Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 66 The Precarious Sansang Group! Warwick Is On The Rise! (1/4)

Among the major series of products released by Luo Yang, the memory industry was the first to launch an attack!

The production capacity of graphene wafer fabs is already full, and orders from memory manufacturers are already packed!

Changxin, Jinhua, Yangtze River, and Ziguang, the four major domestic memory particle manufacturers have been operating at full capacity. After receiving the graphene wafers, they immediately put them into production lines!

Whether it is ddr4 memory or n.a.n.d-flash memory, they have all begun mass production!

Half of the mobile memory orders in July were taken by Warwick, and the rest were wiped out by the major mobile phone giants who got wind of the situation! Subsequently, the vacated production capacity was given to computer memory, hard disk memory, etc.

"Mr. Lei, happy cooperation!"

“A pleasure to work with!”

At Changxin's headquarters, the three major mobile phone manufacturers Rebus and OV, after a long period of bickering, finally got an order for graphene mobile phone memory!


The reporters in the audience quickly raised their cameras and captured this scene!

That night, Da Mi and Ov quickly announced the news on their official website!

"We have successfully won an order for graphene memory! The first batch of mobile phones using graphene memory will be released quickly in a week!"

The three major mobile phone companies can be said to be risking their lives!

In just one week, it is necessary to quickly install this batch of memory into new mobile phones, conduct testing, and finally sell it. Every link is very stressful!

OV is better, it has its own manufacturing factory in Guangdong Province, and the production capacity can be squeezed out. However, because rice is completely manufactured by external OEMs, its production orders on weekdays are ranked behind other companies!

"Announcement to the major supply chains, I will give them 0.5 percentage points more. In the next two months, they must give priority to ensuring the mobile phone production capacity of Rice Company!"

Rebus has made a decision!

The popularity of graphene memory has already shocked the world!

After the press conference, Warwick immediately started selling the graphene memory version of the p50. As a result, sales exceeded 1.2 million units in just one day!

You must know that it is no longer the first launch of p50, many users have already bought new machines!

And in order to compensate users who purchased P50 before, [Warwick has also launched an activity to exchange extra money for a new model of the right testosterone version!

You only need to add up to 500 yuan to get a new phone. Although it is 500 yuan more expensive than the original price, many users still place orders like crazy!

As for the recycled mobile phones, Warwick does not waste them. It only needs to disassemble the machine and replace the memory!

This 500 yuan is enough for Warwick to make back the cost of replacing the memory!

Warwick, which got the first rights to graphene memory, is making a lot of money! The major mobile phone manufacturers Rebus and OV are all red-eyed!

This is why Rebus did not hesitate to give up the overall profit margin of 0.5%, but also speeded up the release of new phones by rice!

The Fruit Company and Sansang Company have long been unable to sit still!

The fruit company has immediately dispatched a negotiation team, and Ku Ke personally led the team to Dragon Kingdom to prepare to negotiate an order for graphene memory with Future Semiconductor!

"Kuke! We must get the order this time! Otherwise, our fruit company's products will continue to fall behind!"

The board of directors warned Ku Ke very seriously!

"I understand! I will try my best to persuade Luo Yang! But I need the authorization of the board of directors. Luo Yang will definitely blackmail us!"

Ku Ke stated his conditions!

He was already prepared for the worst regarding the conditions Luo Yang might offer!

Ku Ke and his party boarded the flight to Dragon Kingdom with a feeling of apprehension!

And Sansang Company has now fallen into the biggest crisis in history!

Sansang Headquarters, Wenhui!

After Li Rongshu fell into a coma, Li Jinhe, who had been dormant for a long time, came out again!

This grey-haired veteran Sansang executive, as the co-founder of the company, has a very strong influence among Sansang!

In just one day, Li Jinhe convened the board of directors and directly took over the management of the company!

Li Rongshu's subordinates expressed strong protest. In the past few days, the two sides fought for power and profit. The entire company's board of directors and shareholders' meeting had become a chaotic battlefield!

A large-scale crisis caused by internal strife has swept through the entire Sanwu!

Because there is no leader, most of Sansang's business has come to a standstill. Regarding the huge impact of graphene, hundreds of thousands of employees of the entire Sansang Group are all extremely confused!

Affected by Huami ov’s acquisition of graphene memory, Sansang’s global mobile phone sales plummeted rapidly!

Faguo, Marseille.

As the second largest city in France, Sansan also has its own flagship store here. As a world-renowned mobile phone brand, Sansan mobile phones have always had many loyal users!

But these days, this luxurious Sansan flagship store located in the center of Marseille has fallen into a situation of being empty!

"Is there any solution for the company headquarters? If this continues, all our customers will be taken away by Warwick!"

The store manager Mousse felt a huge headache!

Since the release of graphene memory, this flagship store has immediately fallen into crisis!

After many users come here, the first thing they say is: "Does Sansang mobile phone have graphene memory?"

