Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 120 Savior Amsl? Abandoned Electrical And Mechanical Equipment! (3/4)

After the press conference, it was already 23:00 in the evening, which is now 11:00 in the morning in the United States!

The news that the comprehensive performance of graphene chips is equivalent to 1nm silicon-based chips spread directly throughout the world!

Everyone involved in the semiconductor industry was shocked when they heard the news!


This terrifying number is as out of reach as the Himalayas!

Everyone knows that the most advanced chip manufacturing technology at the moment is only 3nm. This move by Future Semiconductors has caught the world off guard!

Affected by this news, Gaotong, Intel, AND and other companies all plummeted again!

Intel's market value began to fall again from US$60 billion. By the end of the day, it only had a market value of US$35 billion!

Intel has fallen from US$230 billion at its peak to US$35 billion now in just one year!

The entire US stock market has gone crazy!

"Damn it! I want to sell all my Intel stocks! Immediately! Immediately!"

A tall, strong man roared angrily at the trembling traders!

"Sir, I have placed an order for you, but judging from the current situation, no one is willing to buy Intel's stocks..."


The strong man showed a question mark face!

The market value of Gaobao also dropped from US$86 billion to US$150 billion!

If it weren't for the support of communication patents from 2G to 5G, Qualcomm's market value would have fallen below 10 billion US dollars!

"God! Please protect us!"

A devout believer made the sign of the cross.

However, God was obviously very busy and did not hear his prayer! 010

U.S. stocks are still red!

The advent of the second-generation Tianshan graphics card also impacted INVISTA's stock price, with its market value plummeting from US$230 billion to finally stopping at US$150 billion.

A total of 80 billion US dollars has evaporated!

At Invista Headquarters, Lao Huang is losing a lot of hair right now!

"His! If this continues, the entire U.S. semiconductor industry will be destroyed! When the global semiconductor industry collapses, even INVISTA will not be able to survive alone!"

Lao Huang was panicking at this moment!

When the global semiconductor industry is in a crazy decline, INVISTA is already considered a lucky one, at least it still retains a relatively high market value!

After AND's bankruptcy, INVISTA's market share continued to decrease. Currently, Tianshan graphics cards have occupied most of Longguo's market!

As Tianshan graphics cards gain a foothold in Dragon Kingdom, they will soon launch a global attack!

That’s when INVISTA’s market value will shrink again and again!

Lao Huang is extremely worried at this moment!

But what chilled him even more was another thing!

Not long ago, the person in charge of Taiwan Electromechanical Co., Ltd. conveyed a message to him.

The SLA Association held a high-level meeting and notified Taiwan Electromechanical and Lianfa Technology, but they did not attend!

For this, Lao Huang was already mentally prepared.

He knew that Tai Electromechanical planned to join Beichen Technology. Taiwan Electromechanical once invited him, but Huang decided to wait and see.

But the biggest problem is that the SLA Association never invited him from the beginning to the end!

This made Lao Huang suddenly feel cold!

Then he called the person in charge of Kington. Coincidentally, Kington did not receive an invitation from the SLA Association! Once the two parties communicated, they both fell silent!

"Lao Huang, I'm afraid we have been abandoned by the SLA Association! We must prepare for the worst!"

Mr. Sun’s words are like ice in the twelfth lunar month!

At this time, the global semiconductor industry has been affected by this bad news, and many companies have also been affected!

CMOS giants Sonny and Cannon, memory giant Micron, chip maker Texas Instruments, etc. all fell!

But among the countless stocks that fell, only one company's stock bucked the trend and rose!


"The hope for global semiconductors now lies with AMSL! As long as they can develop a 1nm EUV lithography machine in advance, the semiconductor industry will be saved.

Many people are aware of this!

"Yes! We still have AMSL!"

Many stock investors who were like headless chickens seemed to have found a direction at this moment and invested their funds in AMSL stocks one after another!

In their view, AMSL is the only hope!

After all, AMSL is the world's top lithography machine manufacturer. Even Longguo has manufactured 7nm lithography machines. AMSL's technical advantages are still very obvious!

And more importantly, Intel, Sansan, Taiwan Electromechanical and other companies are all major shareholders of AMSL, jointly holding 20% ​​of the shares!

Affected by this, AMSL’s market value began to rise significantly!

By the time the market closed, the stock price had soared to $200 billion!

SLA Association, Kent is like an angry lion, exuding cold murderous aura!

