Feng Che couldn't help laughing, and said with a slight bend in his waist,"Susu, the truth cannot be told."

Bai Su quickly covered her mouth and nodded.

A few black lines appeared on Jun Xie's forehead, and a flock of black crows flew over his head.……………

Is this how you position yourself? ? ? ?

In the afternoon, it was Lu Jinyu's match. When Lu Jinyu came on the field, he found that the opponent was also an acquaintance, the second disciple of Yaofeng, Fu Qingchen, who was also in the middle stage of Jindan like Lu Jinyu.

Lu Jinyu looked at Fu Qingchen opposite with an expressionless face.

Fu Qingchen felt a little bitter in his heart. His lineage had already torn its face with Jianfeng, but it was torn unclearly.

Just because of a little thing between two children.

It can be solved easily?

But how did it develop to this point?

Fu Qingchen was full of melancholy.

"Do you want to fight or not?"

Lu Jinyu couldn't help but ask the distracted person opposite.

Fu Qingchen nodded slightly.



Lu Jinyu was too lazy to pay attention to him. He held the Fiery Sword in his hand, and the Fiery Sword Technique came out with the rotation of his wrist. A fire dragon opened its mouth and bit Fu Qingchen.

Fu Qingchen floated back lightly and dodged away from the ring.

The fire dragon missed the attack and dissipated at the edge of the ring with a roar.


Lu Jinyu was very depressed,"If you don't want to fight, why didn't you say so earlier?"

On the side of the foundation-building disciples, Mo Qianye, Bai Mufei, Nangong Qingyun, Luo Chenyuan, a group of inner disciples, direct disciples, and outer disciples were also fighting fiercely and with high morale.

Nangong Qingyun's feet were full of vigor, and the Star Sword was stretched and relaxed, with orderly offense and defense.

The cultivation of the late foundation-building stage also crushed the opponent one-sidedly, and the winner was soon decided.

Xuantian Sect finally selected 200 disciples to participate in the sect competition.

One hundred golden elixir, one hundred foundation-building.

A few months passed quickly. In these few months, Xuantian Sect Tianzong entered a crazy atmosphere of cultivation.

The disciples who usually strolled and chatted in the sect were now scrambling to enter the trial field or the sword formation.

The entire Xuantian Sect suddenly became quiet, appearing spacious and quiet.

The two hundred disciples who participated in the sect competition were also preparing for the sect competition and the Ziling Secret Realm after the competition.

Time passed quickly in the busyness of the Xuantian Sect.

Soon it was ten days before the sect competition. Ye Chenxi had come out of seclusion half a month ago, and Axue was also released from the library by Han Lingxiao on the day she left the sect.

In the Jianfeng Hall, Han Lingxiao looked at Ye Chenxi in front of him.

"After your soul has stabilized, do you still feel uncomfortable?"

Ye Chenxi shook his head slightly,"Master, I'm fine now."

"That's good."

Nangong Han looked at Axue,"What about you? Did you gain anything in the library?"

"Master, I have read one third of it. There are many books and jade slips in it, and they are very comprehensive. They are very helpful to me."

Han Lingxiao nodded gently,"I will continue reading it when I have time."

"When you are upset and your mind is unstable, don't rush to practice. Go to the library and read more books."

"First, it helps you understand more, and second, it helps you cultivate your character."

"Yes, disciple understands."

Han Lingxiao turned his gaze to Feng Che.

""Che'er, this is Liu Axue, my last disciple."

He turned his head to look at Axue,"Axue, this is your senior brother Feng Che, he is your uncle's only disciple."

Axue hurriedly stepped forward to salute,"Axue greets senior brother."

Feng Che took out a storage bag and handed it to Axue,"I have heard of the name of my junior sister for a long time, and today I finally meet her in person."

"Here, this is for you from Senior Brother."

Ah Xue happily took the storage bag,"Thank you, Senior Brother."

Feng Che looked at the thirteen-year-old girl in front of him, who had grown into a graceful and elegant lady, and his voice became gentler.

"You don't have to be so polite to your senior brother. If someone dares to bully you again, just call him senior brother and he will help you get revenge."

"By the way, Senior Brother has also received your small jade swords, just call me when the time comes."

Lu Jinyu said with a smile,"The materials that Junior Sister gave us are enough for each of us."

Ah Xue shook her head quickly,"I only gave two materials, the rest are from Senior Brother Three, and they were also refined by Senior Brother Three.""

"So, it should be sent by the third senior brother."

Han Lingxiao looked at the harmonious and friendly relationship between the disciples with satisfaction, and nodded secretly.

"Che'er, Chen Xi, this journey is destined to be uneven, you must protect yourself and your fellow apprentices."

"And cooperate with Xiao Hanshan to reduce the casualties of our Xuantian Sect."

Ye Chenxi and Feng Che quickly responded,"Yes, disciples understand."

Seeing that they were about to set off, Axue looked a little nervous, and said to Han Lingxiao in embarrassment,"Master, we may have to bring two more people."

Han Lingxiao asked with understanding,"But what about the two little guests who were brought back at that time?"

"Yes, it's them."

Ah Xue hesitated for a moment, and finally said,"Master, I know that Dansheng is the child that Yaowang Valley has been looking for, so I sold him at that time."

"but………I can't say how I know."


Ah Xue felt very uneasy when she said this. Her rebirth had always been the most secret in her heart, so she couldn't tell it no matter what.

Not even the master and the others could do that.

Han Lingxiao looked at the expression of his little disciple and the words he hadn't finished, and said soothingly,"Don't worry, we cultivators all have our own secrets. Since it is a secret, we must protect it well. Don't reveal it casually next time."

Ah Xue felt relieved instantly, and looked at Han Lingxiao happily,"Yes, I'm glad that the master is not angry, I understand."

Han Lingxiao looked at his silly disciple, and knew in his heart that she was so angry because she believed in him and cared about him. Thinking of this, he felt a little warm in his heart, and nodded for her to continue.

Ah Xue continued happily,"Because he was poisoned"

"So I wanted to take him to participate in the sect competition on the grounds that the master of Medicine King Valley might be able to detoxify him."

Several people in the hall looked at Axue with surprise. You brought back an important person on this trip!

Han Lingxiao also looked at Axue curiously,"If he is really from Medicine King Valley, you have already thought about how to deal with him."

Axue showed a sly smile on her face,"Master, I do have an idea"

"How about asking the sect master to take the person with him, and say that the disciples of Xuantian Sect met a man, and the sect master saw that he was a little similar to the master of Yaowang Valley, so he took the opportunity to bring him with him during the competition and let the master of Yaowang Valley take a look."

Han Lingxiao showed an admiring smile in his eyes,"Why don't you just take the credit yourself?"

Axue said with a smile,"I don't take the credit, I saved the person too."

"If the clan leader were to do this, the effect would be better."

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