Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 67 The Battle In The Storage Field! Overseas Memory Giants Failed Miserably! (2/4)

"At present, the five core businesses of Sansang Electronics have been completely shut down! And the board of directors is still wrangling for control of the group!"

The pale Li Rongshu was leaning on the hospital bed, listening to the female secretary's report expressionlessly!

Although Li Rongshu thought of the fastest result, he never expected that Li Jinhe would be so crazy!

"This old bastard! He is planning to give up Sansan Electronics completely!"

Li Rongshu's eyes lit up with anger!

Sansang Group is very large, and its main businesses cover electronics, finance, machinery, chemistry, etc. At present, Zhubao Electronics is the largest subsidiary of the group.

Before Li Jinhe was kicked out of the board of directors, he was in charge of the shipbuilding business!

In other words, third base heavy industry!

This company, which can manufacture the world's most advanced large-scale Ing ships, is also Sansan's trump card.

In order to fight against Li Rongshu, Li Jinhe decisively allowed Sansang Electronics to fall into a series of crises, and Li Rongshu quickly guessed what Li Jinhe was thinking!

Instead of the entire family fighting for power, it would be better to divide the entire Three Kingdoms Group!

Li Rongshu can be sure that if he wakes up a few days later, Li Jinhe will announce the split of Sansang Group!

"Ahem! These frogs in the well only have their own interests in mind!"

Li Rongshu coughed a few times. He could be said to be very disappointed now!

Faced with such a critical situation, Li Rongshu ignored the doctor's dissuasion and left the hospital directly!

The news of his awakening was quickly announced by the "840" reporters outside the door, and the entire Bangzi Country suddenly became energetic [the most influential man in Bangzi Country is back!

Among the four major chaebols, Sansang is the leader. Li Rongshu has been able to control Sansang for many years, naturally because of his own methods!

After returning to the company, Li Rongshu immediately launched a series of thunderous tactics. In just one day, he used the handle Li Jinhe had left in his hands and drove the livid Li Jinhe out of the board of directors!

"Asshole! You actually threatened me with scandal about my son!!!"

Li Jinhe is like an angry tiger, his whole body is shaking with anger!

As a chaebol, they can be said to have all the power in Bangzi Country! Although he is sophisticated, his son is an ignorant rich second generation who spends his time messing around with women. He had a crush on a Bangzi Country female star before, but he ended up causing trouble. A series of scandals!

The last of these news was suppressed by Li Jinhe before it was exposed, and he paid a large sum of money for it!

I originally thought that no one was aware of it, but unexpectedly, Li Rongshu also got the news and got the evidence!

"If you don't want others to know, you have to do it yourself! After you leave this time, you can go back to Ax Mountain to retire! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

Li Rongshu issued an ultimatum!

There is only a cold look on his pale face!

Although they are all members of the same family, there is no so-called family relationship between them!

"...Very good! Very good! I will remember all this!"

Li Jinhe looked unwilling, but there was nothing he could do!

All the methods he had planned for a long time were solved by Li Rongshu in an understatement! This made Li Jinhe, who was desperate, have a crazy idea in his heart!

If I can't get something, I might as well destroy it!

A crazy look flashed in his eyes!

"let's go!"

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Li Jinhe left Sansang headquarters with his forces.

After returning from the mountain, Li Rongshu immediately cut through the mess and quickly dealt with the backlog of affairs in the past few days. One bad news after another made him feel extremely troubled!

Currently, the biggest hit is the mobile phone business, and the second one is the memory business!

Unbeknownst to everyone, the three memory giants Sansang, Hilix, and Micron had a secret meeting somewhere in Bangzi Country and formulated a series of plans!

"Huh, I hope I can buy some time for Sansang!"

After the meeting, on the way back to Seoul, Lee Young-soo looked at the night outside the window and fell into confusion!

After the press conference, Beichen Technology conducted a series of promotions with major memory vendors, including other memory product manufacturers!

August 14th is the Chinese Valentine's Day, the traditional festival of the Dragon Kingdom. After more than half a month of crazy production capacity expansion, the first batch of graphene memory products sold individually to the market began large-scale distribution!

E-malls such as Dabao, Tianmao, Jingxi, Pinxixi, Suning, etc. launched new products immediately!

The storage field is a very large field with many product lines, but its core products are without exception memory particles.

After rounds of waves, major memory particle manufacturers around the world have been acquired and merged, and finally only the three major brands of Sansang, Helix and Micron are left.

Whether you have a computer memory stick, an SSD solid state drive, a mechanical hard drive, or mobile phone memory or flash memory, the memory particles used in it are basically products of the three major brands!

With the release of graphene memory, Yangtze River, Changxin, Jinhua, and Ziguang have also launched graphene flexible memory units, replacing the original silicon-based memory particles and becoming an open-air publicity point for new memory.

Major domestic memory manufacturers, including Guangwei, Ziguang, Caihong, GALAXY, Kintek, Yijie, Yituo and other companies, have all launched a series of new memory products!

Prior to this, major memory brands only opened reservations, and sales would not be officially launched until Chinese Valentine's Day, so many users have added it to their shopping carts!

At 0 o'clock in the morning, major users who had been waiting in front of their computers quickly clicked to pay!

In just 5 minutes, the transaction volume of memory products of major e-commerce companies has exceeded 50 billion yuan!

Major shopping malls announced the data immediately!

It immediately caused a sensation!

During the day, major express delivery companies immediately delivered the goods to users, and everyone immediately conducted comprehensive tests on graphene series memory products!

The final data can be said to make everyone overjoyed!

