Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 77 Huamiov Joins Forces To Attack! Completely Eliminate Silicon-Based Memory! (1/?)

Except for graphene memory, which can be ordered, other product companies can only continue to wait!

After the goal was achieved, Ku Ke led the people to leave, and then went to the Changxin headquarters of Hui Province. With the nod of Beichen Technology, the four major memory vendors accepted the order from the fruit company!

Luo Yang didn't care about the specific negotiations. After the fruit company, he received the Crown Prince Mod from the Kingdom of Shatta!

"Mr. Luo Yang! First time meeting me, I'm Maude!"

"Hello, Mr. Maude!"

Wearing a white robe and a big beard, Maud is one of the most well-known members of the royal family and a shareholder of Aramco!

As a royal person, Maude can be said to have been born with a silver spoon in her mouth!

This visit to Beichen Technology was a private matter, and Moder was uncharacteristically very low-key!

If he had followed the previous style, Moder might not have organized a welcome team of luxury sports cars, and headed all the way to Beichen Technology Headquarters in a high-profile manner!

Compared to Cook, Mod's identity is obviously more important.

"Mr. Luo Yang, our Saudi Arabian sovereign fund is very interested in the graphene material you have developed. I wonder if you are interested in cooperating?"

"Sorry, we have no idea of ​​licensing it to anyone at the moment!"

Luo Yang refused on the spot!

Are you kidding me, even a tycoon like Shatta Kingdom can't get an external authorization for the graphene synthesis process!

Luo Yang must firmly control the synthesis process of graphene raw materials in his own hands!

Maud was a little disappointed.

"In addition to technology licensing, I wonder if we can become a partner of Beichen Technology? For example... graphene batteries?"

"We can promise that once we obtain the technical authorization for graphene batteries, we will immediately carry out large-scale replacement across the country! We in Saudi Arabia will also introduce a series of policies to promote graphene batteries on a large scale!"

“I don’t think anyone will doubt our economic strength!”

Maude was very confident at the moment.

Backed by the benefits of oil resources, the Kingdom of Shatta has been living a very prosperous life, and all kinds of sports cars and luxury goods can be seen everywhere!

For example, the transportation department of Debai has all its cars of luxury models, from Lamborghini to Ferrari, from Porsche to Aston Martin, and even Bugatti!

These super sports cars have captured the attention of the world!

Coupled with the fact that many wealthy people go to Dibai for fun, there are a lot of luxury cars here. If the Shata Kingdom decides to promote graphene batteries across the country, it will definitely lead the trend of the times!

"As one of the world's largest oil exporters, I'm afraid there is no benefit in promoting graphene batteries. I suggest you think about it carefully."

Faced with the temptation, Luo Yang did not agree.

For the early graphene products, Luo Yang only plans to open them to domestic licenses!

Maud frowned.

"Mr. Luo Yang, haven't you ever considered cooperating with foreign companies? Our Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has a great influence in the world, and our cooperation will definitely be a win-win situation!

"Mr. Maude, if you plan to seek authorization, don't think about it for the time being. If you just plan to purchase graphene products, I can guarantee you and reserve a certain share for you!"

However, Luo Yang still declined!

In the end, Maude was extremely disappointed and left with the negotiation team.

This negotiation eventually broke up on bad terms!

On the Gulfstream private plane flying to Saudi Arabia, Maud made a report to the king of Saudi Arabia.

"It seems that Luo Yang is a very vigilant person. Under such circumstances, he does not want to join forces with our energy field for the time being! Perhaps, it is time to agree to the requests of the Americans!"

The king of Shata Kingdom was old and mature, and he quickly realized Luo Yang's idea.

At the same time, I also felt a deep crisis in my heart!

With the advent of the graphene era, the energy industry will undergo tremendous changes!

Without anyone paying attention, Maud's visit did not cause much trouble.

On the other hand, after receiving instructions from Beichen Technology, the two major memory giants Changxin and Yangtze River finally relented and agreed to leave part of the graphene memory order to the Fruit Company!

After signing the purchase agreement, the fruit company immediately held a press conference!

"We are very happy to announce something to you! We have reached a cooperation agreement with Changxin and Yangtze River. The two domestic dealers will enter the supply chain of the fruit company!"

"At this year's autumn conference, we will release the first fruit phone using graphene memory!"

Ku Ke was greeted with countless applause and flashing lights!

The photo of the two parties shaking hands quickly spread all over the world!

The outside world was immediately in an uproar!

"Hiss! Even fruit companies have purchased graphene memory from Longguo, which means that silicon-based memory has once again lost a stronghold!"

"The supply chain of Fruit Company has always had the highest standards in the industry. Being able to penetrate into the supply chain means that Longguo Graphene Memory has achieved world-class standards!"

"Compared with Sansang's ufs3.1 storage, graphene memory has faster reading and writing speeds!"

