Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 76 Powerful Graphene Cmos! Frustrated Fruit Company!

Yutu CMOS is a product used on the first generation Beichen mobile phones!

"Mr. Luo, our Yutu CMOS is designed to compete with the Sony imx700 sensor!"

Sony imx700 sensor is an exclusive product customized by Warwick and has a large area of ​​1/1.28 inches. Coincidentally, the fruit series mobile phone of the fruit company

It is also an exclusive customized Sony cmos! 1

Warwick mtae40 and p50 series both use this product.

The first-generation Beichen mobile phone was a high-end flagship phone. Of course, it could not lag behind in taking pictures, so Yutu CMOS was born!

Xu Mo then introduced Yutu’s information in detail.

"In the past 40 years, silicon-based CMOS has achieved earth-shaking development. It is very difficult for us to surpass Sony and Sansan's technology in a short period of time!"

Xu Mo directly pointed out the current situation!

Luo Yang and others nodded, they all knew this situation very well!

"However, the breakthrough in the field of non-silicon-based CMOS is where we can overtake! Especially when we are the first to achieve the breakthrough of large-scale synthesis of graphene!"

"Graphene material can be said to be a perfect substitute for silicon-based materials!"

"So, graphene cmos was born!"

Xu Mo was very excited at the moment!

The reason why he agreed to Zhou Hao's invitation and left Sony's CMOS development department to join Beichen Technology was not only because of the high salary and sentiment, but also because of the extremely challenging project of graphene CMOS!

"In fact, before this, some institutions in the world have synthesized graphene cmos. By synthesizing graphene monoliths and cmos integrated circuits, they finally created a product based on graphene and quantum dots (qd), consisting of hundreds of thousands of High-resolution image sensor composed of photodetectors!”

"We further improved the development of all aspects of the concept of this product, and finally created the pressure rabbit cmos!"

"Compared with silicon-based CMOS, graphene CMOS has more advantages. When the amount of light input remains unchanged, the final imaging effect is stronger and the lens distortion is smaller. At the same time, we have also expanded the short infrared range of the spectrum (1100 -1900nm) quantum dots have stronger advantages in night photography!"

"In short, according to our test results, Yutu CMOS completely crushed Sony's imx700 in all aspects of data!"

When talking about his proud works, Xu Mo can talk endlessly!

"Very good, Yutu CMOS will be equipped on Beichen mobile phones! In addition to mobile phone CMOS, camera CMOS is also an area that you will continue to research!"

"I am very much looking forward to the day when "Chang'e" cmos is officially released!"

After listening to his report, Luo Yang expressed his satisfaction!

The advent of Yutu CMOS shows that Beichen Technology and the entire Dragon Kingdom have once again reduced a shortcoming! An important breakthrough has been made in the field of high-end CMOS!

Even if there is an all-out war with Sansang, Beichen Technology does not need to worry about Sansang cutting off its supply!

The Chang'e cmos mentioned by Luo Yang will form two series of products with Yutu!

"Based on Yutu cmos, we have further increased the sensor area to serve as camera cmbs. We have now started a series of debugging with the imaging development department!"

"Currently, Yutu CMOS is equipped with high-end lens modules provided by Euro-Philadelphia and Shunyu Optical. After comprehensive training by the imaging department, the current color and imaging effects are very good!"

Xu Mo continued to report.

The imaging development department he mentioned is under the mobile phone department and is responsible for imaging development, including technical research on software and hardware!

The imaging technology development team includes technical talents that Luo Yang hired from mobile phone manufacturers such as Nokia, Fruit, Sansang, and Warwick, as well as camera and lens manufacturers such as Necon, Canon, Chase, and Laika!

In addition to cmos development, it also includes camera algorithm optimization, AI algorithm, and color training of chos.

cmos laboratory is affiliated to the imaging department.

In terms of mobile phone cameras, CMOS can be said to be the most difficult to overcome. Sony's semiconductor business has performed very strongly in recent years. The largest revenue and R&D investment is in the field of CMOS chips!

In terms of lens modules, there are four domestic giants: Oufeiguang, Shunyu Optical, Qiu Tai Technology, and Xinli International. Their product lines include high-end, high-end and low-end lens modules!

