Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 134: Conquer The Last Market! Beichen Technology Achieves Great Results Again!

Mr. Ou’s mentality is the epitome of many semiconductor companies!

Although the business suspension of various companies only lasted for one morning, to Mr. Ou and many people, it seemed like a long year!

Everyone knew that this hacker attack was too coincidental, and considering that they had agreed to Taiwan Electromechanical's invitation a few days ago, everyone had their own guesses.

But no one dared to say it!

And Luo Yang did not disappoint them. In this precarious moment, he took the initiative to stand up and blocked the violent storm from the outside world for everyone!

Luo Yang's move calmed the anxious minds of many people!

After Beichen Technology launched the security patch, the spread of the nightmare virus was instantly curbed!

Major companies got anti-virus patches immediately, either by themselves doing anti-virus, or by having technical teams sent by major anti-virus software to solve the problem.

The semiconductor industry was the first to take action!

"Hurry up and eliminate the virus! Restore production as quickly as possible!"

The CEOs and heads of major companies immediately issued orders to the technical departments!

It is already 13:00 in the afternoon, 7 hours have passed since the first wave of the nightmare virus broke out in the morning!

You must know that the entire semiconductor industry has come to a standstill! The losses in these 7 hours are very huge! Moreover, before this, some anxious companies had already followed the instructions of the nightmare virus and transferred the ransom to the other party, but the result was that they Swear loudly!

"Gan! The Xian family shoveled the Blue Devil!"

Even after receiving the money, the Blue Devil still has no plans to unlock the nightmare virus!

The hardware equipment of these companies is still locked!

After receiving the security patch from Beichen Technology, these companies are now crying!

Soon, the various hardware equipment of major semiconductor companies basically returned to normal, and the production lines that had been idle all morning began to operate again!

"Great! Finally I don't have to continue losing money!"

Countless people cheered on the spot!

Chip foundries, wafer manufacturing plants, memory processing plants, IC packaging and testing plants, graphics card manufacturers, motherboard factories, etc., have all resumed normal operations!

After the semiconductor industry, key industries such as finance, communications, and electricity also carried out virus scanning and killing immediately!

At 13:17, all major banks announced that they would resume normal operations!

At 13:21, Wanwan Stock Exchange returned to normal!

At 13:26, Foxconn announced that all its factories have returned to normal operations!

A series of good news keeps coming!

The original panic caused by the nightmare computer virus was quickly contained. Wanwan immediately launched the relevant security plan and quickly promoted Beichen Technology's security patches!

At this moment, they have no intention of engaging in sectarian disputes!

Stopping losses in time is the first thing they have to do!

After major companies have returned to normal, ordinary people have also begun to eliminate viruses!

Although the computer is locked due to the virus, you can still download security patches through your mobile phone or other computers with POS system installed. You only need to connect the infected computer through a data cable or USB flash drive and other storage devices, and it will take just a few minutes. The virus can be killed!

It also comes with the ability to retrieve all data deleted within 24 hours!

"Beichen Technology is indeed the world's largest software giant! Its strength in this area is simply unbeatable!"

"Hey! Ajie! Has your computer returned to normal? Not yet? Hurry up and download the anti-virus patch from Beichen Technology! The problem will be solved in a few minutes!"

"Gan! Is it so fast? Go right away!"

After confirming that the patch was effective, people spread the word. Coupled with pop-up reminders from major anti-virus software, as well as publicity from TV stations and major media, more and more people began to download the security patch!

Many users whose computers returned to normal gave Beichen Technology a thumbs up!

After returning to normal, many users left messages on lina or Tuite and @Beichen Technology to express their strong gratitude!

As a chat software owned by Niver, the search giant of Bangzi Country, Lina occupies a dominant market position in Neon Country and Wanwan area! It directly crushed Lianshu, Tuite, overseas version of Weixin and other chat software!

Beichen Technology followed the locals. After establishing the Asia region, Zheng He personally went to the Wanwan area and established the Wanwan regional office in Japan.

The office also opened a company account on lina.

"Thank you compatriots for your support! Thank you for your support!"

"If the sky falls, there will be a tall man holding it up. I'm talking about Beichen Technology! As a top giant in the software industry, Beichen Technology's information security business is absolutely unparalleled! Thumbs up.jpg!"

"You still have to watch Dragon Kingdom at the critical moment!"

Originally, the lina account of Beichen Technology only had more than 10,000 fans, but now there are suddenly many more people's messages, and at the same time, this account has tens of millions more fans!!

Luo Yang's move to promote anti-virus patches for free has reaped huge rewards!

Half an hour later, the famous musician Jay Chou also made an announcement on the chat software lina and the domestic bib authentication account.