"Guys, now we have no way out! This is a global chip war launched by Future Semiconductors! We must fight to the death!"

"If we don't resist, what awaits us will be complete bankruptcy!"

"At the same time, the countries behind us will also lose their right to speak in the semiconductor industry!"

"Are you willing to see people from the Dragon Kingdom riding on our heads and watching helplessly as the global semiconductor industry chain shifts to the Dragon Kingdom?"

Kent’s words successfully aroused the emotions of everyone present!

"Then Mr. Kent, what should we do? Luo Yang has already conquered the graphene chip!"

The head of Qualcomm frowned.

"We have only two ways! One is to go all out (aeae) and gather the strength of all of us to conquer the large-scale synthesis process of graphene!"

"The other way is to fully support AMSL and let them develop the 1nm lithography machine as soon as possible! This can buy us some time!"

Everyone looked at each other.

This is obviously the second choice!

"We choose the second option!"

“Two major laboratories, Beier and Xiangshuling, are already working on graphene. If they cannot make breakthroughs, then our participation may be of no use.

"Yes, although graphene can be used once and for all, I think it will be difficult to achieve important breakthroughs in a short time! The success of future semiconductors is highly contingent, and we must take this into account!"

"In this way, the second option is more reliable! After we join forces, our strength should be able to help AMSL achieve further breakthroughs! Whether it is funds to start technical personnel, or higher standard parts supply, We can provide it all!”

"Okay! Let's choose the second option!"

Under Kent's mediation, everyone unanimously chose to support AMSL!

AMSL President Malfoy was shaking with excitement at this moment!

At this moment, AMSL has become the savior of the global semiconductor industry!

"Thank you very much for your trust! In this war that affects the life and death of global semiconductors, we at AMSL are duty-bound!"

Given the opportunity to leave Shanghai Microelectronics far behind, Malfoy would naturally not miss it!

As long as the ending gap is big enough, he doesn't have to worry about the threat of Shanghai Microelectronics!

As for the cooperation agreement signed before, haha, isn’t this kind of agreement meant to be torn up?

"Malfoy! Next, we will jointly invest in AMSL and provide you with all-round support! We have only one requirement, and that is to conquer the 1nm lithography machine at all costs in the shortest possible time!"

Kent is at his wits end!

This is his last hope!

Facing the gazes of many members of the SLA Association, Malfoy suppressed his excitement and agreed to this request.

"no problem!"

Kent nodded and then mentioned something!

"One more thing! Taiwan Electromechanical can no longer be a shareholder of AMSL. I want you to notify all shareholders other than Taiwan Electromechanical and join forces to dilute Taiwan Electromechanical's shares and finally expel Taiwan Electromechanical from the board of directors!"

"Taiwan Electric is no longer worthy of our trust!"

Kent looked gloomy.

At this gathering sponsored by the SLA Association, Taiwan Electromechanical and even Facility did not attend!

This is not a good sign!

After thinking about it for a while, Kent decided to cut the knot quickly and get the matter done!

“After diluting Taiwan Electromechanical’s shares, AMSL is prohibited from selling photolithography machines to Taiwan Electromechanical!”

"Don't worry about sales. After we cut off supply to Taiwan Electromechanical, we will support Sansang Electronics to become the world's largest chip foundry, thus replacing Taiwan Electromechanical's position!!!"

In just a few words, Kent decided the fate of Taiwan Electromechanical and Sansang!

"Mr. Kent! On behalf of Director Li, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you!"

Representative Sansang was knocked unconscious by the cake that suddenly fell on his head and fell into a huge king!

Immediately come forward and bow to say thank you!

Faced with the persecution of Beichen Technology and the "betrayal" of Taiwan Electromechanical and Lianfa Technology, the SLA Association chose to stand with Sansang!

Only then did everyone realize something.

That is, Invista and Kingston, both members of the SLA Association, did not appear here!

Everyone looked at each other.

"Can they even..."


Kent vetoed everyone’s speculation!

"I deliberately did not notify these two companies. These Wanwan companies can no longer be trusted! In the words of the people of the Dragon Kingdom, if they are not from my tribe, their minds will be different!"

"We have to consider the possibility of their betrayal!"

Kent's words shocked everyone, but no one said anything.

They were not at ease with the people of the Dragon Kingdom to begin with!

Even though these two giant companies have been established in the United States for decades!

After finalizing this plan, the SLA Association immediately started a series of secret operations!

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