Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 200 The And Acquisition Case Is Settled! Turbulent New Situation! (4/4)

The next day, a piece of news was announced, causing an uproar in the semiconductor industry!

America, Silicon Valley!

This area, home to many well-known companies around the world, has always been a bellwether for global high-tech and the Internet. Just this morning, Intel held a press conference!

The media reporters who had already smelled the big news gathered here in unison.

A spokesman for Intel's public relations department directly announced the answer.

"Recently, our company and AND Company have reached a consensus on the acquisition case. Intel will spend US$15.5 billion to fully acquire all the assets of AND!"

“After the transaction is completed, Intel will bear all debts, and AND will be merged into Intel as a sub-brand. The original core technical team will be retained. We will make a series of adjustments in the future to break down the technical barriers between the two parties. , to provide better products to everyone!”


The reporters at the scene all had their eyes widened!

AND was actually acquired by Intel!

This is big news!


The next moment, everyone at the scene was in an uproar. This news was really shocking!

"After this acquisition is completed, will Intel launch a counterattack on future semiconductors?"

"There are rumors that you have been working with AMSL to secretly develop 1nm lithography machines. Have you made any important breakthroughs?"

"Intel once occupied more than 95% of the global PC chip market, but it was not subject to antitrust investigation because of the existence of AND! Now that you have fully acquired AND, does it mean that Intel has become the leader in the PC chip industry? Trial Type Truss?”

"Has this transaction been approved by the Ministry of Commerce and the Anti-Monopoly Department? The list of previously announced mergers and acquisitions also included giants such as Texas Instruments, High Barrel, and Broadcom. Why were they all rejected? Is there any other shady story involved? "

The reporters at the scene were all so excited!

The impact this news brought to everyone was no less than when Beichen Technology announced the POS system!

For the whole world, Intel has been playing a leading role in the industry for the past few decades, and it is even synonymous with PC chips!

Relying on the X86 architecture, Intel has lost half a century of its capital and is still squeezing out toothpaste!

And the only one that can survive under Intel's monopoly is AND, which was originally from the same school!

Now that the two parties merge, it means that Intel will be the only company producing PC chips in the United States! This has formed an absolute monopoly in a substantial sense! (Kunlun chips are prohibited from being sold in the United States)

"Everyone, calm down, we will answer your questions!"

After the Intel supervisor tried his best to comfort him, the reporters at the scene became quiet, but their eyes were still extremely hot, staring at him.

Once Intel cannot give an answer that satisfies everyone, it will be difficult for Intel to end!

"The first thing I want to state is that we at Intel have always been a high-tech company that abides by laws and regulations! Our acquisition of AND is to unite all forces that can be united and break Beichen Technology's absolute monopoly in the field of graphene chips!"

Good guy!

It’s a big hat! Beichen Technology once again lies ahead!

The Intel supervisor loosened his tie before continuing.

"As we all know, after Beichen Technology achieved a breakthrough in graphene technology, it has formed an absolute monopoly in this field, from chips to storage units, from OLED screens to graphene glass and many other fields, creating a cold moat. , blocking countries around the world from entering this field!”

"Here, I want to ask you something!"

"Does anyone still remember how AND, which had a market value of nearly US$180 billion last year, collapsed in just one year?"

Of course, everyone present is familiar with the fact that AND's fall was completely caused by Beichen Technology's dimensionality reduction attack!

But everyone also knows that it was AND who took the lead in attacking Beikang Technology before the irresolvable conflict broke out between the two parties!

Most of the media at the scene were from the United States or well-known Western media, so they naturally subconsciously ignored the fact that AND took the initiative to provoke Beichen Technology.

"It was Beichen Technology! They destroyed AND Company!"

"It's the evil Eastern Dragon! It's Luo Yang, the executioner!"

"The powerful United States cannot even protect AND Company. This is so disappointing!"

Everyone present said something to each other, and soon they pointed the finger at Beichen Technology!

"That's right! It's Beichen Technology!"

Director Intel glanced at everyone with satisfaction before continuing.

"AND fell on the final battlefield to resist the invasion of Beichen Technology! He is our hero in the United States!"