"@Beichen Technology, thank you very much for the security patch you provided! My music studio computer has returned to normal. The music demo I wrote yesterday was deleted by a computer virus, which consumed a lot of my energy and effort! I originally thought I couldn't get it back, but I didn't expect that it was restored by your anti-virus patch! I'm very grateful for this!

"Facts have once again proven that POS is indeed the most secure computer system in the world! Now all the computers in my music studio have been replaced with the POS system!"

Compare your hearts! Compare your hearts!"

Jay Chou's two heartfelt expressions directly aroused the response of countless fans!!

A large number of fans immediately responded, going crazy@北星科技!

This move quickly attracted everyone to follow suit!

For a time, many well-known and unknown artists, as well as major media, all came to try to gain popularity.

More than half an hour later, Taiwan Electromechanical's official account on Bibo also issued a rigorously worded letter of thanks to Beichen Technology!

This once again aroused the excitement of netizens!

After all, Taiwan Electromechanical's name has been heard even by netizens who are not familiar with the semiconductor industry. In addition, Taiwan Electromechanical joined the Longguo Semiconductor Alliance some time ago, which has attracted the attention of many people!

Many netizens joked that this is the younger brother who has just entered the family thanking the elder brother!

And manually @Beichen Technology.

"Huh? Why did the number of fans on lina's account increase so much?"

The girl in charge of operating the account was a little surprised.

The public relations department of Beichen Technology has always been concerned about the disturbances on the Internet. After discovering that the number of Lina's fans has skyrocketed, they investigated and found Jay Chou's message.

The Lina account is operated by the public relations department. The person in charge of the lina account is a young lady. After finalizing the cooperation plan with the public relations team, the young lady then started to interact with Jay Chou on 1ina.

To the surprise of the public relations department, Wanwan users’ resistance to Beichen Technology has decreased a lot!

Before this, due to well-known reasons, it has been difficult for Beichen Technology to develop in the Wanwan market. Even Zheng He felt it was a headache!

Even with the continuous implementation of various promotion methods, Beichen Technology has never been able to increase its market share in Wanwan.

The Wanwan area can be said to be the last bastion of Win system and Android system!

However, starting from today, this last fortress has also been breached by Beichen Technology!

The initiator was the SLA Association, which belongs to the same camp as the two major systems in the United States! Even Kent did not expect that things would evolve to the point where they are now!

Jay Chou’s announcement triggered a wave of POS installation boom!

Many fans have put aside their doubts at this moment and started to install the POS system!

Jay Chou's announcement is just an introduction. The main reason is that everyone realizes the power of POS!

The last time the solar eclipse virus ravaged the world, under the deliberate control of Luo Yang, the scope of destruction was mainly outside the Dragon Kingdom, which resulted in Wanwan users feeling nothing about it. But this time, the outbreak of the nightmare computer virus directly made everyone realize the power of POS!

Many users discovered in the chat that all computer users who used POS were not affected by the Nightmare Computer Virus. To be precise, they were blocked by POS's powerful firewall before the outbreak!

Many POS Wanwan computer users showed the "~Backtrack" function to other Wanwan users with excitement!

"Gan! It can actually control the outbreak of the virus! Such a good system, I have been leaving it aside before! Suddenly I feel like I have lost hundreds of millions!"

"Me too, many people said that POS is not safe before, and everyone understands the reason, but now it seems that POS is much safer than the w(王的好)in system!"

“Have you ever used pmos? It can be seamlessly compatible with Android APP! Before, Fruit Company launched the pmos version of mobile phones. My friend told me that it was very easy to use, but I always thought he was bragging. Now it seems that the news is true. !"

Countless Wanwan users were shocked!

Only then did they realize how much treasure was hidden around them!

Because of well-known reasons, they have always looked down upon POS, thinking that its propaganda is highly exaggerated, even though Beichen Technology has become the world's largest technology company!

Wanwan’s views on POS are not exaggerated. After all, many people are familiar with the tea industry and eggs!

In the background statistics of Beichen Technology, the download volume of POS and Beichen Office has soared rapidly, and the data of products such as pmos has also begun to grow!

Correspondingly, the number of win systems and Android systems continues to decrease!

It is worth mentioning that the POS versions in Hong Kong Island, Ao Island, and Wanwan areas are all Traditional Chinese versions, and the price is the same as the Simplified Chinese version. Of course, if users are not too expensive, they can also purchase the English version of the overseas version system. The price has soared several times!

This can be considered a hidden benefit!

With the support of everyone, in just half a day, most of the hardware devices troubled by the nightmare computer virus have returned to normal!

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