Jun Xie chuckled when he saw this, and finally couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Junior sister, why didn't you use this trick just now? Look how much easier it is."

"Second Senior Brother."

Before Bai Su could speak, Lu Jinyu quickly spoke up to stop Jun Xie.

Feng Che also added fuel to the fire and said,"By the way, Junior Sister, if you use this trick, it will definitely be better than his."

"Senior Brother."

Feng Che and Jun Xie smiled at each other, both trying hard to hold back their laughter.

Bai Su snorted and turned away from them.

Lu Jinyu glared at the two of them, then reached out to grab Bai Su's sleeve,"Come on, Junior Sister, let's go back first, the second round starts tomorrow."


Jun Xie and Feng Che smiled at each other again, and followed behind him tacitly, with the smiles in their eyes not diminishing at all.

The next day was the doubles finals, the rules were simple, draw numbers to choose opponents, whoever was drawn would win.

Yu Huachen looked at the disciples below, circulated his spiritual power, and his cold voice spread to every corner of the martial arts arena.

"Today is the final match, we will draw lots to decide."

After saying that, he waved his hand and four large boxes appeared on the small platform in the middle.

"These are four boxes that are shielded from all divine senses. They contain different numbers."

"The two on the left are foundation-building disciples, and the two on the right are golden elixir disciples."

"Those who draw the same number will go on stage to compete"

"Start now"


The disciples below lined up spontaneously and went on stage to draw lots.

Several people from Jianfeng gathered together with their lots.

Bai Su looked at the number in her hand, 13.

"Thirteen, how many are yours, senior brothers?"

Feng Che spread out his,"Three."

Jun Xie,"Twenty-six."

Lu Jinyu,"One hundred and sixty-one."

Bai Su let out a long breath, patted his chest and said thankfully,"Not bad, not bad"

"Now we don't have to worry about killing each other."

The other three smiled at the same time.

Feng Che looked at the ring,"I'll go to the ring first."

Bai Su nodded quickly, clenching her fists,"Come on, senior brother!"

Feng Che smiled,"Watch me."

After saying that, he flew up and stepped onto the third Jindan ring.

The one who flew up from the other side was a disciple from Qifeng. When the disciple saw that his opponent was Feng Che from Jianfeng, his face changed.

He turned to look at the disciples of the Law Enforcement Hall below, and said directly with a dark face,"I give up."

After saying that, without waiting for the disciples of the Law Enforcement Hall to speak, he turned around and quickly jumped off the ring.


Feng Che narrowed his eyes and sighed,"Alas!"

"There's no fight, what a bummer."

Bai Su's eyes smiled into two crescent moons. Seeing Feng Che coming down, she happily moved closer to Feng Che and said slyly,"Congratulations, Senior Brother, for winning without a fight."

""Brother, you have such a domineering aura. Just by standing there, you can make the enemy surrender without a fight. I, your junior sister, really admire you!"

As he said this, he clasped his hands and saluted.

Feng Che stretched out his right hand, which was as slender as white jade, bent his fingers and knocked on Bai Su's forehead,"Susu, have you become bolder recently?"

"With a"bang", Bai Su quickly covered her forehead with both hands,"Senior brother, you are so cruel."

Lu Jinyu quickly pulled Bai Su's hand away and rubbed her forehead. Seeing that there was no redness or swelling, he was relieved,"Junior sister, you can't tease senior brother like this."

Bai Su nodded quickly and looked at Lu Jinyu with an accusing look,"I don't dare to do it anymore. Senior brother actually hits a woman?"

Feng Che glared at the two of them,"Why don't you get on the stage ?"

"Oh, yes."

Bai Su then remembered that her number was in front, and hurried to the ring."

This time, she met a registered disciple of Jinxing Peak, who was also a sword cultivator.

Bai Su was eager to try with the Ice Thunder Sword in her hand, and her opponent was also relentless and determined to win. The two soon fought together.

On the ring, swords were fighting against swords, people were competing against each other, and the golden sword light and the purple sword light collided frequently, covering the sky and the earth, with magnificent momentum.

The two colors of sword energy scattered, rushing towards the defensive formation around the ring like a tidal wave, colliding with the formation to produce a slight shake, and then slowly dissipated. The black hair was flying, the figures were intertwined, and the two fought at the same time, sweating profusely, and feeling happy.

In the last full-strength attack, Bai Su was slightly better, and the two put away their swords at the same time

"I lost"

""Thank you."

Bai Su jumped off the stage happily.

There was another match to be held by Lu Jinyu, which would probably take place in the afternoon.

Several people stood below the stage and watched other people's competitions. At this time, one of the people on the stage was Jun Xie's best friend.

Shangguan Yue, the second disciple of Shen Feng, the master of Fufeng. He was also the only son of the head of the Shangguan family in Tianling City.

Shangguan Yue casually drew a talisman with a talisman pen, and a talisman appeared out of thin air.

As Shangguan Yue gently waved the talisman pen, the talisman flew towards the opponent at a high speed and then knocked the opponent off the stage.

Jun Xie looked at the person on the stage who was dealing with it easily, and his mouth twitched,"This guy has improved again!"

Lu Jinyu's eyes were full of admiration,"This is drawing talismans out of thin air!"

Feng Che also looked at the stage and nodded, his tone full of affirmation and appreciation,"There are thousands of talisman cultivators, but only a few can draw talismans out of thin air."

"Shangguan Yue is a man of great wisdom in the art of talismans.

As soon as he finished speaking, Shangguan Yue walked down the stage and approached the group.

"Jun Xie."

Jun Xie looked at Shangguan Yue and gave him a thumbs up,"Great."

Shangguan Yue shook his head,"It was just luck."

"I haven't thanked you for taking care of my Shangguan family yet."

""Shangguan Yue, thank you very much!"

Shangguan Yue said as he bowed to Jun Xie and Feng Che.

Jun Xie and Feng Che quickly moved aside.

Jun Xie stretched out his hand to hold Shangguan Yue while moving aside,"With the relationship between us, it's meaningless to say thank you."

"I was hoping that after you take the position of the head of the family, you would take better care of us brothers and sisters."

Shangguan Yue smiled slightly and said sincerely,"Okay, Yue will definitely live up to your expectations."

Feng Che showed a look of disgust on his face,"Okay, you two should stop acting like you are eloping here." Shangguan Yue smiled and looked at Jun Xie beside him.

Jun Xie put his arm on Shangguan Yue's shoulder, looked at Feng Che and said with a grin,"His family has only one lineage. If they elope, I guess I will have to marry into the family."

Feng Che looked at the two of them and shook his head,"I don't think they will be in a hurry. I just don't know if Chen Xi is in a hurry?"


Jun Xie instantly felt a chill on his back and reached out to touch his nose.

He seemed to be a little scared.

Feng Che and Shangguan Yue looked at Jun Xie with smiles on their faces.

Bai Su's eyes moved back and forth between Jun Xie and Shangguan Yue,"It turns out that Second Senior Brother likes Senior Brother Shangguan."

"Ha ha…………Hahaha……………"

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