Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 132 Polaris Vs. Nightmare! Luo Yang Takes Action!

Luo Yang conquered the outer encryption shell of the nightmare virus without even using Xiaobei!

This hacker with the ID name "Blue Devil" designed more than one encryption shell for the Nightmare virus, but it fell apart when faced with Luo Yang's attack!

Luo Yang carefully studied its core.

The other party used part of the code of the eclipse virus, which was mainly related to the intrusion method.

When the ghost came out and fought against the N.O.A.D headquarters in the United States, the solar eclipse virus that was concocted directly plunged the global Internet into dire straits!

Global hard drive manufacturers have been severely affected!

Sansang was even invaded by the second-generation solar eclipse virus, the server data was deleted and overwritten, and many of its factories were shut down on the spot, causing huge losses of up to 12 billion US dollars!

The eclipse virus's pervasiveness and hardware-specific characteristics have attracted the attention of many interested people.

Although the Blue Devils failed to conquer the core code of Eclipse, they obtained part of the outer code and wrote it into the nightmare virus!

Luo Yang is also very familiar with the core code of Nightmare!

As the country that invented the Internet and the operating system, Zhang Guo’s control over it is far beyond ordinary people’s imagination!

In the hands of certain organizations, they control the world's largest and most professional cyber weapons!

The eternal black virus that ravaged the world a few years ago came from the virus library in the hands of this organization "Zero Sixty"!

The core code of the Nightmare Virus is a virus similar to Eternal Black. Although the Blue Devils encrypted the core code, they still failed to stop Luo Yang and easily revealed the disguise of the Nightmare Virus. !

The main intrusion method of this virus is not only through the Internet, but also by infecting U disks, hard disks and other storage devices, replicating and spreading. Then it will automatically find vulnerabilities in the software system. After the intrusion, it will directly delete the original key accounts and obtain the equipment. supreme control!

For files on computers, servers, installed industrial software, etc., Nightmare Virus will delete some specific files and then encrypt them!

The encryption method is very interesting. Although Luo Yang can easily crack it, it is still relatively difficult for programmers in this world!

For embedded systems, the nightmare virus will be encrypted and locked. The user can either replace the entire motherboard + chip + memory to remove it, or obediently pay the ransom!

For example, Taiwan Electromechanical Co., Ltd. and Tailian Electronics Co., Ltd., the Blue Devils directly offered a ransom of 10 million US dollars for a photolithography machine! Such a high ransom is completely deliberately irritating people's attention!

The payment methods include mainstream virtual currencies on the market, which are the main means for hackers to collect payments.

Luo Yang tracked the collection account, but as expected, he found nothing!

Herein lies the trouble with virtual currencies!


Luo Yang was very unhappy.

This ID called Blue Devil is obviously deliberately seeking trouble for Wanwan Semiconductor!

As for the person behind it, Luo Yang can guess with his toes that he has a choice with the United States!

Mr. Liu has already contacted him through an encrypted phone call, and the process of convincing Wanwan Semiconductor Company has gone very smoothly. More than one-third of the companies have already agreed to join the Longguo Semiconductor Alliance!

Even though there are only one-third of the companies, these companies together directly occupy more than 80% of the market share of Wanwan! Even looking at the world, the total market share occupied by these companies exceeds 60%!

This is a decisive force!

After getting Mr. Liu's commitment, Luo Yang also contacted Longguo officials, who would send a heavyweight leader to personally host the press conference for these companies to join the Longguo Semiconductor Alliance!

But at this critical moment, the nightmare virus suddenly broke out in Xiang Semiconductor?

Is the hacker's goal to extort ransom?

What a fool!

Luo Yang sneered!

The United States definitely does not want to see this scene, and it is also within Luo Yang's expectation to attack by means outside the rules!

Luo Yang then asked Xiaobei to conduct an investigation, and sure enough, they found clues. A series of clues directly pointed to the SLA Association!

In addition to the SLA Association, Eden and AMSL are also involved!

Luo Yang frowned.

"Garden of Eden?"

Judging from the clues investigated by Xiaobei, it seems that the SLA Association hired a master hacker from Eden and gave AMSL a backdoor to the lithography machine!

This makes the opponent's journey of destruction extremely smooth!

"No wonder, I just said how could the other party move so fast!"

Luo Yang suddenly realized!

AMSL’s actions are “indispensable” for this!

He then quietly entered AMSL's server, and after investigating the relevant logs, he found that after AMSL handed over the backdoor of this system version, it immediately released a new version of the system for its lithography machines. In this version, the backdoor had disappeared. !

Photolithography machines from Sansan, Intel and other companies were upgraded immediately!

On the contrary, Taiwan Electromechanical and Taiwan Electrical and Electronics Co., Ltd., because they have been betrayed by AMSL, even the technical maintenance personnel have been withdrawn, so they are still using the old version of the system!

"This is a very 666 game of stealing and changing things!"

Luo Yang sneered!

At this point, the cause and process of this conspiracy have been fully investigated!

