Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 121 Beichen Flagship Store Is Officially On Sale! Triggering Looting Across The Country! (4/

The next day.

Beichen mobile phone flagship stores in major first-tier cities in the Dragon Kingdom all have long queues!

At this time, it was just getting dark, and countless users from all over the country had already consciously gathered in front of major flagship stores! Some of them could be identified as scalpers at a glance!

"It goes on sale in three hours. We should be able to get the goods, right?"

A sleepy young man yawned!

"It should be no problem. Didn't Beichen Technology say it has prepared a total of 30 million mobile phones? In addition to the 10 million online units, the remaining 20 million units will be sent to Ketian flagship stores across the country!"

His companions were also discussing at the moment.

They are all students from a nearby university. Today is the National Day holiday, so they came here early in the morning! They hope to get their mobile phones as soon as possible!

Users who have paid in full online can choose to wait for the courier to be delivered to their door, or they can choose to go to a nearby flagship store to pick up the goods themselves!

"The decoration style of Beichen flagship store looks quite good. I like this style!"

The place where they were queuing up was the No. 1 flagship store in Shanghai CBD!

It is also the largest flagship store in Longguo!

Countless people in Shanghai are very curious about this uniquely decorated store, which has been isolated by scaffolding and has never revealed its true appearance!

It was not until yesterday afternoon that this store removed all external shielding, which immediately amazed everyone!

The time has arrived at 8 a.m., and all major flagship stores have started selling on time!


After the flagship store opened, the entire long queue immediately became a sensation!

And the big-bodied security guards were already in place, strictly controlling the flow of people entering the store!

For the first large number of users who entered the store, the first thing they did was take out their mobile phones and take a selfie!


Then they looked around inside.

The carefully designed flagship store is very spacious and uses the technical design of metal beam frame + large glass. At the same time, you can see the traditional cultural elements of the Dragon Kingdom in every corner!

The entire area is divided into mobile phone and computer areas. Related products are placed on the booth, and users can directly experience it!

There were also many staff ladies wearing black staff uniforms who began to explain to everyone with sweet smiles.

"This computer belongs to me, no one can steal it from me!"

A young man took the lead in occupying a high-end version of Beichen Computer and then began to experience it.

Others also grabbed seats one after another and experienced different products.

A series of products such as mobile phones, computers, smart watches, etc. all provide qualifications for hands-on experience, which has won almost unanimous praise from everyone!

"Hello sir, how may I serve you?"

"Uh, hello, I ordered a Beichen mobile phone extra large cup, 256GB black version on the official website!

"Okay! Please wait a moment and we will sort the goods for you."


A moment later, this young man wearing a brand-name suit got his first Beichen mobile phone!

Randomized packaging!

The black body is very slender and also adopts a 16:9 ratio. Because of the integrated feel brought by graphene glass, people can’t feel the presence of metal at all!

Flip to the back and you can't see the camera bump.

“This phone is so beautiful! It’s exactly the same as the one at the press conference!”

The young people are very excited!

His family background is not bad, which also cultivated his identity as an electronic product enthusiast.

After booting up skillfully, you will be greeted by the familiar pmos!

"Sir, if your other phone is also pmos, you can directly log in to your pmos personal account and copy the data of the other phone directly from the cloud to the owner of this phone!"

The employee lady was guiding me from the side.

Soon the young man completed the system activation!

I saw the phone screen jump a little, and a message appeared.

"Hello! Congratulations on becoming the first user in the world to activate Beichen mobile phone! As a lucky user, you will get a copy of our super gift package!"

Then, in the young man's eyes with surprise, the employee girl came directly with a Beichen tablet computer!

"Congratulations, sir! This is our lucky prize!"

The young man's eyes narrowed as he smiled.

Although he is not short of the 6,000 yuan, he certainly will not refuse if he can buy a tablet computer for free!

And everyone who came in with the young man had envious expressions on their faces at this moment!

"Hiss! Give me a tablet for free??? I should have known I wouldn't take selfies anymore! The lucky prize just passed me by!"

"Oh my god, I just went to the side to experience the real machine, and someone beat me to it???"

With the birth of the first lucky winner, major flagship stores ushered in a sales boom!

From major first-tier cities to major prefecture-level cities, Beichen Technology has opened more than 600 flagship stores in Longguo!

