Because Han Lingxiao's tribulation took a long time, Nangong Han and Yu Huachen set up a trap for the punishment platform.

During these ten days, they accidentally caught a fish that slipped through the net, the deputy head of the Law Enforcement Hall, Lin Zedui.

When he saw Lin Zedui appear in the trap of the punishment platform, Yu Huachen was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

It turned out that Wang Jiaxun had a sister who married the head of a branch of the Lin family of the Tianling City Auction House, and Lin Zedui was Wang Jiaxun's nephew. What made

Yu Huachen even more angry was that Lin Zedui was an upright person and usually reliable. He came to save people this time because his mother threatened to kill him, so he had no choice.

Yu Huachen was really disappointed with such a fool and didn't know how to deal with him.

Then he tied the man to the punishment platform and waited for other elders to make a decision.

When Han Lingxiao and a group of elders came to the outer gate punishment platform, there were only a few disciples scattered under the punishment platform.

Only the Wang family members and two other people who were tied up with Xuantian chains on the stage were left.

Nangong Han and Yu Huachen saw the two supreme elders finally coming back with the elders and Han Lingxiao, and hurried forward to greet them,"Everything is ready, elders, please take your seats."

Xuan Ling nodded and led the elders to the seats opposite the punishment platform.

Nangong Han took the opportunity to walk to Han Lingxiao and said with a smile,"Brother Han, congratulations on your transformation into a god."

Han Lingxiao nodded,"Thank you very much."

"Xuanling Patriarch has agreed that I will personally carry out the punishment this time."

Nangong Han nodded quickly,"Okay."

"I will go and notify the disciples again to come and watch"


Han Lingxiao took Ye Chenxi and slowly walked towards the punishment platform.

Yu Huachen walked up to Xuan Ling and Xuan Zhen and reported to them about Lin Zedui.

Xuan Ling nodded to Yu Huachen and asked him to be patient.

In less than a moment, all the inner and outer disciples of Xuantian Sect came to the square below the punishment platform. The huge square of the punishment platform was full of people.

Nangong Han turned and saluted to where the elders were sitting,"Everything is ready, please preside over it, ancestor."

Xuan Ling nodded to Han Lingxiao, and in a flash, he was already on the punishment platform. Xuan

Ling turned and looked at the disciples below, his face showing majesty, and the momentum of the elder who crossed the tribulation spread out instantly,"As the commanders of the upright cultivators of our four major sects,"

"Act properly, do things in an orthodox way, and strictly prohibit all prohibitions and taboos"

"Nowadays, some people know that it is not allowed to do something, but they still do it, going against the will of heaven and violating the prohibitions."

"My Xuantian Sect will never allow such people to act recklessly."

"Today, we will punish the massacre in Liujia Village."

"Of course, this matter is not over yet. After this incident, the sect will thoroughly investigate all people and things related to the evil cultivators."

"I hope you guys take care of yourself."

"Now, the master of Jianfeng Peak will punish the culprit."

After Xuan Ling finished speaking, he flashed back to his seat.

Without saying a word, Han Lingxiao directly caused the heavenly punishment thunder to strike the Wang family cultivators tied to the punishment platform.

The powerful heavenly punishment thunder struck the Wang family cultivators, and the low-level cultivators were directly struck to ashes, leaving only a few high-level cultivators cursing.

"Han Lingxiao, just because of a disciple of yours, Jianfeng, my entire Wang family was ruined. Our Wang family will never let her go."

Han Lingxiao struck again with a bolt of lightning,"Because of my Jianfeng?"

After saying that, another bolt of lightning struck again.

"Did I, Jianfeng, ask you to collude with the evil cultivators to massacre the village?"

Another bolt of lightning struck down.

"Was it me, Jianfeng, who secretly acted in the secret realm?"

"My disciples from Jianfeng have been bullied by you, and you still think you are right?"

"Killing a child on the way."

Han Lingxiao's words were like a bolt of lightning, causing Wang Jiaxun to spit blood.

"Han Lingxiao, this is my Wang family's fault, please give us a quick death."

Han Lingxiao continued to strike thunder

"It feels so good! Isn’t this Heavenly Punishment Thunder that I just received satisfying enough?"

"That's right, you guys are all much more powerful than me, do you feel tickled by this thunder punishment?"

Speaking of this, Han Lingxiao took out a formation plate and activated it, then placed it in front of the Wang family cultivator.

"Then I'll give you a little more."

As he said that, he injected the Heavenly Punishment Thunder into the array plate, and a thunder field instantly appeared on the punishment platform.

Xuan Ling was shocked,"This is the Thunder Field Array of Qingwei Patriarch!"

Xuan Zhen nodded and smiled,"Yes, it is the Thunder Field Array"

"As long as the thunder spirit is injected into the thunder array, a thunder field will be formed."

"And Han Lingxiao's is the Heaven Punishment Thunder……………"

As the Heavenly Punishment Thunder Domain appeared, the entire punishment platform was surrounded by a Heavenly Punishment Thunder Domain. The terrifying Heavenly Punishment Thunder directly struck the Wang family monks on the punishment platform with a target. Soon, only Wang Yumo was left struggling.

Wang Yumo glared at Han Lingxiao fiercely and viciously,"Even if I become a ghost, I will not let you go."

Han Lingxiao sneered,"That will have to wait until you become a ghost."


"Do you think I will give you a chance to be a ghost?"

Wang Yumo was chopped to pieces, looking like a demon, with crazy viciousness and hatred flashing in his eyes. His ugly face was twisted and horrible.

"Han Lingxiao!"

"Do you think these are the only people in my Wang family?"

Han Lingxiao didn't care and continued to control the sky punishment lightning to strike Wang Yumo,"Thank you for the reminder, but when have I ever been afraid of Jianfeng?"

"If any of the younger generation of the Wang family dares to attack us without knowing what is good for them, I, Jianfeng, will fight to the end and kill them without mercy."


"I won't let you go.………………"

After all the Wang family monks were killed, Han Lingxiao controlled the heavenly punishment thunder to attack the only two people outside the Wang family on the punishment platform, Lin Zedu and Luo Qing.

"Senior Brother Han, please show mercy."

Yu Huachen had been watching Lin Zedui with trepidation.

Seeing Han Lingxiao aiming the Heavenly Punishment Thunder at Lin Zedui, he hurriedly spoke out to stop him.

Han Lingxiao turned around and looked at Yu Huachen with cold eyes.

Yu Huachen's eyes flickered, and he stammered,"Senior Brother Han, that…………"

"Lin Zedui…………"

"How about you give him a little punishment???"

Han Lingxiao struck with a bolt of lightning, and Lin Zedui immediately vomited blood.

Yu Huachen's heart shrank suddenly, and he held back the urge to speak and watched silently.

Han Lingxiao then struck twice more, and then let the dying Lin Zedui go.

Han Lingxiao turned his gaze to the remaining Luo Qing,"Luo Qing"

"God Control Array"

"Very good."

Luo Qing wished that Liu Axue had blown him to death on the spot.

Since he returned to the sect, he was first interrogated by the Law Enforcement Hall, and then was locked up in the Law Enforcement Hall and lived in fear every day. Now he is even more…………

Watching one after another being hacked to pieces on the punishment platform…………

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