Swallowing the lightning during the tribulation and tempering the body with it is a major feature of Jianfeng. Therefore, Jianfeng's disciples with thunder spirit roots are almost not afraid of the tribulation, but are looking forward to it.

Because swallowing a bit of lightning will give you an extra bit of lightning.

The lightning in the sky seemed to be furious, gathering and churning in the air, with lightning and thunder, just like a sea of thunder. Apart from lightning, there was no light in the sky above Leishan Mountain, and darkness stretched as far as the eye could see.

Han Lingxiao has already absorbed the power of lightning in his body, and his body has almost recovered.

He looked up at the lightning that had not yet struck, and waited quietly.

The elders outside Leishan Mountain also looked at the thunder in the sky in horror.

""Brother, why does this thunder feel wrong today?"

Xuan Zhen nodded,"This should be the thunder of divine punishment from heaven."

The elder behind him said in horror,"The thunder of divine punishment from heaven!"

"Shouldn't it be the divine thunder for overcoming tribulation?"

Another elder also asked curiously,"Really?"

Xuan Zhen looked at the sky,"There are many kinds of divine thunder, and the one we cultivators use to overcome tribulation is just one of them."

Xuan Ling secretly sent a message to Xuan Zhen,"Brother, Han Lingxiao is an upright person, he should not do anything to be punished by heaven, what is going on?"

Xuan Zhen secretly shook his head,"I don't know about this, some things are not what you did to be punished by heaven"

"Sometimes your birth will become a fault."

After half an hour, a lightning bolt as thick as a bucket finally struck down, and a sword suddenly appeared above Han Lingxiao's head.

This sword is Han Lingxiao's natal sword, the Thunder Dragon Sword.

When the elders outside saw the Thunder Dragon Sword, their eyes widened,"Thunder Dragon Sword!"

"Yes, it is the Thunder Dragon Sword"

"I heard that the sword spirit of this Thunder Dragon Sword is the residual soul of a Thunder Dragon."

"Yes, it was originally a magical weapon, but because of a remnant soul it was upgraded to a semi-immortal weapon."

"Maybe it will become a magical weapon"


After seeing the thunderbolt coming down, the Thunder Dragon Sword transformed into a thunder dragon and flew into the air. It opened its mouth wide and swallowed the thunderbolt in one gulp.

Then the Thunder Dragon Sword returned to its original form. Han Lingxiao flew up and caught the Thunder Dragon Sword."Thunder Dragon, good job!""

"Master, with this Heavenly Punishment Thunder, I can advance again."

"But what did you do to make Tian Dao so angry? He even sent down a divine thunderbolt."

Han Lingxiao looked up at the dark clouds above his head.

"Is it the divine thunder of heaven punishment?"

"But so what."

Thunder roared, lightning flashed, and the next thunderbolt was brewing.

Two hours later, countless thunderbolts flashed at the same time, and the thunderbolts in the sky condensed into a purple broadsword.

The entire blade was crackling with lightning, and the dazzling lightning pierced the eyes of the people below, and the entire Thunder Mountain was illuminated by it as if it was a purple space.

The thunder blade covered the sky and the sun, and there was a terrifying aura on the blade, as if it could destroy the entire Xuantian Continent.

Han Lingxiao's heart trembled, and he suddenly felt a sense of life and death crisis in his heart.

Han Lingxiao looked at the Thunder Dragon Sword in his hand,"Thunder Dragon, we seem to be in danger this time"

"It's okay, having you by my side is enough"

"But you are a public"

"You only have me, a man, to live and die with you, so just be content."

Just when the sword and the man were chatting, the lightning sword in the sky suddenly shook violently, as if it was fighting against something.

Seeing this, the Thunder Dragon Sword shook slightly and shouted excitedly,"Master, hurry up, Tiandao seems to be busy with something."


Han Lingxiao flew up with the Thunder Dragon Sword in his hand and rushed directly into the thunder.

The Thunder Dragon Sword said excitedly,"Master, hurry up, I want to absorb these heavenly punishment thunders. With these, I can upgrade to a fairy weapon."

Han Lingxiao quickly summoned the Thunder Dragon Sword, which instantly placed itself in the center of the thunder, trying its best to absorb the heavenly punishment thunder.

Then, the excess heavenly punishment thunder that it could not absorb was tempered by the Thunder Dragon Sword to be milder, and then led to Han Lingxiao.

Han Lingxiao's eyes flashed, and he meditated in the air, absorbing the thunder with the Thunder Dragon.

"How dare you!"

A furious shout was faintly heard from above, but there was no extra movement.

At this time, above Xuantian Continent, a man whose face could not be seen was fighting with a handsome man.

To be precise, the man whose face could not be seen was beating the handsome man unilaterally.

After a few moves, the handsome man was seriously injured and lay in the air.

An unclear voice came from the air,"If it happens again, you can just disappear."

The handsome man said weakly,"You dare not, I am connected to Xuantian Continent."

"I don't mind ruining it."

"But she is still here, you dare not"

"You can try."

The man whose face could not be seen clearly stretched out his foot and kicked the handsome man out of Xuantian Continent.

Han Lingxiao, who was meditating, instantly left his body and appeared in the void. A vague figure appeared in front of him.

The figure turned and looked at Han Lingxiao,"You are very good."

"Xuantian Continent will be in chaos due to other factors. You should improve your strength as soon as possible, and I will protect you."

Han Lingxiao looked at the figure in confusion,"Who are you?"


"Go back."

In just a few words, when Han Lingxiao returned to his body, ten days had passed outside.

The thunder had disappeared ten days ago.

The people waiting outside were very anxious. Xuan Ling looked at the thunder that disappeared in the sky and said,"The calamity has been overcome, but why is it so late to send down the nectar?"

"And why doesn't Han Lingxiao come down?"

Xuan Zhen shook his head,"Let's wait."

After Han Lingxiao opened his eyes, he first changed himself into a set of robes, then used his spiritual power to grow back the hair that was blown off, and then fell to the ground.

The vague figure in the sky waved his hand and sent down nectar.

The elders outside hurriedly meditated to absorb it.

Han Lingxiao took out the jade bottle and collected all the nectar around him.

Ye Chenxi flew to Han Lingxiao's side,"Master."

Han Lingxiao stretched out his hand and patted Ye Chenxi on the shoulder,"Don't worry, the master has seen your voice transmission."

Han Lingxiao walked in front of Xuan Zhen and Xuan Ling,"Disciple Han Lingxiao meets the two ancestors."

Xuan Ling smiled and nodded,"Lingxiao, congratulations on your successful transformation into a god."

Han Lingxiao nodded slightly and asked,"Ancestor, can you please deal with the Wang family?"


Xuan Ling wanted to roll his eyes inwardly, this person was too impatient, and then he said comfortingly,"Because you suddenly came out of retreat and we are all here, so we have to hold off for now."

Han Lingxiao's expression eased a little,"Very good."


"It's OK." Han Lingxiao bowed to the two of them and said ,

"Lingxiao thanks the two ancestors."

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