Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 196: Returning To The Ambition Of World Domination! Difficult Choices In Old Europe!

Protest marches that continue to break out among European citizens seem to be getting more and more intense!

From Eastern Europe to Western Europe, from the Mediterranean to the Baltic Sea, the whole of Europe has been caught up in this turmoil. There are also many people who are not interested in the purpose of the parade, purely to join in the fun, and even invite friends to bring more people joined the march!

After all, Europe and the United States have always advocated the so-called "free speech", and it is difficult for the authorities of various countries to take coercive measures, let alone suppress them, even if the United States is behind these countries!

This gives the European authorities a huge headache!

When it comes to proportions, Brussels!

The blue European and Mongolian flag surrounded by stars is flying high in front of a certain building. This is the location of the European and Mongolian headquarters. Decisions made from here can easily affect the entire Europe!

A high-level meeting is being held at this moment!

"Everyone, everyone is very clear about the situation among the people now. Should we continue to stand in the same boat as the United States, or should we go with the trend? I want to hear your opinions!"

The female supervisor from Germany, the head of the European Commission, looked serious at the moment.

The 28 committee members present all looked at each other in shock!

These people are elites from all walks of life, and behind each person represents a country. The relationships between various connections, forces, and money are complicated and intertwined [full of countless swords and swords!

As one of the core institutions of Europe and Mongolia, the European Commission has considerable power and has a huge influence on European and Mongolian legal affairs. It especially has a high say in the network information security of Europe and Mongolia! Even the global conference held by the United States before The Information Security Summit also invited the European Commission as a co-organizer!

The European and Mongolian authorities have been reluctant to issue Internet access qualifications because the European Commission has been obstructing it on the grounds of information security!


The representatives from European and Mongolian countries were silent at this moment, thinking about their own little calculations.

The essence of this turmoil is the confrontation between the United States and the Dragon State. Everyone knows it well, but as the saying goes, no one is willing to be the leader even if the Taoist friend is dead and the poor Taoist is not dead!

The problem is very simple to solve, as long as Europe issues a network access certificate to Beichen Mobile, but the problem is, how to communicate with the father in the United States!

Although the international status of the United States has been challenged and its comprehensive strength has been declining, the centipede is still alive and well. At this time, the United States still has the power to crush the world. This is why Europe has been wavering.

The female supervisor felt extremely headache at the moment!

Europe is in a mess right now. Various accidents have occurred frequently in recent years, especially the energy problems caused by global warming, which have affected the economies of European countries to varying degrees. Coupled with the two troubled countries of the United States and Russia, The shit stick has been making trouble, and the whole of Omen seems to be crumbling!

No one knows if one day they will wake up and Omen will be disbanded!

"Everyone, now is not the time to shirk responsibility. We must come up with a plan as soon as possible and submit it to the headquarters for approval!"

Everyone discussed in a low voice, and finally all eyes turned in the direction of Representative Yi Daili. The suspicion, questioning, jealousy, envy, and playful eyes made the representative feel on pins and needles!

When Beichen Technology announced that Italy would become the first country in Europe and Mongolia to sell mobile phones, the whole of Europe and Mongolia went crazy!

"We are resisting together, why did you surrender first! You are really cheating your teammates!!!"

Many Oumeng friends have expressions on their faces!

Everyone was eating in the same pot, and they had obviously agreed to follow the American father, but Spaghetti was the first to surrender!

Although they knew that this was a national characteristic of Italy, everyone still felt unhappy!

Especially winning the country!

The female supervisor's eyes seemed to be cannibalistic.

Counting on your fingers, this is the first time Deguo has been tricked by Yi Daili???

"Ahem, actually there are a lot of misunderstandings in this incident... I think it is very necessary to explain!" Representative Yidaili coughed a few times, stood up bravely, and was the first to speak.

"From the first industrial revolution in the 18th century to the present, Europe has always been the center of the world! Although we have temporarily declined due to some reasons, I believe that in just a little time, Europe will inevitably Will rise again!"

"It is for this great goal that we established Europe and Mongolia and promoted the birth of the euro!"

"Everyone, although we are allies of the Americans, Omen's existence has never been to be the second best and hide behind the Americans and wave the flag! It is to look for opportunities to stand on top of the world again!"

The speech of Representative Italy directly touched the sore feet of everyone present! In an instant, they recalled the time when they were world hegemons in the past!

More than half a century has passed since Europe lost its world hegemony!

The atmosphere at the moment was somewhat depressing.

Many people's eyes were a little confused.

They all experienced the Iron Curtain Era, and the shadows from the two superpowers still make them feel frightened and deeply ashamed!