"Although the hero has fallen, his spirit never dies!"

"After completing this acquisition, we at Intel will inherit AND's will, continue to assume the important responsibility of resisting Beichen Technology, and re-create the evil that belongs to our country!"

Whoa whoosh!

There was a warm round of applause!

Putting aside the monopoly issue, the merger of Intel and AND, as this executive said, will indeed become a bridgehead against Beichen Technology in the chip field!

"As for why we won in the end, the reason is very simple! The founders of AND and Intel once came from the same company! I think the name of the company is familiar to everyone, it is Xiantong Semiconductor!"

"It is precisely because of this love that AND, after careful consideration, finally rejected the acquisition offers from manufacturers such as Texas Instruments, Gaotong, Broadcom, and Yifa Semiconductor, and chose Intel!"

"We have reason to believe that when the Silicon Valley geniuses who dispersed originally reunited again, they will reshape the global semiconductor landscape!"

As soon as the name of Xiantong Semiconductor appeared, the confusion of everyone present was immediately solved!

"Xantong Semiconductor? Why is this name so familiar!" A foreign reporter couldn't remember where he had heard this name before!

The reporters around were a little confused, but they quickly remembered the name!

"Hiss! Is it the company founded by the father of the transistor?"

0…Please give me flowers…………

"That's right! That's it! Moore, the founder of Intel, and Jerry, the founder of AND, were both employees of Xiantong Semiconductor. Later, they ran away to start a business together and were called the "Eight Rebels"!"

Everyone was talking to each other, and some reporters who didn't know the past of Xiantong Semiconductor now understood the origin of this company!

Xiantong Semiconductor was founded in the mid-1950s by the father of the transistor, and its location is the Silicon Valley beneath everyone's feet! It can be said that it is precisely because of Xiantong Semiconductor that the current Silicon Valley exists.

Before its dissolution, Xiantong Semiconductor trained countless semiconductor talents for Silicon Valley, and for this reason it also won the name of the "Xidian Military Academy" in the electronics and computer industry! It truly made Silicon Valley the leader in the global semiconductor industry!

Everyone's breathing was a little rapid!

"I think you have no objections to the fact that Intel can win, right?"

"As for whether this acquisition is suspected of being a monopoly, I think this issue should be left to the U.S. Department of Commerce and Antitrust Department. Currently, Intel and AND have submitted acquisition cases and are waiting for final approval!"


"I believe that the National Congress will give a fair answer!"

This news quickly spread around the world in a very short period of time, triggering huge heated discussions in the semiconductor industry.

AND Company, which has been bankrupt for several months, suddenly made such a big news, which directly diverted the world's attention from Beichen Mobile to this.

"Sure enough, ginger is still spicier with age!"

After Luo Yang learned the news, he had to give Intel a thumbs up.

The timing was chosen really well!

AND has been bankrupt for several months, and there are many giants from various countries who want to acquire it. In addition to the semiconductor industry, Fruit, Microsoft, Google, Soft Music, etc. have all expressed their intention to intervene!

Under normal circumstances, Intel is the one least likely to complete the acquisition!

Because the reason why AND can survive is because Intel is trying to prevent antitrust investigations!

At this time, demonstrations are breaking out in Europe because of Beichen mobile phones, which has made many forces fearful and have been secretly obstructing them. At this time, Intel made a grand appearance as the "anti-Beichen pioneer" and gained huge popularity among the people in one fell swoop. support!

As the matter became more and more popular, Ou Meng also deliberately diverted the attention of ordinary people and began to publicize the acquisition, triggering heated discussions among the people!

"As an ordinary American citizen, I support Intel! I would rather let Intel complete its monopoly in the industry than let Beichen Technology sell chips to the United States to steal my privacy!"

"If we don't unite, Intel will become the next AND!"

"In any case, Americans are all white and descendants of our Angsa nation. They are far more reliable than people from the Dragon Kingdom!"

Combined with the booming sales of Beichen mobile phones during this period and the "Beichen threat theory" promoted in the West, in just a few days, the number of people who agreed with the acquisition overwhelmingly exceeded the number of people who opposed the monopoly!

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