Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 188 A New Outlet Has Arrived! The Ever-Changing International Market! Is Dragon Kingdom Lagg

"This is.……………

Shanghai, Warwick branch.

Mr. Ren and Mr. Yu, who had just got off the plane not long ago, did not come to visit directly. Instead, they came to the Shanghai branch first. As one of Warwick's global R&D centers, it is responsible for the R&D of some projects, and is responsible for the research and development of some projects in Suzhou. The city's newly built R&D centers are inseparable from each other.

In the accommodation provided by the R&D center, Mr. Ren and Mr. Yu looked horrified at this moment!

The strong performance of Guge Automobile directly broke the last trace of luck in their hearts!


They both took a deep breath!

"Oops, things are developing a bit beyond expectations!"

"Gu Ge, who has been dormant for a long time, actually hides the trump card of driverless driving! Judging from the current performance, it is already ahead of Tesla's driverless system! With a 63-kilometer unguided distance, it has Various complex road conditions, although it is just a test, can give you a glimpse of the leopard and see the tip of the iceberg of Brother Gu!"

Mr. Ren frowned at this moment!

As a world-famous technology giant, Gu Ge can rise rapidly in the shadow of Yahu and become the number one search engine in the world. Naturally, he is not an unknown person!

Coupled with the acquisition of Android, we caught up with the mobile Internet trend at the right time, and divided up the global mobile operating system market with Fruit Company! From then on, we have become the world's leading company!

Generous remuneration, deep technical reserves, and sufficient R&D funds have allowed Guge to become a company with high-tech R&D capabilities, thus catching up with established technology companies such as Microsoft and becoming one of the world's top giants. Countless people looked up and worshiped!

Behind the light, Gu Ge is quietly working hard in other fields. Alpha Dog, as it is known to the outside world, is just a product of the artificial intelligence development team!

"The development prospects of artificial intelligence are extremely broad, especially with the advent of the 5G era, the concept of Internet of Vehicles is quickly becoming a reality! The core of Internet of Vehicles is inseparable from artificial intelligence and driverless systems!"

Mr. Yu is still extremely shocked!

As one of Warwick's senior executives, he naturally knows Warwick's future strategic development direction. From the Internet of Things to the Internet of Vehicles, these are the goals they are working hard to build!

However, with the rise of POS and pmos, Warwick finally gave up the development of Hongmeng system, and the creator and maintainer of the software ecosystem became Beichen Technology!

"I'm afraid Beichen Technology will have a hard time now! The launch of Gu Ge's driverless system will definitely have a violent impact on the global automobile industry. No wonder Musk and Microsoft agreed to cooperate with Gu Ge on driverless systems and artificial intelligence The emergence of will create a brand new industry outlet~`!”

"But they are also gambling!"

"Bet Beichen Technology can't catch up with them!"

Mr. Ren’s eyes twinkled!

From a comprehensive analysis, the unmanned driving system should be Gu Ge’s last trump card. The Fuchsi system and unmanned driving, two projects that have been closely watched by the outside world, have officially entered people’s field of vision, which also means that Gu Brother’s last stand!

Once these two projects cannot reverse the predicament, the huge Guge empire will completely collapse!

Everyone has seen this situation!

Rebus, who also arrived in Shanghai by plane, looked pensive in a five-star hotel. Other owners of hardware vendors and software vendors who arrived in Shanghai also came to this conclusion without asking the city review!

"Now that Brother Gu has taken action, how will Beichen Technology respond?"

After showing off the unmanned driving system, with a smile on Page's face, the press conference officially ended.

All the media are going crazy at this moment!

Almost immediately, all the global media who attended the press conference fell into shock and ecstasy, and it didn’t take long for “ten reports to come out!”

"New York Times: The biggest change in the 21st century is coming! The real unmanned driving system has come out! And its creator belongs to the powerful United States!"