Since the discovery of the New World, Europe has begun its most glorious era. From the Invincible Fleet to sea coachmen, from steam rollers to the Second Empire, to the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets and the Gallic Chicken, the whole world has been conquered by Europe. Trampled underfoot! Even the Eastern dragon, which once dominated agricultural society for thousands of years, was outshone by the glory of the European continent!

However, things have turned, and old Europe has now completely declined!

The huge colonial system that once spread all over the world has long since disappeared!

After decades of fear, the huge Red Empire disappeared overnight, and Europeans believed that the moment of rise had arrived again!

However, reality slapped them hard!

Although Europe and Mongolia were established, under the control of the United States, the whole Europe and Mongolia became a follower behind it. Its only purpose was to cheer for it and contain the bear. Although Europe and Mongolia took the opportunity to launch the euro, It tried to attack the hegemony of the US dollar, but was forcibly suppressed by the United States!

Among the traditional three European giants, Yingguo only has the fig leaf of Yingfederation. Deguo has lost the soul of the Junker nobles. Faguo has already had its spine broken and has begun to eat and wait for death. The rest Many countries are constantly cutting things off and turning them into chaos. After the country withdrew from the alliance, the entire Europe and Mongolia had been torn apart, as if it was a piece of loose sand!

Looking around the world, the only ones that can truly threaten the hegemony of the United States are the Bear Country, which has inherited the big mushroom field, and the awakening Eastern Dragon!

The current consensus is that Long Gui is the next opponent of the United States and will seriously shake or even overthrow the United States' dominance!

This is also the reason why the United States wants to crazily suppress the Dragon Kingdom!

War is the continuation of ZZ. In the era of "nuclear peace" brought about by mushroom eggs, it is difficult to break out a full-scale war, so economic sanctions have become the mainstream, and Beichen Mobile's network access qualification is just a microcosm of it!

Behind this civil turmoil lies a difficult choice for Ou Meng!

Should we continue to eat and drink with the United States, or should we take the opportunity to get rid of the United States, gain the friendship of the Dragon Kingdom, and wait to restore the former glory of Europe!

The atmosphere at the scene was extremely solemn!

Representative Yi Daili's eyes were shining at this moment, and everything in front of him was as he expected!

Although it is called Italian noodles, its ancestors were once wealthy, so no one can underestimate Italian noodles!

"The sudden rise of Beichen Technology has shaken the foundation of the United States in many important fields. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

"We missed the third industrial revolution and were completely abandoned in the Internet era, but now is a good time for us to catch up again! I hope that one day, we in Europe can have our own Internet giant! Instead of chatting in Lian Shu , use Google to search, and use the American operating system! Everything we say and do is monitored by others!

"Don't forget, back then we had Seban System, the world's strongest Nokian and Alison. After their collapse, we now don't even have local mobile phone giants! The entire European market can only be left to the United States, The mobile phone dealers in the Dragon Kingdom and the Bangzi Kingdom are harvesting wealth! If Nokia was still the mobile phone overlord, we wouldn’t have to sit here and have a headache just to enter the European market for Tu Beichen’s mobile phone!”

“Yesterday’s cause is today’s effect!”

"The civil turmoil caused by Beichen's mobile phone is actually God's reminder to us not to continue to make wrong choices!"

"I know that you all have concerns, so we are willing to try it ourselves! Be the first to try it!"

After the speech by the Italian representative ended, the scene was completely silent!


After a moment, applause broke out!

It’s the female manager of Deguo!

The female supervisor was so excited at this moment that she stood up first and gave her own applause! Representative Yi Daili’s speech reminded her of the past Empire Glory 4.0!

The original third empire swept across Europe!


After a while, more and more applause erupted. Representatives from Faguo, Holland, Bilishi... In the end, all 28 committee members stood up!

In everyone's hearts, an impulse called ambition is growing crazily!

Get rid of the control of the United States!

Return to world dominance!!

This goal is too tempting for them!

As for friendship between the United States?

Haha, there are no permanent friends in the world, only permanent interests! As long as the interests are huge enough, what does it mean to betray the United States?

There was thunderous applause in the venue, and many representatives seemed to have reached a certain consensus!

As for whether the results of this meeting will be leaked, no one is worried!

After experiencing the turmoil a few years ago, the entire Europe has become more vigilant towards the United States and has made great efforts in confidentiality and security measures!

At this moment, outside the headquarters building, the blue flag is flying high...

Over the entire Europe, an invisible storm has begun to brew. It may be weak at first, but it only takes some time to become a super storm sweeping the world!

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