On average, each prefecture-level city has two flagship stores, and in first-tier megacities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, at least four flagship stores have been set up, covering the four corners of the city, covering the east, west, north and south, and spreading throughout the most prosperous urban areas of the city. Center, economic center, commercial street and other areas!

No matter which flagship store it is, they are all full at the moment!

When reporters from major media and TV stations arrived, they saw a heated situation!

By ten o'clock at noon, people were still queuing up!

"Hiss! Beichen Technology is definitely making a lot of money now! The sales of Beichen mobile phones are so hot!"

Soon, the trial feedback from the first batch of users was posted online!

Users who have already gotten computers on the bib and short video platforms have expressed their experience using it!

A netizen named It Will Rain Tomorrow posted a test video on the scarf.

“After receiving the support of many graphene products, Beichen mobile phone can be said to be an unprecedented super electronic product and unprecedented!”

"I started queuing up at 4:30 in the morning, and finally got the product at the Forbidden City store! A top-of-the-range super large cup! Judging from the hands-on experience, the performance in all aspects is very powerful

"According to the results of professional testing software, the multi-core running score of the second-generation Phoenix SOC has reached 11,350 points! It is 2.5 times that of the first-generation Phoenix SOC.

"The performance improvement of Phoenix SOC is very huge. When playing the game of chicken with the full frame rate, there is no lag in the whole process! After one hour of continuous use, there is no obvious heat! When tested with an infrared tester, the highest The temperature does not exceed BO degrees Celsius!”

0…please give me flowers

“In terms of power consumption and heat dissipation, graphene chips can be said to outperform silicon-based chips!”

"And this graphene flexible screen developed by Future Semiconductor and produced by BOE also shows excellent picture quality! After using DC dimming, the light of the screen is soft and not dazzling, and the color reproduction is high Very high, this is an excellent screen in these aspects!”

"Graphene glass also feels great. I have already tested it. I dropped my phone directly on the concrete floor from the second floor without any damage! This is definitely good news for the majority of users who do not use mobile phone cases!

"In terms of battery, I have used it continuously for 4 hours since I got it, including watching movies, playing games, watching short videos, and browsing the web [but the power consumption is less than 1%!!!"

This netizen showed the remaining battery power to everyone with a shocked look on his face!

The 40,000 mAh graphene battery can support at least 57-60 hours of heavy use!

"The last one is CMOS. I'm not a professional in this area, but judging from the photos I took casually, the performance is comparable to the photos taken by Warwick and Fruit Phone!"

After this scarf was published, it was directly searched by users!

The comments below are diverse, but most of them express their strong recognition of Beichen Technology!

“I have compared it with Fruit 13 Extra Large Cup and Warwick P50 Extra Large Cup. Beichen Mobile has crushed it in every aspect!”

"The main lens of Beichen Technology uses 45 million pixels. This camera lens with Yutu CMOS support has excellent performance! Being ranked first on the DXO list is definitely a deserved reputation!"

"The pmos2.0 version has more functions and is more powerful! Currently, other brands of mobile phones are not yet open for upgrades. If you want to experience the latest system, we strongly recommend you to buy a Beichen mobile phone!"

Many comments attracted the attention of countless people!

In addition to this netizen, major self-media and testing institutions have also obtained samples and conducted comprehensive tests. The final results are similar.

In terms of chip performance and battery, Beichen mobile phone beats any mobile phone in the world!

Even the battery capacity of the so-called rugged mobile phones cannot be compared with that of Beichen mobile phones!

And because of the anti-fall and waterproof performance of Beichen mobile phones, they soon surpassed the traditional three-proof mobile phones and became the first choice for many travel enthusiasts!

In addition to Beichen mobile phones, Beichen computers and other smart product series have also received unanimous praise!

The second-generation Kunlun chip directly defeated all models of Intel and AND chips in a crushing way!

Even the cheapest 6,000 yuan desktop computer has performance that exceeds that of the 13th generation i7 chip, which has aroused the crazy pursuit of countless computer enthusiasts!

Comparing the two, no one wants to use computers with silicon-based chips!

In addition to ordinary users, major game enthusiasts, game anchors, individuals and companies engaged in the design industry all switched to Beichen Computer products immediately!

The hands of major game anchors have been replaced by Beichen mobile phone-Beichen computer configurations for the first time!

Beichen’s mobile phone and computer products got off to a good start!

(Thanks to JK for the 1000 point reward).

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