Xiaobei also found clues about the person who contacted Eden Garden, and it was none other than Ken Shi, this old guy!

As for the identity of the Blue Devil, Xiaobei has also narrowed down the search target, and it is almost certain that he is one of the nine fallen angel moderators! Lucifer is now Xiaobei's vest, and the remaining eight moderators are all possible.

"The identity of the Blue Devil will be investigated later. The flaws will be exposed sooner or later! The first task now is to solve the problem of the nightmare virus. Let's launch an anti-virus patch first!"

Fifteen minutes later, Luo Yang wrote an anti-virus patch!

This patch directly identifies the code of the nightmare virus, and some unique characteristics will cause the patch to attack!

The core code is written in C language, because most of the hardware devices infected with viruses are not POS systems but systems written in C language!

For example, for AMSL's lithography machine, it is definitely impossible to use Luo language to write an embedded operating system!

If major companies in Wanwan used the POS series derivative system developed by Beichen Technology, there would be no current problem. Any POS derivative system has the ability to "backtrack"! No matter what kind of virus or Trojan intrusion, it cannot Critical data is compromised!

"I guess this time things are over, Wanwan Semiconductor will completely replace the POS system!"

This can be considered a bonus benefit.

Because of well-known reasons, the popularity of POS and PMOs systems in Wanwan has always been relatively low, and many people have an inexplicable resistance!

In this virus case, all three series of systems were affected: win, linux, and unix. I believe that after this incident is over, coupled with the previous solar eclipse virus case, I believe that the stubborn ideas of most users will change. Change!

After getting the anti-virus patch, Luo Yang immediately contacted Ouyang Ming and Mr. Liu.

"I have written the anti-virus patch for Nightmare Virus. You can directly connect it to the poisoned hardware device through a USB flash drive or storage device. Do not cut off the power during this period. The anti-virus patch will automatically monitor the virus code and will automatically detect and kill it when found. Data deleted within 24 hours will also be restored as much as possible...."

"Hiss! Luo Yang, you are too fast! Our team has just broken through the third layer of encryption shell!"

On the other end of the phone, Ouyang Ming smiled bitterly!

The computer team members under him looked at each other and stopped deciphering the nightmare virus. They all heard Ouyang Ming's words.

In less than an hour, the nightmare virus was completely analyzed and an anti-virus patch was written!

Is this horse riding done by humans?

Everyone was complaining crazily in their hearts!

A deep sense of frustration surged into their hearts!

Being able to join Ou Yangming's group, they are naturally top talents in the computer industry, but with so many people joining forces, they still can't compare to Luo Yang alone!

"Oh! It's so irritating to compare people to each other!"

A young man wearing glasses sighed.

"Actually, this is normal! How can someone who can take the lead in developing the POS system not have a few brushes?"

Mr. Liu on the other side was also overjoyed at this moment!

"Great! Our equipment is finally saved! Thank you, Mr. Luo!"

Before this, his situation could be said to be besieged on all sides!

Wanwan had people from all the major security software vendors, but no one could solve the nightmare virus! In desperation, he asked Luo Yang for help!

How long did it take before the result?

It didn’t even take an hour! Luo Yang took out the anti-virus patch!

"Luo Yang is indeed the world's top white hat! This is worthy of his reputation!"

Mr. Liu was very shocked!

The name of a person is like the shadow of a tree. Taiwan Electromechanical is mainly engaged in chip OEM and is not strong in software. Therefore, Luo Yang has no practical experience in being called the "strongest white hat" by the outside world.

Only then did he feel the value of this title!

This is the first person in the world!

It is precisely because of this that Mr. Liu is even more determined to hold on to him!

"Quick! Connect this anti-virus patch to all devices! This is the latest anti-virus patch launched by Beichen Technology!"

Mr. Liu held a Huashuo computer with POS system installed and downloaded this anti-virus patch.

Software engineers from major anti-virus software companies looked at each other in confusion.

"Gan! Beichen Technology has taken away your job again!"

Although they are angry, 0.9 they feel a deep sense of powerlessness!

The software strength of Beichen Technology is really too strong!

The technician first tested it on a virus-infected Win system computer and inserted a USB flash drive with the anti-virus patch installed. The computer screen that was originally locked by the payment interface flashed a few times, and a huge Polaris logo suddenly appeared in the upper right corner of the screen. !

Like a meteor falling to the ground, the Polaris logo crashed onto the interface of Nightmare Virus at a terrifying speed, and then a progress bar appeared on the screen!

Everyone watched this scene nervously.


As the number reached 100%, the interface of the Nightmare Virus completely disappeared without a trace, and the Polaris logo flashed for a few times before soaring away again!



Many technicians and programmers who watched this scene all exclaimed in exclamation at this moment!

Just play the flash animation and the virus is removed?

Then they hurried forward and checked carefully, and indeed the nightmare virus could not be found! What surprised them was that some file data that had been deleted by the nightmare virus were all restored with the anti-virus patch!

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