Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 199 The Fruit Company’S Hesitation! Gorgeous Brother Gu! (3/4)

On the other side of the rice company, after holding a high-level meeting, Rebus finally decided to stay away from the spotlight.

"Then it's decided that the release of our flagship mobile phone series will be postponed for one month. This month we will launch Hongmi models priced at 2,000 yuan and 1,000 yuan to continue to seize the mid-to-low-end market!

"After all, we started here, no matter what, we must not lose our fundamentals!"

Although other rice executives were reluctant, they could only sigh silently and agreed with Rebus' decision.

After separating the sub-brand Hongmi, Rice has been continuously adjusting the prices of its flagship phones upwards in an attempt to get a share of the high-end phone market. However, it is obvious that it is difficult to reverse the low-end image of Rice in the minds of users for many years. In the past, the sales of flagship phone series have never been able to catch up with Warwick!

What's more, now there's Beichen Mobile, the god of death!

Compared with other brands, Beichen Mobile was born with a silver spoon in its mouth, and it started with Tianhu!

Various industry-unique graphene technologies are all used in Beichen mobile phones. From hardware to software, Beichen Technology has achieved all key technologies in its own right!

Coupled with the patriotic sentiment among the people of Longguo, it is not difficult to understand that Beichen Mobile has achieved great success.

Now the three giants Beichen Technology, Fruit Company, and Warwick are fighting on a global scale to compete for the market share of high-end mobile phones. Sansang on the other side is constantly abandoning its armor!

Rebus originally planned to release a new flagship phone this month, but judging from the popularity of Beichen Technology, a head-on confrontation would only lead to death.

After all, rice's competitiveness in the high-end mobile phone market is still a bit poor.

Apart from anything else, the brand premium capability alone lags far behind Warwick.

"Don't be sad, everyone. There are two companies in the same situation as us, OV. We can be regarded as brothers in trouble."

Rebus’ words were verified not long after!

Soon, after rice announced to postpone the release date of its flagship phone, opoo and vioo also made adjustments and pushed the release date of their flagship phone one month later!

Netizens in the Dragon Kingdom are overjoyed at this moment.

"The three giants, Rice and OV, have all announced the postponement of the release of their flagship phones. Only Warwick and Beichen Technology are the only ones! Now it seems that the combat effectiveness of Warwick's first-tier team is obviously not guaranteed!"

"After all, before this, Warwick was the only Dragon Kingdom manufacturer that had a firm foothold in Europe! Without this will to fight to the end, Warwick would not have succeeded!"

"Now in the first echelon, in terms of popularity, Fruit Company and Beichen Technology are tied for first place. Sansang and Warwick are competing for the third and fourth positions. The second echelon is the three giants of rice OV and niche manufacturers such as Sony. ."

"Actually, this is good. Longguo's mobile phone companies cover three markets: high, middle and low. This is our trump card for going abroad!"

There are a lot of discussions on the Internet, but the major manufacturers have not had any problems with their mentality. They are all old people. What does this matter?

The most concerning news in the industry at the moment is whether the supply of graphene raw materials for future semiconductors can be met, and whether the two major graphene chip foundries, Longxin and Huahong, and the three major graphene memory suppliers can provide stable supplies!

The actions of several major suppliers affect the entire mobile phone industry chain.

The current graphene material seems to have a tendency to become a national future!

USA, fruit company headquarters.

Recently, the atmosphere at the headquarters has become tense. Many people look in a hurry, which makes people feel full of pressure!

Since the three giants Microsoft, Google, and Tesla joined forces, the fruit company can be said to be facing a formidable enemy!

The two sides have been competing to death for decades, and they basically know all the trump cards and blackmails. After this alliance, Gu Ge has obviously taken a step ahead in the field of driverless driving, leaving the fruit company in a passive position!

And as Beichen mobile phones became popular overseas, they took away a lot of market share from fruit companies!

"No! The release date of Fruit 13 must not be postponed! This is the bottom line of the board of directors!"

Cook rejected an executive's proposal outright.

During the recent period, Ku Ke has not been sleeping well. Every time he dreams of the fruit company’s stock collapse!

After more than ten years at the helm of this behemoth, Cook has gained the absolute trust of the board of directors. After all, his annual salary exceeds US$100 million, so of course he must do his best.

At yesterday's board meeting, he communicated with the board members, and this led to the current scene.

"But based on the popularity of Beichen mobile phones, the sales volume of the Fruit 13 series may be lower than expected. After all, the market share of high-end mobile phones is only a small amount. Most people have limited budgets and rarely buy two brands at the same time."

"I have studied Beichen Mobile's marketing plan, and many places imitate ours, which will make us very passive!"

The female executive in charge of marketing was named Jane, and she frowned.

