Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 195 Global Sales Are Booming! A Strong Voice From The European People!

Once upon a time, the overseas Internet was firmly controlled by several giants in the United States!

In addition to the traditional Internet giants of search engines, social software, and e-commerce, there are also operating system providers led by Microsoft and Fruit Company, which have achieved comprehensive coverage from software to the Internet. As long as Americans move their fingers, everything they want to do will be lost. All the news that overseas people come into contact with will sink to the bottom of the sea.

Even though Dragon Kingdom has the three BTA giants, its overseas expansion is still extremely difficult!

The United States will never allow the Internet to escape its control!

It was not until the emergence of Beichen Technology that the United States' absolute monopoly on the operating system was broken, and Longguo truly had its own voice channel on the overseas Internet!

Publicly and privately, Luo Yang must compete with the United States for the right to speak on the Internet!

"Beichen Mobile has now taken its first step overseas. What we have to do next is to establish a firm foothold and compete for more markets! Although we have made a good start, we must not be proud of it!"

Luo Yang glanced at everyone, and following his gaze, many executives present corrected their attitudes.

"Judging from the company's survey data, many overseas users have expressed interest in purchasing Beichen mobile phones. The only limitation for them is that Beichen mobile phones have not been able to obtain the qualifications to access the country's network!"

"Looking at the global market, if quasi-sovereign countries and regions are not included, there are a total of 195 sovereign families, and we have only obtained tickets for 12 countries now! When will our flagship stores be able to open all over the world? When you sit back and enjoy the fruits of victory-!"

Everyone’s hearts suddenly trembled!

Yes! Beichen Technology has only captured the markets of 12 countries, and more than a hundred countries are still blank!

This is the next goal for everyone to conquer!

"Among the 12 countries currently on sale overseas, 7 are from Asian countries, namely Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Siam, Singapore, Wen Lai, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates! 1 is from an African country, and Nigeria Japan, one American country, Zhili, and three European countries, namely the Bear Country, the Sanmao Country, Italy and Italy!"

"Europe, America and Asia are the three major traditional markets in the world. Asia is our basic market and is making the fastest progress. As for the American market, everyone knows that we are not in a hurry, so the next place to break through is the European market!"

"Europe, as a gathering place of traditional powerful countries, has absolutely no per capita consumption power. It is also a place we must win! Although there is pressure from Wall Street, it is not monolithic within it. More countries are actually waiting and watching. . Allen's ability to win the Italian market this time is a good example. As long as there is the first person to eat crabs,

There will be no shortage of a second one!"

"And the examples of Da Mao and San Mao are also a good example!"

The mobile phone department focuses on the European market, which was Luo Yang's comprehensive consideration.

After all, Beichen mobile phones focus on high-end products. If you want to truly gain a foothold in the world, you must enter the European and American markets!

Europe has never been monolithic. In addition to the traditional three giants of response, development, and acquisition, there are also many permanently neutral countries, as well as Eastern European countries that are outside the core circle!

As long as he follows the steps, Luo Yang is sure to conquer the European market bit by bit!

"I come, I see, I conquer!"

After the overseas press conference, it caused a huge response.

The next day, as the mobile phone was fully distributed, the first batch of users who got the real phone could not wait to get started and experience it!

In just half a day, whether it was ttktok, YouTube, or Lianshu, the hottest topics on major social platforms were all related to Beichen Mobile!

A large number of videos about Beichen mobile phones swept the world in an instant!

"Judging from the test results, the performance of Beichen mobile phones in all aspects far exceeds that of Fruit and Sansang! Including Warwick! Whether it is hardware or software, it brings users an extremely comfortable experience!"

An overseas internet celebrity on YouTube immediately released his test results.

Although he had already grabbed a parallel product before, he still bought a genuine mobile phone immediately!

After the overseas version went on sale, the mobile phone flagship stores opened in the above-mentioned countries were immediately crowded with people! In addition, there are also stores of many communication operators

They also advertised the arrival of Beichen mobile phones, which attracted a huge flow of people!

"I want two black top-end mobile phones!"

"Okay, please take it!"

"Phew! It's finally my time. I want a white Beichen mobile phone, the 512G version..."

"Sorry, all the white versions have been sold out! It is expected that it will be available for distribution in three days! You can choose a mobile phone in other colors!"

The service staff responsible for the reception almost froze with laughter and had to patiently explain to each other.


Similar situations keep happening!

Unlike domestic sales, which mainly rely on e-commerce and offline stores, a large part of overseas mobile phone sales must be allocated to communication operators. For example, if Huawei wanted to enter the US market, it needed to cooperate with the US communication operator ATT. The same is true for Ying Guo!

0…Please give me flowers…

So of these 20 million mobile phones, only 5 million are allocated to the official website for online sales, and the remaining 15 million have been allocated to flagship stores and cooperative dealers in these 12 countries!

The popularity of offline sales has exceeded the expectations of many melon-eaters!

On the Bangziguo TV station, a female host with a plastic surgery face was speaking in a sour tone.

"Luo Yang once again wields the sickle made of graphene, unscrupulously harvesting global wealth! And these lost wealth originally belonged to us Sansang!"

"Every time a Beichen mobile phone is sold, it means that Sansang has lost a potential customer!"

"In this regard, we strongly request that all countries around the world should strengthen the security review of Beichen Technology Smecta!"

Faced with this grand occasion, many European media have once again begun to advocate the "Dragon Kingdom Threat Theory" and "Beichen Threat Theory", claiming that European countries must work hard, struggle, and strengthen themselves in order to break away from the control of Beichen Technology and maintain their independence... …

Luo Yang simply ignored this!

These PG overseas media, which have always been on the wrong side, promote various threat theories all day long, but directly ignore the voices of their own citizens who are constantly protesting on the streets and on the Internet!

"FXXK! We don't care so much! We just want the best mobile phone in the world! We have money! But we can't buy it!"

"Even Italy can buy it, why can't our Chinese people buy it? And we have the world's most powerful Ruhr Industrial Zone, why can't we make such advanced mobile phones???"

"Protest! Strongly demand that Faguo introduce Beichen mobile phones! We cannot be looked down upon by Mao Xiongguo!"

"We want to protect the environment and ban fuel vehicles..."

Although some strange things are mixed in, European public opinion is still very inclined to introduce Beichen mobile phones!

It's a pity that these protests were directly ignored by giants such as Lian Shu, Gu Ge, and directly targeted relevant sensitive words. Soon the popularity of these protests was reduced, and finally Shen Tianhai!

People who found that online protests were ineffective started their country's traditional performing arts again - the parade!

When the win system was ravaged by the eclipse virus, the European people's demonstrations and protests achieved a major victory. European and American authorities were forced to lift the blockade of the POS system. From then on, Beichen Technology began to fully enter Europe and major overseas markets. , just one year later, this familiar scene happened again!

The only difference is that what the people are asking for this time is the world's most advanced graphene mobile phone knife!

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