Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 189 Beichen Technology’S Attack! The Strong Rise Of The Hardware Department!

Dragon Kingdom, Shencheng!

After Gu Ge concluded the press conference, Beichen Technology has not made a public statement to the outside world. Instead, it has fallen into a low profile. Company executives headed by Luo Yang also did not show up. A large number of media reporters who tried to interview Luo Yang fell in vain. !

"What on earth is Beichen Technology doing? It has disappeared for 24 days, and not a single company executive has shown up. Are you scared?"

Outside the gate of Beichen Technology Headquarters, a certain overseas media reporter who had been squatting for a long time had a mocking expression on his face!

Then everyone stared at him angrily!

"Shut your stinky mouth! You unscrupulous media are not welcome in the Dragon Kingdom. Get the doctors out of our land!"

"Yes! Get out!"

The scene was filled with the smell of gunpowder, and many domestic media reporters expressed their grievances for Beichen Technology. If they were not worried about the negative impact of taking action, they would have taken action long ago!

Even so, a group of people stood up with evil eyes and surrounded the foreign media reporter who was spewing arrogance. Countless people stared at each other with murderous eyes!

"No! You can't take action! I'm a foreigner! If you dare to take action, just wait until you go to court! I will report this situation to the embassy!"

The foreign media reporter felt scared at this moment and backed down.

Finally, under the gaze of countless people, he left in despair!

The rest of the Dragon Kingdom media did not have many happy expressions. Many people looked at 870 Beichen Technology with complicated expressions. They all knew that the Trident Crown Building in front of them was the target of global attention at the moment!

"I hope Beichen Technology can live up to expectations and survive this difficulty!"

In fact, Luo Yang, who was being watched by them, didn't have much nervous expression at the moment. Not only him, but the entire Beichen Technology was feeling like a spring breeze!

“After being low-key for so long, it’s time to release Beichen Auto!”

Luo Yang smiled.

Many executives at the scene also looked at each other and saw the excited expressions in each other's eyes!

"Haha! I'm afraid Gu Ge Company didn't expect that the driverless system they had pinned their hopes on would have been conquered by us a long time ago! When we release the driverless car, I believe Gu Ge Company's expression will be very exciting. !I wonder if Tetra will collapse because of this!”

Everyone was full of gloating expressions at this moment!

Among the participants, there was also the person in charge of the artificial intelligence department, who was also very ambitious and high-spirited at this moment!

It’s finally time for us to show off our skills!”

As early as last year, after Beichen Technology acquired I Voice, it officially established an artificial intelligence department. A series of accidents led to the birth of strong artificial intelligence Xiaobei!

Only Luo Yang and a few core technicians in the artificial intelligence department knew about the strong artificial intelligence. They signed a lifetime confidentiality agreement and were completely tied to Beichen Technology.

What other executives have come into contact with is the unmanned driving system jointly developed by the artificial intelligence department and the operating system department!

At present, Yunchi Automobile has completed the registration change and officially changed its name to Beichen Automobile!

As one of the three trump products carefully prepared by the hardware department, Beichen Automobile can be said to have high expectations.

The first-generation Beichen automobile has been finalized and mass-produced, and relevant landing procedures have been completed. The original automobile production line has been expanded and upgraded after receiving capital injection from Beichen Technology, and secret mass production has now begun!

After Gu Ge finished the press conference yesterday, Luo Yang took out the relevant test data of the first-generation Beichen Automobile and officially announced it at the core executive meeting!

After the data was released, all executives knew that this time it was stable!

And Gao Yunhai once again became the envy of everyone!

"The limelight during this period belongs to the hardware department and Lao Gao! Once Beichen Motors is released, it will undoubtedly cause a heavy blow to the global automobile industry. As for Google and Tesla... everyone knows it!"

Han Feng had a smile on his face!

"Haha! Lao Gao, congratulations! The hardware business group may soon surpass the semiconductor business group! When it comes to profits, the value created by the hardware department is obviously higher!

Ma Liang also opened his mouth to congratulate.

Before this, the most popular one could be said to be the semiconductor business group he was in charge of, which almost killed semiconductor giants all over the world!

It can be said that the performance is outstanding!

