Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 201 The Conspiracy Of The United States! Invista Is Being Targeted!

This time, Intel was clearly prepared.

For example, the number of petitions on the official website of the Black Palace is increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye. The most popular request is for the commander-in-chief to intervene in this acquisition case!

If we look at the past situation, when it comes to acquisitions of such large multinational companies, the preliminary approval procedures alone are very complicated. Coupled with the low work efficiency of various agencies, it often takes several months to get the initial results. As a result, if there is another obstruction from someone who is willing to do so, it is common for the project to be delayed for a year and a half!

The petition on the official website of the Black Palace is to hope that the commander-in-chief can be dismissed directly, reduce the indifferent time, and give an answer to the people as soon as possible!

Soon, the black official responded.

"The commander-in-chief has officially expressed his stance and is ready to intervene in this house purchase!"

"This morning, the Grand Commander has officially "603" signed Document No. XX. According to this document, the cabinet urgently transferred key officials from the Ministry of Commerce, the Antitrust Department, the Department of Taxation, the Federal Supreme Court, and the private SLA Association. We have waited for professionals in the industry to form an emergency assessment team to follow up on this acquisition throughout the entire process!"

"Congress is also preparing to convene a hearing. The findings of the emergency assessment team will affect the final judgment of this hearing! The leader said that he hopes to give the American people and all walks of life a satisfactory outcome in the shortest possible time. Answer!"

With global attention, the Black Palace officially enters the scene!

After the news was announced, the American people immediately cheered!

It seems as if the victory has been won this time!

"It seems that our commander-in-chief is not dim-sighted yet, and can still take charge of things at critical moments!"

"I didn't expect the Federal Court to get involved. This acquisition case caused quite a stir! The last time such a big fight happened was when Broadcom acquired Gaotong!"

"I have a hunch that this acquisition will definitely be approved! I trust my intuition!"

Similar comments continue to emerge on social networking sites such as YouTube, Tuita, Lianshu, and INS. These Internet giants have no intention of blocking it. Instead, they are adding fuel to the fire and increasing the popularity of this incident!

That night, the federal news broadcast the scene of the commander-in-chief meeting with the assessment team!

A group of senior officials from various federal agencies, as well as people from the semiconductor industry such as the SLA Association, are all gathered here!

One of the focuses of their assessment is whether Intel creates a monopoly!

"No need to look, the result is already determined!"

In the conference room of the Beichen headquarters building, Luo Yang closed the YouTube live broadcast room. He had already guessed the outcome of the matter!

This is a weekly executive meeting, which mainly discusses development plans for the future and coordinates all aspects of progress. Of course, it is impossible to miss the acquisition of Intel.

"The Intel merger itself is a compromise between Wall Street forces and U.S. officials. The so-called hearings and emergency assessment panels are just going through the process and putting on a good show for the outside world!"

"After all, Beichen Technology has put too much pressure on the United States during the past period!"

"As an important member of the high-tech industry, the semiconductor industry involves the high-tech industry, one of the four major economic pillars of the United States, and will never compromise easily!"

The executives present were thoughtful.

"I support Mr. Luo's view!"

Ms. Su participated in this discussion via remote video conference.

"I have some connections in the United States and have heard some rumors. It is said that the commander-in-chief has long been interested in letting Intel acquire AND. The follow-up aspects may also involve part of the future strategic planning of the United States! And this acquisition is actually in It was basically finalized a month ago, and AND has already reached a consensus with Intel!"

Ms. Su has been in the United States for many years and naturally has her own connections and information channels, which further supports Luo Yang’s view!

This made the executives present frowning.

"In order to target us, the United States uses all kinds of methods without any limit! It has already banned us from selling chips in the United States, and now it wants Intel to become a giant trust in the industry, just to create trouble for us?"

"I'm afraid the result is more than that!"

Ma Liang, president of the semiconductor business group, pushed up his glasses and analyzed.

"Since Wanwan Semiconductor broke away from the control of the SLA Association and joined the Longguo Semiconductor Alliance, the United States has always regarded it as a thorn in its side and wants to get rid of it quickly! Suppressing Taiwan Electromechanical and vigorously supporting Sansang are the most direct evidence!"

“This time, Intel doesn’t just want to monopolize the PC chip industry, it also wants to officially enter the independent graphics card market!”

"In other words, the United States is going to take action against Invista!"

Luo Yang nodded with satisfaction, and Ma Liang realized another key point of this acquisition!

That’s Invista!

"In the 21st century, where technology is developing rapidly, the importance of graphics cards has become more and more prominent. Look at INVISTA's market value, which is higher than Intel! And the independent graphics card brand manufacturers with core technologies in the world are ranked from largest to largest in terms of market share. Small, they are Invista, our Tianshan graphics card, and AND's AIT brand!"

"Intel has always wanted to get a share of the independent graphics market, but it has never been able to do so! If it can annex AND this time, it will be able to enter the independent graphics market as it wishes!"

"Before the birth of our Tianshan series graphics cards, INVISTA graphics cards have been an important supplier to many important military, scientific research, education and other institutions in the United States. Even IDM's supercomputer has to purchase INVISTA graphics cards! Join Wanwan Semiconductor manufacturer After our camp, the United States began to de-Invista!"

“Many institutions and units that purchased INVISTA graphics cards before have all begun to install AIT graphics cards!”

"Following Taiwan Electromechanical, the United States has targeted INVISTA this time! Basically, every Wanwan semiconductor manufacturer that cooperates with us has been targeted and attacked by the United States."

"People are now convinced that if we allow the United States to target Invista, our allies may lose confidence! The stable situation we finally achieved may be in vain!

Everyone suddenly realized!

The global market share is there, basically divided between three companies....

Now that the United States is going to kick Invista out of the American market, the vacated market share will naturally belong to Intel!

With Intel's strong silicon-based technology reserves over the years, even if it cannot surpass the performance of graphene graphics cards, it can still keep the US graphics card industry at the world's mainstream level!

This is a conspiracy.

Just like the Dragon Kingdom basically drove the Beast Bone Inscriptions and IDM's database business out of the domestic market, the United States is just coming back with revenge!

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