brother of Jianfeng challenged the three peak masters with the Jindan cultivation, and was injured and went into seclusion.

Ah Da, who had just returned from training in the outer gate square, heard the news as if struck by a bolt from the blue. His eyes instantly turned red, and he staggered and half-knelt on the ground.

His voice trembled, and a tear flowed from the corner of his eye, blurring his eyes.


"All dead……………"

Liang Yuanji and Shi Tie were also stunned and stood there, looking at the grief-stricken Liu Ada, not knowing how to comfort him. Slowly

, the disciples gathered around him. A few disciples who were familiar with Liu Ada and Ye Qiuqian approached Liu Ada and explained the whole story to the three of them.

Liang Yuanji and Shi Tie were filled with grief and indignation.


The cultivation world has always had a clear rule that innocent mortals should not be attacked at will.

But now someone has slaughtered an entire mortal village.

And they are colluding with evil cultivators.

Shi Tie said angrily,"Damn it, it's clearly their fault!""

"We just survived."

"Why don't you let her go?"

Yes, it's obviously their fault.

Our mistake was that we survived, but it's not our fault.

Yuan Liangji looked at the grief-stricken Liu Ada, his voice trembling a little, and he couldn't help but say with a little caution,"Liu Ada?"

"Do you blame her?"

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