His congratulations are not an exaggeration. In most companies' businesses, the profits brought by the hardware business are very considerable, otherwise there would not be the blue ocean of mobile phones!

When the Internet just started, physical computers brought huge profits, and the entire industry chain made a lot of money. It also gave birth to countless shady computer dealers, especially since the vast majority of computer users were novices and only had one memory. For computer malfunctions caused by loose strips, go to a physical store for repair and simply replace the motherboard and memory!

After the replacement, the replaced "bad" motherboard and memory quietly fell into the pocket of the computer repairman!

It is this kind of desperate behavior that has led to the avalanche of reputation in the physical computer industry. Coupled with the impact of the mobile Internet and mobile phones, the physical computer market has long lost its former glory!

The mobile phone market has been booming for more than ten years. From the original push-button mobile phones to smart phones, countless giants have made plans one after another, eating up all the dividends of the blue ocean.

It became the current Red Sea.

Even so, Beichen Technology relied on its terrifying record of opening up the software and hardware industry chain to forcefully tear off a large piece of cake from the hands of global giants and create extremely terrifying profits!

Coupled with the upcoming official release of Beichen Automobile, the profits of the hardware department will further increase!

"You're welcome! The rise of the hardware department cannot be separated from the support of other business groups and departments! Today's situation is completely complementary to each other!"

Gao Yunhai was also smiling, but he didn't have any pride.

From the former gold medal lawyer to the current business tycoon, Gao Yunhai perfectly explained what it means to transform into a dragon when encountering a storm!

"Tsk tsk! Our Internet business group is under great pressure now! The global situation is more complicated now, and Omen is making trouble again. It has previously issued a huge fine of up to 600 million US dollars to Amazon. There are rumors It is said that Oumeng’s next batch of targets include our Beichen Technology!”

He Siyuan’s eyes twinkled!

During the video conference, European Region President Allen also nodded with a serious look!

"That's right!"

Everyone has already been mentally prepared for Oumeng's actions. Every time Oumeng starts to fine major Internet giants and technology giants, there is only one purpose behind it, and that is that Oumeng is short of money!

The fines can easily start in the tens of millions of dollars, and can reach up to billions of dollars in huge fines, and they have been fined more than once. Fruit, Google, Lian Shu, Amazon, and Microsoft are all victims, and now the tree is attracting attention. Beichen Technology was also included in the scope of "meat cutting" by Ou Meng!

"Okay, we'll talk about Ou Meng later, let's arrange other things first!"

The time for the overseas launch of Beichen Mobile Phone has been set. It will be next Monday. The launch will be hosted by Lao Gao. The venue will be in Dibai, Shata State! The venue and overseas procedures have been settled. Is there any unresolved problem? , Allen will help you solve it. "

Luo Yang announced many matters.

After the release of graphene material, the Kingdom of Shatta sent a certain crown prince to visit in an attempt to gain the friendship of Beichen Technology. Although no cooperation was reached in the end, the contact was not severed. After comprehensive consideration, the Kingdom of Shatta became the We are the first overseas country to issue network access qualifications for Beichen Mobile!

Luo Yang also returned the favor and placed the conference venue here!

"The Public Relations Department has arranged tonight's flight. I'll leave in the evening! I'll get off the jet lag when I arrive in Shatta Kingdom tomorrow. It'll be a good time to recharge for a few days!"

Gao Yunhai is also ready to go abroad.

"After the overseas version of the phone is released, we need to keep a low profile for a while. The current plan is for one month!"

"In one month, I want the entire company to work hard in secret! Fully promote Microsoft, and Brother Gu will climb to the cloud! No matter how high they climb in this month, they will die in the future.

There was a murderous aura in Luo Yang's voice!

Being attacked by the two giants, it is impossible for Luo Yang to lose his temper!

But this time, Luo Yang will tear apart the opponent's luck with his own hands and completely crush the opponent!

Many executives looked at each other at this moment, and they were all extremely excited!

This battle will be an opportunity for Beichen Technology to reach a higher level!

"POS and pmos must be prepared for updated versions, and we will take the lead in attacking win11 and Android 12! The day Beichen Automobile is released will be the day when Gu Ge's driverless system is shattered!"

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