As a person hired by a fruit company from a luxury goods company, Jane can be said to have achieved great success. She has made the fruit phone a luxury product in the industry, and the price has skyrocketed, from 3,288 yuan ten years ago to now. Ten thousand dragon yuan!

But electronic products are not luxury goods after all. Despite the absolutely huge technological gap, Beichen Mobile has successfully broken people's impression of fruit mobile phones and reached the top of the world!

"Our pressure is not just on Beichen Technology. Android Desktop 12 has been released for more than half a month now. Now it is very popular. Sansang has benefited from this. The decline in market share has slowed down a lot, and there is a vague trend of rebound.

Another middle-aged male executive spoke.


Since Gu Ge released this version of the system, several manufacturers, led by Sansang, Sony, and Blueberry, have taken the lead in promoting it, all of which have provided their users with the latest version of the system!

Under Luo Yang's instructions, Beichen Technology did not block the news related to Security Desk 12 (aedc). Instead, it allowed it to be publicized and secretly added fuel to the flames to increase the popularity.

"Judging from this period of time, the reputation of Anzhu12 is surprisingly good. We cannot just focus on Beichen Technology. Sansang, an old rival, cannot be underestimated either!"

"But I don't know why, I always feel a little uneasy. The promotion speed of Android 12 seems to be a bit too fast. Gu Ge only launched two beta versions and then directly released 12.1. This is not in line with Gu Ge's previous promotion plans! "

There are many people who feel the same way, and several executives agreed with his opinion.

"Perhaps the pressure brought by Beichen Technology is too great. After all, before this, Gu Ge was facing a situation of life and death! In this case, reducing the beta version will be more conducive to Gu Ge to maintain his market share!"

"And compared to Anzuo 12, I am actually more interested in the unmanned driving system!"

Kuke knocked on the table, attracting everyone's attention.

“After we decided to give up the car hardware business, one of our main goals was driverless driving, and now Google has come ahead of us again. Judging from Tesla’s recent market feedback data, for the upgraded driverless The driving system has surprisingly many positive reviews!”

"The outside world has a very high overall evaluation of this unmanned driving system, and they think it is a world-leading technology!"

As the leader of the company, Ku Ke is very sensitive to market trends!

"The future will inevitably be dominated by new energy vehicles, and driverless systems will also be popularized. This is related to the next strategic development plan of the fruit company, and we must not underestimate it.

In the context of global warming, carbon emissions have become a major issue plaguing all countries, and it has also accelerated the withdrawal of traditional fuel vehicles from the market. As of now, all mainstream fuel vehicle manufacturers have announced the time to phase out fuel vehicles, and are forced to bet their future on new energy vehicles!

As the only clean energy that can potentially replace petroleum, electricity will inevitably become the mainstream energy in the future!

The biggest feature of trams is that they are more sophisticated and intelligent. From the Internet of Things to the Internet of Vehicles, it has brought about a huge blue ocean market. Four operating system suppliers, Guoguo, Google, Microsoft, and Beichen, are all working for it. Prepare to enter this market.

From the current point of view, Brother Gu seems to be ahead of everyone!

In the final meeting, Ku Ke decided to still release Fruit 13 according to the original date. It was less than half a month away, and it was exactly one month away from Beichen Mobile.

The most intense stages of conflict are avoided.

At Gu Ge's headquarters, Brin is on the phone with Gai Ci.

"It seems that Luo Yang has given up. He knows that he has fallen behind in driverless driving, so he has turned everyone's attention to the mobile phone market to win back the situation! At least for now, Beichen Mobile's situation is still Not bad.”

"Brin, we must not let down our guard against Luo Yang!"

Gai Ci on the other end of the phone frowned slightly, his partner seemed to be a little worried!

Since the three parties have successively released win11, Android 12, and the driverless system, Gu Ge can be said to be in high spirits, and Gemini has received praise from all over the world. Titles such as "King of the Driverless System" have been praised by various countries. The big media is praising Brother Gu for free!

The flowers and honors seemed to make them lose their eyes. After all, for more than a year in the past, they had been chased by Beichen Technology in a very embarrassing way. It had been a long time since they had enjoyed this kind of treatment that was sought after by the people!

It's a pity that Brin didn't take Geci's warning to heart at all and said it perfunctorily.

"Mr. Gates, thank you for the reminder. Musk will hold a private party at Nuoyue the night after tomorrow. You should attend, right?"

"Of course! I'll bring my new dance partner with me!"

Brin's answer reassured Gates.

After all, Gu Ge Gemini is also a top boss in the industry, and his status is no worse than him. Too much reminder will only destroy the friendship between the two parties.

"Haha, I'll wait and see!"

At this time, on the west coast of the United States, a blockbuster deal is being carried out secretly!

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