Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 197 The Mastermind Behind The Scenes Luo Yang! Mobile Phone Inventory Is Running Low! (1/4)

Shanghai, Beichen Building.

"What you said was so good, I was almost convinced! These 2 million euros were not wasted!"

Luo Yang couldn't help but applaud and praise.

It was already night in Long Kingdom, and lights were lit along the vast Huangpu River, like a long dragon winding into the distance. The sound of ship whistles was faintly heard. In the CEO's office, he and Lin Ya listened to the entire meeting!

The all-pervasive Xiao Bei has quietly invaded the communication equipment of the participants, and even many electronic devices at the venue have been hacked. Luo Yang is like a ghost lurking in the shadows, silently watching the development of things, and can't help but feel I feel a chill in my back!

"If I were to let Ou Meng know that there are still huge loopholes in the protective measures they think are extremely strict, I'm afraid my face would turn green! After all, the United States has only learned from this lesson!"

Lin Ya was amazed!

She knows that Luo Yang's skills are very powerful, but she is still amazed every time she sees them live!

Luo Yang did not hide this monitoring action from her. After the two of them sat in the office for a long time, they listened to the entire meeting.

"Haha, just know these things and don't reveal them."

Yang Meiren was in her arms, smelling the faint body fragrance, and looking at Lin Ya.

Lin Ya nodded.

Of course this kind of thing must be kept secret.

If it is accidentally leaked, it will cause a huge blow to the image of Beichen Technology!

After all, Luo Yang's methods are not much better than the United States' Plan for Mirror.

Even the Americans in 2004 are troubled by this scandal. Luo Yang does not think that Beichen Technology can do better than the Americans, so the awareness of confidentiality must be maintained for a long time.

"Allen is the first to be able to open up the Italian market this time! The European connections left by his parents played a big role, otherwise it would be very difficult for Italian to let go! In order to secure his position as president of the European region, Allen You must produce more results to prove yourself!”

"Spending money is inevitable, but it must be spent wisely!"

For the regional president who was born in Hong Kong Island, Luo Yang is quite satisfied with his current performance.

Since leaving for the European region, Allen has been traveling around various countries. Judging from the information obtained by the Human Resources Department and Luo Yang through other channels, he has been very serious about his work during his tenure and has not been carried away by his current position. They tried to quickly occupy the European market, but chose a steady and steady route.

As the chief financial director, Lin Ya is naturally well aware of this gray expenditure.

"Judging from the results of this meeting, there will soon be a new breakthrough in Europe. After the demonstrations broke out, the Eastern European countries headed by Georgia and Shiraz, as well as the Nordic countries, as well as Swiss and Monaco Several neutral countries have already contacted the company privately and expressed their intention to open up their domestic markets!"

"Alan used his father's connections in Germany, and now he has sent back good news. Among the three giants in Europe, both Germany and France are likely to be captured, but only Yingguo has the strongest opposition! "

"What they are waiting for now is mainly Ou Meng's attitude! I estimate that after today, the results of Ou Meng's meeting will be announced to the public, and it will be time for them to relax!"

Luo Yang smiled.

"Humans are such contradictory creatures. When we come to our door, they will ignore us and insist on forcing us to use some means before they will give in! Tsk!"

"After all, they were the overlords of the past. These Europeans are still dreaming of sweet dreams all day long, are stubborn, and are extremely resistant to new things. They thought it was a hundred years ago!"

The conversation between the two revealed many secrets!

The business world is full of swords and swords, especially when it comes to foreign markets. In addition to money transactions, it also involves countless intricate relationships, world situations, national policies, capital oligarchs, and intricate connections. Any fluctuations may cause a fight!

As a newborn, Beichen Technology seems to have been walking on thin ice in the complicated overseas market!

If you want to go out and gain a firm foothold, it is never a matter of words.

The convening of this high-level meeting in Oumeng itself was in Luo Yang's plan, and the reason why this Italian representative who appeared as an "adventurer" used the art of language to incite people's hearts was naturally because he was short-handed!

Making money is not shabby at all.

After all, who would do something that is not beneficial?

As a country where capital comes first, Italy ranks among the top ten economies in the world and is also a world-renowned developed country. Its various aspects cannot be underestimated. Of course, it will not do it just for the so-called "first to eat crabs". I am willing to take the risk of being punished by the United States to win the friendship of Beichen Technology!

These words are just for ordinary people.

After all, a man’s mouth is a liar!

2 million euros is the reward for this Italian representative!

This remuneration has already been laundered by an international gray force and deposited into his overseas private account. It is very difficult to reversely trace it. At the same time, this expenditure will not appear in Beichen Technology's account books. After all, ZZ's donation... everyone understands it.