Even the fruit phone produced by the fruit company must purchase lens modules from Shunyu.

Regarding this point, Beichen mobile phones are also directly purchased finished products. Only in industries such as CMOS that cannot be broken through in China, Beichen Technology will end up doing it on its own.

On the other side, after the negotiation, Ku Ke contacted the board of directors immediately!

Facing Luo Yang's request, the board of directors has long been prepared to be ripped off!

"As we analyzed, there is already a fight between Luo Yang and Sansang Company! The current Longguo suppliers have the ability to fully replace Sansang Group!"

At the fruit company's board of directors, a shareholder representative put forward his opinion.

"Everyone, whether it is Sansang, Beichen Technology, Gaotong or Microsoft, they have all had business conflicts with us, and in the end they all chose to reconcile!"

"Stop the loss in time is the wisest choice. I don't think anyone will have trouble with the US dollar!"

Everyone else nodded!

"Compared to Beichen Technology, Sansang Group has been in comprehensive decline! What is certain is that once Sansang and Bangziguo Enterprises withdraw from the supply chain of the fruit company, all aspects of business will face a devastating blow!"

"For us, graphene series products are absolutely not to be missed! Otherwise it will be like missing out on the 5G era!"

This shareholder representative is a little excited at the moment!

"As we join forces with the Dragon Kingdom to launch an encirclement and suppression of the Bangzi Kingdom, the Sansang Group will inevitably collapse like dominoes! Once the Sansang Group falls, we will lose a powerful opponent!"

"We will quickly seize the market share of Sansang mobile phones!"

"Even Huamiov cannot compete head-on with us in overseas markets!"

Everyone's breathing is a little heavy!

The global mobile phone market share is only that large. Although fruit companies have taken away the majority of profits, it does not mean that they do not want to continue to eat more cakes!

As the second largest mobile phone company in the world, Sansang will leave more profits if it collapses!

"And another point is that Sansang is the last enclave of the Android system. If Sansang mobile phone completely collapses, Anzuo will also lose its foothold!"

"Even if there are still mobile phone manufacturers such as Sony and HDC that support Android Desktop, their poor market share will not be a threat at all!"

"The Anzhu system will come to an end completely!"

This is what he pays most attention to!

The Three Kingdoms’ struggle for hegemony in mobile phone operating systems is finally coming to an end!

Android and iOS have been competing for more than ten years, and finally faced the sudden emergence of pmos and continued to retreat. Now it is about to officially end!

Fruit Company will never regard Gu Ge as a good friend. Shopping malls are like battlefields. Fruit Company will never mind driving Gu Ge out of the operating system market!

The next day, Luo Yang met with Ku Ke again!

As soon as the meeting started [Kuke agreed to Luo Yang’s conditions!

"Mr. Luo Yang, I have discussed it with the board of directors. We accept the three conditions you proposed. Now let's talk about specific cooperation!"

Luo Yang is not surprised either.

This cooperation will be beneficial to both parties!

At the same time, it also means that the fruit company has boarded the pirate ship of Beichen Technology!

In the future, many supply chain links of the fruit company will fall into the hands of Beichen Technology! Beichen Technology will fully replace the current Sansang [and launch ten series of cooperation with the fruit company]


"Okay, let's discuss the details next!"

After finalizing the cooperation intention, Luo Yang finally relented.

"I can't give you the first launch of graphene products. This is what Huami ov and I have discussed! With the fruit company's strong brand premium and user loyalty, even if we don't get the first launch, it won't have a big impact on you. !”

"What? We can't even get a starting spot???"

Ku Ke couldn't help but frown.

According to Luo Yang, 3-6 months after the launch of a new product is the time for fruit companies to get the goods!

Just like the Fire Dragon flagship mobile phone SOC released by Gaotong Company every year, most of the first releases are Sansang, and the rice ov is the second batch!

There is a difference of at least three months!

After Sansang Mobile has finished its early bonus, it’s Miov’s turn to drink soup!

However, now the situation has changed, and the company that eats meat and drinks soup has become a fruit company!

0...Please give me flowers...

Of course Ku Ke is not satisfied!