"The Google company from the United States has once again made a splash after a long period of silence! From the new system kernel of Android 12 to the unmanned driving system derived from the field of artificial intelligence, they have all brought huge surprises! There is no doubt that , on the future technological stage, there must be a protagonist belonging to our country!"

"New device: Good news for global cars! Google officially releases the driverless system! Tesla will be the first batch of car companies to upgrade and use it!"

"Beep Media: Beichen Technology is about to be surpassed. Companies obsessed with past glory will not be able to reach the end!"

As time goes by, reports about Gu Ge’s press conference are becoming more and more popular!

The topic of driverless systems has successfully surpassed Android 12 and the previous win11 system, successfully attracting the attention of users around the world!

On major social software, countless users expressed their surprised and delighted views!

"To be honest, when that car parked at the press conference, I was really shocked! I even had goosebumps!"

"When I woke up, I felt as if I had missed an entire century! Why are there so many reports that a mature driverless system has just quietly arrived?"

"Man! Don't forget who that is! That's Google! One of the greatest companies in the 21st century! In the field of artificial intelligence, Google has always been at the forefront of the world! And the unmanned driving system project is only It’s just a derivative field of artificial intelligence! At the same time, the launch of the driverless project means that AlphaGo has become a strong artificial intelligence?"

"The guy upstairs is overthinking it! If it was really strong artificial intelligence, Google wouldn't just launch a driverless system! Wouldn't it be great to fully occupy this emerging market?"

The topic about the press conference quickly swept the world!

After Microsoft, Gu Ge once again attracted the attention of the world!

The actions of the two companies have lived up to expectations. Since their first appearance at the Global Information Security Summit, the two companies have brought huge surprises and surprises to the world!

Unmanned driving systems have attracted so much attention!

Even though this system has not been tested by the market, under Tesla’s platform, the outside world has expressed strong confidence in it!

Affected by this news, Google's stock price started to climb strongly as if it had been given a shot of chicken blood! In just three hours, the stock price had soared to 700 billion U.S. dollars! And including Tera, Microsoft's All of them showed significant increases!

The investors of the three companies are smiling crookedly at this moment!

In contrast, a large number of companies have plummeted!

The first among them is the fruit company!

Whether it is win11, Android 12, or driverless systems, they all involve the core business and future investment areas of Fruit Company. This makes global investors feel very pessimistic, thinking that Fruit Company is likely to miss this opportunity, so Fruit Company’s The stock price started to plummet!

In one afternoon, the market value plummeted to 1.7 trillion US dollars!

100 billion US dollars evaporated on the spot!

Uder, the world's largest taxi-hailing software, as well as world-renowned car manufacturers such as BBA, Tongyong, Bentian, Fengtian, Xianbao, etc., including Longguo's car manufacturers, have all been impacted!

Among them, traditional fuel vehicles (good ones) have suffered the biggest losses!

New energy vehicles with electricity as the main type are undoubtedly the most suitable to be equipped with driverless systems. The system can accurately control the motors and various functional modules of the body.

It can better adapt to the needs of future development than traditional fuel vehicles!

There is also something not good about new energy vehicles. Judging from the current global situation, Gu Ge is very likely not to license the driverless system to Longguo companies. Overseas companies can also rely on their relationship with the United States to seek technology licensing. In this way, the development gap between the two sides will be widened again!

"`~Haha! This time, our country, the United States, is leading the world! Damn the people of Dragon Country! Don't even think about taking a piece of the pie from our country, the United States! We are sure to reap the dividends in the field of driverless cars this time!"

"The people of the Dragon Kingdom only deserve to eat ashes behind us! They can only catch up slowly and watch us soar into the sky!"

"Our country, the United States, is still the most technologically advanced country in the world!"

On the Tweet Tower, these comments quickly gained popularity among a large number of overseas users!

Suddenly, global storms gathered, and a huge crisis shrouded the Dragon Kingdom directly!

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