To be able to open up the Italian profit market, Luo Yang certainly paid more than 2 million euros. The power and connections represented by this representative have all received varying degrees of benefits, not just money, but also all aspects of resource exchange. Overall, everyone is happy!

The other party got the money, and Luo Yang opened the European market!

Half a month has passed since this press conference. During this period, Luo Yang has been playing the role of the mastermind behind the scenes. Naturally, the emergence of this European parade is indispensable for his contribution!

Without someone's intentional guidance, it would be difficult for the so-called parade to reach its current scale.

It’s already the 21st century, and no one still believes in the so-called “dishizhi” in the West!

"Let's go, things have been settled and we can continue to promote the next plan!"

Luo Yang closed the computer and left the office with Lin Ya. Along the way, he met many employees who were working overtime, and greetings kept ringing out.

With the continuous rise of Beichen Technology, the employee team has become larger and larger!

Whether it is Beichen Building or the new headquarters, the business departments of several major business groups are busy almost 24 hours a day. For Luo Yang, overtime pay is naturally paid in full, except for double and triple wages on statutory holidays. Also including various subsidies, Beichen Technology’s treatment in all aspects has always been the best in the industry!

As a technology company whose main business is high value-added technology, there is no need to be stingy in such a place.

As for the so-called 996 blessing report on the Internet, in fact, it is not unacceptable to most people. The most important thing is... you have to pay more!

You can't let the horse run without feeding it!

It was already dark now, and a warm wind carrying water vapor was blowing from the riverside.

Today's driver on duty, Zhao Liang, was already waiting at the door. His black Bentley Speeding Spur was spotless.

Along with Beichen Technology, Beichen Security, a private security company founded by Luo Yang, has also expanded in scale. As one of the first veterans, Li Qiang, who had the most contact with Luo Yang, has now been successfully promoted and became the company's chief instructor. , belongs to the core management of Beichen Security and is responsible for the daily training of the entire security team.

Administrative matters are handled by civilian professionals appointed by Luo Yang. Li Qiang pays more attention to training and security matters.

After his promotion, the crew members also underwent mobility adjustments, and Zhao Liang was one of the new recruits.

"Let's go to Sheshan!"


When the car drove onto the road, the W12 engine brought strong power, but the driving was very smooth, and the noise was weakened to the extreme. At least for Luo Yang, the feeling was no worse than that of a Rolls-Royce.

Recently, he and Lin Ya have been living in Sheshan Manor.

The river-view mansion of COFCO Ocean View is nice, but once you get used to it, you will feel like that. It is difficult to find inner peace in the city center. This is why Luo Yang bought the large villa in Sheshan Manor.

Away from the downtown area and nestled in the jungle, you can completely relax.

After the intimacy, Luo Yang was wearing pajamas and lying on the rocking chair on the terrace. Lin Ya190 lay on his chest and drew circles. Above the two of them was a bright starry sky.

The next morning, the sales results for the past half month have been released!

After Lin Ya got the data, she immediately sent it to Luo Yang.

"In the past half month, the sales results in overseas markets have been very gratifying. According to statistics from the marketing department, a whopping 2.3 million mobile phones were sold on the day of launch alone!

Among them, a total of 1.27 million units were sold through online channels, and 1.03 million units came from the offline market! After the first day of sales, the daily sales declined slightly, and currently have stabilized at around 600,000 units per day. This result can be said to be quite gratifying!”

"After all, Beichen Mobile focuses on high-end products just like fruits. It is impossible to rely on price advantages to hit sales like rice OV!"

"According to market feedback, the stocking of these 20 million mobile phones will last for up to one month! The person in charge of the mobile phone department has submitted an application and hopes to start the second batch of stocking!"

Luo Yang flipped through the materials and found that he still underestimated the craziness of overseas users!

"This result is not bad! It deserves praise!"

After all, Beichen Technology is a newcomer in the mobile phone industry. It is the first time to enter the overseas market. The marketing department and company executives are more cautious and have adopted a more conservative plan. The first batch of stocks is only 20 million units, which was originally expected to be enough for two months. The demand was high, and all of them were sold out in just one month!

This far exceeded the marketing department’s expectations!

After all, as a very popular electronic product, mobile phones are updated very quickly. The four domestic giants Huami OV release new phones every six months. If there is too much inventory, the old models often have not been cleared out. It has become outdated and outdated, which is fatal for a mobile phone company!

But now it seems that it is impossible not to increase inventory!

(Heavy Rain has returned from Mars, with a minimum of 2 updates every day, 3 updates on weekends, and one update for every 10,000 flowers. Thank you for your persistence! There are 4 updates today!)

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