On Zhihu, a user who bought a Yijie mechanical hard drive from Jingxi Mall was extremely excited at the moment!

"Graphene flexible memory definitely deserves the title of domestic light!"

"I bought the Yijie 4tomr hard drive. The price is only 1,000 yuan. It is only a few dozen yuan more expensive than the same product from Xiejie, but the data writing and reading speed is several times faster! Xiejie is the fastest. The speed is only 150mb/s, while Yi Jie’s fastest speed is 800mb/s!"

"If I copy the study materials, it takes 10 minutes using Xiejie, but it only takes 2 minutes for Yijie! The speed is five times faster!"

You can see the joy of this user from between the lines!

It’s like picking up a big leak!

In the post, there are also detailed pictures, and a series of comparisons are made from data transmission speed to detecting bad sectors on the hard disk, etc.!

"Brothers! I strongly recommend domestic graphene hard drives to everyone! With the blessing of graphene storage units, domestic mechanical hard drives have surpassed the three major foreign brands! We no longer have to endure the exploitation of unscrupulous manufacturers!"

"Future Semiconductor nb! President Luo Da nb!"

This user’s rant immediately resonated with many people!

"Master! I've long had enough of the three overseas giants. They use SMRs as cmr, and they are exposed by users and still refuse to admit it. It's so shameless!"

"I am buying a 2t hard drive from Yituo. The data is almost the same as the original poster, and the transmission speed is about 810mb/s!"

This post immediately went viral!

It even became popular outside the circle in the end!

As the first post to publish the graphene hard drive test results, many users who were waiting to see it clicked in immediately, and then became excited!

In the field of mechanical hard drives, the three major overseas companies are Xiejie, Eastern Data, and Dongzhi. The three companies share the vast majority of the market share. There are not many domestically produced mechanical hard drives, and one of the more well-known ones is Yijie. , Yituo, but there is still a certain gap between it and the three major brands in terms of technology and craftsmanship!

And this time, relying on graphene mechanical hard drives, Yijie and Yituo, two major domestic mechanical hard drive manufacturers, have made a wonderful turnaround!

SMR and CMR, which are complained by users, are two storage methods of mechanical hard drives. The former is also called shingled type, and the latter is called traditional vertical type....

Among them, the cmr hard drive is more expensive and the data storage is more stable, while the smr is very cheap, but it is easy to lose data, and the hard drive is easily damaged!

At present, most of the large-capacity cmr hard drives of the three giants are sold out, and most of the ones on sale in the market are smr hard drives. For some novices, they simply cannot understand the difference between the two!

The three major hard drive giants, Xiejie, Eastern Data, and Dongzhi, deliberately do not indicate the storage method, or only write pmr (vertical hard drive) to fool users. In fact, most hard drives marked with pmr are smr!

Users have long protested against the ugly appearance of the three giants, but they are all foreign brands and there is nothing they can do about their tough style!

Now, it is a good time for the rise of domestic mechanical hard drives!

Yijie and Yituo, two major brands, specifically indicate that among their major models of hard drives, they are cmr graphene hard drives!

Especially after major users got the product, they were overjoyed with the performance of the hard drive!

It was immediately welcomed by more users!

Many miners, enterprise-level users, and users who purchase surveillance-grade hard drives no longer wait and see, but join the rush to buy domestic graphene hard drives!

It’s not just mechanical hard drives that have a huge reputation together!

The new graphene memory module has also been well received by many users. In terms of stability and compatibility, the new memory module is perfectly compatible with the previous memory!

And graphene SSD solid state drives have also been snapped up by users!

In contrast, the sales of major overseas memory giants have plummeted!

Kingston, Sansang, Shandi, Corsair, Xiejie, Eastern Data, Dongzhi, all sales plummeted! Compared with the previous daily sales, they plummeted by at least 90%!

This is just the first day of sales of graphene memory!

After getting this sales data, major overseas memory manufacturers were trembling with anger!

I don’t know how many people slapped the table on the spot!

“Dragon Kingdom’s online daily sales volume is actually less than 50 hard drives?”

The person in charge of the Jielongguo branch feels extremely heavy looking at this data!

The good old days belonging to the three major mechanical hard disk manufacturers are gone forever!

Even the number one giant, Xijie, is so miserable. The second largest company, Dongfang Data, and the gradually declining 2.0 Neon Guodongzhi Company, the data is even more terrible!

The daily sales volume of Dongzhi Hard Drive was actually 0!!!

It is said that after the news reached Neon Kingdom, the person in charge of Dongzhi Hard Drive was so angry that he fainted on the spot! He was sent directly to the hospital by the panicked people!

And an executive from Eastern Data tore the report into pieces angrily!

"Stupid Dragon Country people! You will regret it sooner or later! We at Eastern Data will never fall like this! Just wait! Sooner or later we will also develop graphene materials!"

At Sansang Headquarters, Li Rongshu no longer knew what to say!

This crisis in the memory industry is more serious than he imagined.


Unlike the major giants who are in mourning all over the world, the memory dealers in Dragon Kingdom can now be said to be enjoying a carnival all over the world!

"Hot! Hot! Sales of all graphene memory products are booming!"

"All our inventory was sold out in one day! We are stepping up efforts to allocate inventory!"

"The four major memory particle manufacturers have further increased their production capacity! Memory production will further increase!"

News with a similar title swept the entire country in an instant!

All major memory manufacturers in China immediately announced the latest sales volume in their flagship stores, official websites, and bibs! This series of eye-catching data directly made foreign memory manufacturers red-eyed!

These profits originally belonged to them!

For a time, the entire storage field set off a super storm belonging to graphene!

The power of graphene memory is clearly visible!

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