"As soon as this news comes out, Sansang Company's stock price will continue to fall!"

Everyone is talking about this!

And Sansang Company is also extremely anxious!

Most of the memory products for fruit phones are provided by Sansang Electronics. With the emergence of graphene memory, it is foreseeable that silicon-based memory will be further eliminated from the supply chain of fruit phones!

This is simply adding insult to injury for Sansang Company!

As expected, the market value of Sansang Company plummeted again!

The entire Sansang Group, after experiencing a series of blows and internal strife, is now in turmoil. The company's market value has dropped from US$450 billion at its peak to US$220 billion now!

The market value was cut in half!

On the NH Stock Exchange, the stocks of the four major chaebols have been at their daily limit for more than a week!

With this news from the fruit company, the market value of Sansang Company once again evaporated by US$20 billion! It fell below the US$200 billion mark on the spot!

Looking at the miserable green screen, Li Rongshu had a huge headache at the moment!

In front of him, "the ten senior executives of Bao Electronics sat on their knees fearfully.

"Immediately send people to the United States to lobby the fruit company! We must keep the remaining share of silicon-based memory! If we fail, you don't have to return to China!"


The entire country of Bangzi is in a state of lifelessness at the moment!

Qingtai and the major chaebols have been secretly discussing to find a solution to the predicament!

There is only one way to fundamentally solve the problem, and that is to overcome the graphite synthesis process!

After the SLA Association established a graphene research team, all the major chaebols in Bangzi Country transferred their graphene technicians to this team!

At the same time, under the leadership of Sansang Group, the four major chaebols invested up to 10 billion US dollars in scientific research funds into this group!

Directly occupy 1/3 of the R&D funds!

"I hope the SLA Association can succeed, otherwise, even Wall Street will not be able to save the Sansang Group!"

Li Rongshu murmured...

On the other side, after the fruit company announced the news, the bosses of Huamiov immediately called Luo Yang’s personal mobile phone.

"Mr. Luo, about the fruit company..."

"You don't have to worry, the fruit company's authority to get goods is behind you, and after this cooperation, Sansang Group will completely lose the mobile phone market!"

Luo Yang comforted everyone.

Huami OV is full of ghosts and ghosts, and they immediately guessed that Luo Yang was going to start a riot!

"In the recent period, everyone just needs to be prepared. As soon as the time comes, seize the global market share of Sansang mobile phones!"

"No problem! We at Warwick have been eager to try it!"

Mr. Ren agreed on the spot!

As the most successful mobile phone company in Dragon Kingdom, Huawei has a very broad overseas market share, while Rice has a certain market share in Asan Kingdom and other countries, while OV is developing its efforts in Southeast Asian countries.

As the second most populous country in the world, with a population of 1.3 billion, Asan has a huge market potential that has not yet been tapped.

Although it cannot be compared with Longguo, Sansang, Rice, and OV have all increased their market layout in Asan Kingdom, while Warwick and Fruit Company focus on high-end flagship phones, but are struggling in Asan Kingdom and have basically given up on this. Block market!

Once the Sansang mobile phone business is killed by Beichen Technology, the four giants of Huami OV, including the fruit company, will immediately attack together!

And the bosses of Rebus and ov also made a decision immediately!

That is an all-out war with Sansang!

After hanging up the phone, Huami OV immediately began intensive preparations!

When the two armies are fighting, food and grass go first!

If we want to start a full-scale war with Sansang, we must find replacement suppliers in advance for the supply chains involving Sansang and Bangziguo!

Under the joint coordination of Beichen Technology, Longguo Semiconductor Association, and Graphene Alliance, the entire Longguo mobile phone upstream and downstream industry 5.5 chain has been mobilized!

First of all, BOE, as a replacement for Sansang and GL screens, received huge orders from many companies at once!

In terms of production, BOE has been continuously increasing production capacity in the past few years. Coupled with Beichen Technology's investment, there is no problem in terms of funding [overall, it can keep up with the needs of several major purchases!

In terms of memory, Longguo’s four major memory particle manufacturers are already in full operation!

"Currently, the four major memory manufacturers have basically completed the complete conversion of their silicon-based memory production lines into graphene memory production lines!"

"And their major wafer fabs have basically completed the modification of their production lines, which can be used to mass-produce graphene wafers!"

“Graphene memory already has the ability to be distributed on a large scale!”

Luo Yang obtained the production line modification progress of the four major memory manufacturers!

Graphene memory can be produced freely. Starting from today, Longguo will no longer manufacture new silicon-based memory, but will fully switch to graphene memory!

The silicon-based memory produced before will no longer be produced after the inventory is cleared!

Huami ov and Fruit Company will no longer continue to purchase silicon-based memory after consuming the current silicon-based memory!

The mobile phone industry will take the lead in realizing the complete elimination of silicon-based memory!.

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