Mousse could only smile, and Tian Fen replied apologetically:


When users heard this, they turned around and left!

What makes Mousse feel most aggrieved is that diagonally opposite the Sansang flagship store, there is also a luxuriously decorated mobile phone flagship store full of romantic French style!

A big flower logo on it!

It is Warwick of the Dragon Kingdom!

After receiving the graphene memory order, Mr. Ren launched a global large-scale distribution plan in early July! From Europe to Asia, to the Americas and even Africa, all top flagship stores got the graphene version. Flagship phone!

After the press conference on August 8, Warwick immediately started full sales!

Warwick’s stores around the world were full on the spot!

There is already a long queue outside this Warwick flagship store in Marseille. This is already the fourth day!

For four consecutive days, a large number of users came to buy mobile phones with lithotestene memory every day!

"Hello madam, please help me get a 512gb p50 extra large cup. I want the graphene version!"

"Okay sir, the price of this new phone is 1,600 euros. If you need to purchase other extended warranty services, you will also need to pay other fees!"

"I want a graphene version of p50 with 128GB memory!"

"OK, just a second!"

All the staff are busy!

Adjust goods! Adjust goods! Keep adjusting goods!

The inventory of several flagship stores in Marseille has been completely sold out! What is on sale now is the inventory urgently transferred from Warwick's European headquarters!

It’s not just Marseille where store inventory has been sold out. In Paris, London, Munich, Milan... these well-known big cities, all the inventory has been sold out!

0…Please give me flowers…

All major branches across Europe have been urging the European headquarters many times!

Looking at the heated scene, Mosi, the manager of Sansang Mobile Phone Flagship Store, felt sour in her heart!

"It's incredible! In the past, only when fruit companies released new products, there would be queues like this for several days!"

Her heart was filled with jealousy!

Once upon a time, this situation only belonged to Fruit Company and Sansang Company!

"Perhaps I should consider changing jobs to Warwick?"

Mousse's position began to waver!

As a store manager, she is very aware of the current situation of Sansang mobile phones.

With the advent of pmos, Warwick quickly killed everyone with the help of pmos! And Sansang had no choice but to continue to use Gu Ge's installation system!

After more than half a year, pmos has become the best mobile operating system recognized by users around the world!

Although the installation price of pmos has skyrocketed due to the agreement, it still cannot stop Android users from joining the pmos camp!

Many Sansang users still forcefully flash their phones and install the pmos system!

Because all of Warwick’s mobile phones are pre-installed with pmos, coupled with Warwick’s hardware configuration and the continuous improvement of photography skills, it has robbed many Sansang users!


At this moment, coupled with graphene memory, Sansang mobile phones continue to lose ground in front of Warwick!

Scenes similar to the Marseille flagship store appeared in various countries around the world. Faced with Sansang, which was in civil strife, Warwick seized the initial popularity of graphene memory and quickly began to fully capture the market share!

In just three days, Sansang’s mobile phone sales plummeted by 40% compared to last month!

This is already exhausting!

Rice and OV have also reopened their overseas expansion, and have announced that they will release new models with graphene memory later this month!

Faced with this piece of fat in the overseas market, rice and ov have also been coveting it for a long time!

Now that Sansang is in decline, their three companies don't mind stepping on Sanshi's corpse to take over!

The shopping mall is like a battlefield, it is always extremely cruel!

Sansang's mobile phone department continues to be in a hurry. Data coming back from various sources shows that mobile phone sales have plummeted. The person in charge of the mobile phone department has been so anxious that he has not slept well for several days!

"Axiba! These jackals from the Dragon Kingdom will swarm you whenever they find an opportunity!"

The hands of the person in charge of the mobile phone department were trembling!

It wasn't just him who was anxious, the heads of the four major departments of memory, screen, semiconductor, and battery also all shouted out in a hurry!

They wanted to report the situation to the board of directors, but Li Jinhe, who was busy fighting for power, did not even read the report in their hands. This wise old man had made plans to give up Sansang Electronics completely from the beginning!

Faced with this scene, outside investors were also very panicked!

Li Rongshu is in a coma, Li Jinhe is fighting for power and profit, and investors are very optimistic about the future of Sansang Group. This has caused the market value of Sansang Group to continue to evaporate!

Sansang, the big brother who takes the lead, doesn't take a stand, and the other three chaebols don't know how to solve the current crisis!

In these three days, the stock exchange has not dropped its limit continuously!

The market values ​​of the four major chaebols have all evaporated by more than 50%!

The people of the entire Bangzi country have no intention of working and are all staring at the changes in the stock market. If all four major chaebols really fall, the entire Bangzi country will immediately fall into a large-scale economic recession!

When everyone was as anxious as ants on a hot pot, and when the entire Bangzi Kingdom was in turmoil, Li Rongshu, who had been in a coma for three days, finally woke up!

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