"Mr. Luo Yang, after all, our fruit company is the world's strongest mobile phone manufacturer. If we can't get even one of the first launches, wouldn't it be very shameful?"

"That can only be embarrassing. Huamiov stood up for Beichen Technology in the most difficult moment. This is the reward we must pay! This matter is non-negotiable!"

Luo Yang was not in a hurry, took a sip of herbal tea and waited for Ku Ke's decision.

Actually this is not the worst case scenario!

After Beichen Mobile is released, the launch of many new technologies and new products in the future will be handed over to Beichen Mobile, and Huami ov, the four major mobile phone vendors, will be the second echelon!

Fruit companies continue to fall to the third echelon!

If things continue like this, the brand influence of fruit companies will continue to decrease!

Unless fruit companies or the United States can break through graphene technology in advance, they will have to endure this treatment!

Cook took a deep breath.

The treatment he has received recently has made him feel very unhappy!

"The rise of the graphene industry will allow Longguo to reap huge market dividends! This is a market with an output value of more than 1 trillion U.S. dollars! And it is a blue ocean!"

It is impossible to say that I am not envious!

Of course, Ku Ke knew about the graphene development team being run by the SLA Association, and the fruit company also secretly provided money to fund the development of the team!

I originally thought that with the addition of Belle Labs and Xiangshuling Labs, the development progress could be accelerated quickly, but the reality turned out to be extremely frustrating!

The team’s development progress can be said to be extremely slow!

Global semiconductor manufacturers, battery manufacturers, and automobile manufacturers are all paying attention to the progress of the SLA Association!

Ku Ke also heard some news. For example, there were rumors within Dubon that the teacups in the president's office had been replaced by dozens of sets! And the stocks of Intel and other semiconductor companies were also falling again and again, and the data were simply terrible!

As for the Bangzi country, which is mainly targeted by Luo Yang, the stock market has fallen to the limit for a week!

Sansang, g1, ks, the four major chaebols are now in the pocket, and their stocks are already in ruins!

"If the fruit company announces the termination of cooperation with Sansang at this time, Sansang Company may be completely shut down! At least Sansang Electronics, the largest subsidiary, will be completely cool!"

Go to Gangzhu Qiao

After the death, Ku Ke has been in charge of the fruit company for many years and has developed a pair of sharp eyes!

He is very aware of Luo Yang's advantage at this moment!

As the only technology company in the world that has mastered the process of large-scale synthesis of graphene, Beichen Technology will definitely change the global industrial landscape!

Fruit companies must not miss the opportunity of the graphene era!

This is the unanimous idea of ​​​​Kuke and the board of directors!

In the end, Ku Ke accepted Luo Yang’s conditions with a bitter look on his face!

"You win, Mr. Luo Yang!"

After the fruit company surrendered, the progress of the negotiations suddenly accelerated a lot!

First of all, Beichen Technology promises that after supplying Huami ov to the four major mobile phone manufacturers, all major series of graphene products will open orders to fruit companies!

The only large-scale mass production currently is graphene memory. Huami OV has already contracted part of its production capacity. If the fruit company places an order now, it should be able to get it in August.

Ten days of order!

Ku Ke didn’t hesitate at all and signed the contract on the spot!

“We hope to get the first batch of graphene memory products as quickly as possible! 17

There is only one month left until the fruit company’s autumn launch!

It is too late to replace all the yet-to-be-released Fruit 13 mobile phones with graphene memory.

In fact, after the release of Fruit 12, the design plan of Fruit 13 has been initially finalized. In the spring, Tai M&E has started assembling Fruit 13!

Cool has made a decision to release two memory versions of the Fruit Phone at this year’s autumn conference!

"The first one is the silicon-based memory version that has been stocked on a large scale. The price is slightly lower than that of previous years' products. The price reduction does not exceed 500 yuan. The second one is

For the graphene memory version, the final price skyrocketed by 1,000 yuan!”

In terms of knife skills, Fruit Company is definitely not inferior to Warwick!

As for whether users will pay the bill, Ku Ke is not worried at all!

Users of Fruit Phone will definitely buy it!

(Thanks to the book friend for the flowers. I have been back to my hometown for a few days, so I have been posting and saving the manuscript. I will update it normally from tomorrow).

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