Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 133: Free Promotion Of Security Patches! Corporate Responsibility And Credibility!

Everyone exclaimed in unison!

Software engineers sent by major security software vendors are now completely impressed!

Strength comes first!

"Mr. Liu, the anti-virus patch is completely effective. The only thing left is large-scale anti-virus!"

A middle-aged software engineer confirmed the anti-virus results and gave Mr. Liu a positive reply!

"Very good! I'll trouble you all next, try your best to kill all computer viruses! Our technical staff will also cooperate with you!"

"no problem!"

Soon, with the efforts of major anti-software engineers, the locked hardware equipment in Taiwan Electromechanical Factory was unlocked one by one, and the computers and servers that had their systems and key files deleted were all anti-virus patches and the relevant data was restored. !

After solving the factory problems, Mr. Liu then passed the anti-virus patches to the heads of major wafer fabs!

Everyone had already received the news from Mr. Liu, and their actions at this moment were very clean and tidy. The nightmare virus that had been encountered in the wafer factory was quickly detected and killed! Where they did not notice, the anti-virus patch quietly filled in the gaps left by AMSL. System backdoor! 04 Even if you don’t upgrade the system later, you don’t need to worry about being controlled by AMSL!

After a morning of shutdown, the huge Taiwan electromechanical production line started running again!

Wow wow wow!

Mr. Liu took the lead and started applauding!

Everyone still has lingering fears at this moment!

What happened this morning was really thrilling!

"Mr. Liu, this anti-virus patch is very easy to use. "I don't know if Beichen Technology is here to get a paid or free solution. Our anti-virus software hopes to get the authorization to use this anti-virus patch!"

Even after the task was completed, the middle-aged engineer did not leave, but approached Mr. Liu!

Mr. Liu is not sure either.

"Okay, I'll contact Mr. Luo."

Then Luo Yang received a call from Mr. Liu. After learning the other party's intention, Luo Yang smiled. There was no charge for the anti-virus patch itself, and the reason was very simple.

First of all, the scope of the nightmare virus outbreak is limited to the Wanwan area. Anyway, Wanwan is also a part of the Dragon Kingdom. For his family, Luo Yang does not intend to make money from anti-virus patches. Beichen scientists have great achievements, and this little money Luo Yang Yang really doesn’t like it!

Free licensing can also create a positive image for Beichen Technology and weaken Wanwan’s resistance to Beichen Technology. This is good for the popularization of POS!

After all, this time, there is no computer with POS installed, and the server is infected!

This wave of operations by the Blue Devils can be regarded as a free advertisement for Beichen Technology!

In addition to creating a positive image and free publicity, this is also good for Luo Yang to win over Wanwan Semiconductor.

After this experience, major companies will inevitably become more determined to rely on Beichen Technology!

Beichen Technology will stand in front of all strong winds, waves and storms!

"This anti-virus patch is free. I will make an announcement on the official website later, allowing users to download and try it for free, but it cannot be used for paid commercial purposes!"

"That's great, Mr. Luo, on behalf of the whole Wanwan, thank you!"

Mr. Liu was completely impressed at this moment!

Looking at Luo Yang's series of actions after his rise, all of them show that Ai Yang is a nationalist!

Luo Yang has always strongly supported the enterprises established by his allies and compatriots in the Dragon Kingdom. Even if they compete, they will leave a certain market share for the other party! On the other hand, foreign competitors have all been attacked by Luo Yang and directly hammered them on the spot. Half dead!

A few minutes later, Beichen Technology’s official website, scarf, and official account all released the Nightmare antivirus patch!

"As a responsible Longguo enterprise, Beichen Technology has the responsibility and obligation to maintain the security of the Longguo Internet!"

"This morning, a computer virus called "Nightmare" broke out in the Wanwan area! Many companies and people have suffered huge losses! After emergency research by the Beichen Technology Software Department, we have cracked the code of the Nightmare virus! And developed a The relevant virus patches have been obtained, and the authorization is now open to the public for free!”

“Any company, institution, or individual can download and try this anti-virus patch for free, but it is limited to non-profit use!

This announcement from Beichen Technology directly detonated the entire Dragon Kingdom Internet!

The outside world has expressed strong recognition of Beichen Technology’s move!

"One thing to say, Beichen Technology's sense of corporate responsibility is definitely one of the best among the public! If you switch to other anti-virus software vendors, they will definitely take this opportunity to make a fortune! Not to mention free anti-virus patches, in addition to charging for patches, restoring normal data will definitely There is also an additional charge! Especially for enterprise-level users, you will definitely get one!"

One user vomited on the scarf!

As soon as this message came out, it immediately resonated with many people!

Another user who was certified as the president of XX company also complained bitterly!

"That's right! We have personal experience! Our company has been attacked by hackers before, and a lot of data was locked. After that, we approached a well-known foreign security software vendor, and the final solution was as high as 400,000 yuan! We will charge 50 yuan to recover the data. Wan Longyuan! The food appearance is really ugly!"

"Although domestic anti-virus software is free, its technical strength is still inferior. For this reason, many enterprise-level customers would rather spend money on foreign solutions than use domestic free ones! Alas!"

753 "Although the scope of the nightmare computer virus this time was limited to the Wanwan area, at least two million users were infected! It is really a shame that Beichen Technology can give up such a large amount of income and open the technology license to the outside world for free. The Chinese people have gained face!”

It was almost unanimously praised by everyone!

The number of fans of Beichen Technology’s scarf account has skyrocketed again!

The official media, Longguo Newspaper, and other major media also reprinted the news, causing the popularity to escalate again!

Just as Luo Yang expected, although there is a loss of income this time, the reputation and credibility it brings are something that no amount of money can buy!

After the news of the outbreak of the Nightmare computer virus spread, all walks of life have been paying attention to the progress of the matter. At this moment, Beichen Technology stepped forward and immediately received huge support from everyone!

Several well-known domestic security software vendors, including 361, Yinshan Security, Ruixing Security and other well-known anti-virus software companies, all reposted and @Beichen Technology as soon as possible to express their gratitude!

Subsequently, these anti-virus companies immediately pushed anti-virus patches to users in the Wanwan area!

After getting Luo Yang's permission, Mr. Liu also notified other poisoning companies of the news. Taiwan Lian Dian, Lianfa Technology, etc. all got the news!

"Thank God! Our equipment was finally saved!"

Mr. Ou from Taiwan Lian Dian cried with joy!

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