Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 202 The Hearing Begins! Invista’S Choice!

As analyzed by Ma Liang, Lao Huang is now extremely anxious!

United States, INVISTA headquarters!

Almost all the company's senior executives are here. The office is filled with smoke. The old smokers don't even think about being fined for smoking now. Everyone feels the heavy pressure!

Once Intel annexes AND, this new trust will definitely attack Invista!

There is no other reason. It is that the combat effectiveness of future semiconductors is too strong. Before the advent of the SLA Association's 1nm lithography machine and the corresponding silicon-based chips, Intel will never directly conflict with Beichen Technology.

So in order to restore the avalanche stock price and boost the outside world's confidence in Intel, we can only choose the graphics card business!

If you can't handle Future Semiconductor's Tianshan graphics card, then Invista will become the first target of attack!

"I wonder if Mr. Huang can convince the board of directors!"

Everyone looked at the time, and it was almost an hour since Lao Huang entered the conference room!

In the conference room, a board meeting is taking place, and all INVISTA board members are gathered here to discuss how to survive this huge crisis!

If you make one careless move, you will lose everything!

This is related to the life and death of Invista!

"Vincent, what do the major shareholders say?"

Lao Huang looked very tired at the moment. He had not slept well for several days.

The Vincent named by him was a middle-aged man with blond hair and blue eyes, with a bitter expression on his face.

The identity behind him represents the first day of medical care in the UK!

Like most listed companies in the United States, except for a small number of original shares held by Huang and his founding team, most of the equity is in the hands of Wall Street capital.

The largest shareholder is a financial institution on Wall Street, which represents countless investors. The shareholding ratio reaches 7.6%, which has great influence within the company!

"Mr. Huang, the news from shareholders is not good!"

"After the incident, the major shareholders immediately formed a lobbying team to try to stop the merger, but they were always refused by the president! Obviously, the collective surrender of the semiconductor industry not long ago made the Black Palace very Annoyed! I am determined to promote this merger and acquisition this time!"

"Invista's situation is very dangerous now!"

Another bad news!

Lao Huang has never been as tired as he is today!

Ever since the Wanwan semiconductor industry got rid of the control of the SLA Association and joined Beichen Technology's circle of friends, INVISTA's situation has been very delicate! Although he is an American national, he is a Wanwan native!

For a long time, Wanwan has been regarded by the United States as an important counterweight to the semiconductor industry in Neon and Bangzi countries, so it has been deliberately supporting it, covering chips, graphics cards, memory, chip foundry, and computer motherboards. A series of industries such as Wanwan Semiconductor have created the glory of Wanwan Semiconductor.

He is also one of the beneficiaries!

Not only him, but the memory giant Kingston also benefited from this, being able to purchase American memory particles without any international restrictions, and gradually becoming a well-known global brand.

However, now that the United States and Wanwan have parted ways, he cannot leave easily, because Invista's home court has always been in the United States!

He did not dare to guess whether the United States would directly restrict his personal freedom like it did to Warwick if he expressed the idea of ​​moving Invista out of the United States!

Even though there is no evidence that the United States will take action against him, the outside world is not very optimistic about INVISTA's future. After all, INVISTA is not strong enough to harden the United States!

The most direct evidence is INVISTA’s stock price!

A few months ago, after Beichen Technology released its second-generation graphene Tianshan graphics card, its market value has dropped from US$230 billion to US$150 billion. With the emergence of the AND acquisition, its stock price has once again experienced huge fluctuations, and its market value has been short. US$30 billion has evaporated in just a few days! It has fallen below US$120 billion!

The remaining market value is still shrinking. Presumably when the United States officially approves this acquisition, its market value will fall even worse!

Lao Huang realized that it was only a matter of time before it fell to the US$100 billion mark.

Now many people have seen that Intel is extremely determined to enter the independent graphics card market!

In terms of history, foundation, and symbolic significance, Intel is far superior to the latecomer INVISTA. When the two sides confront each other, as long as no interests are involved, the vast majority of Americans will undoubtedly agree. Total support for Xantel!

"At the beginning, Mr. Cai of Taiwan Electromechanical and the founder of Lianfa approached me and hoped that I could join Beichen Technology's camp. I was hesitant at the time, but now I have suffered the bitter pill!"

Lao Huang felt a little regretful!

If he could make an early decision and officially surrender to Beichen Technology, Luo Yang would definitely not sit back and watch him being targeted like this by the United States! Even if INVISTA cannot be saved in the end, at least his personal safety should not be a problem!

Otherwise, Luo Yang would not be able to win over people’s hearts at all!

As for whether he can make a comeback after losing Invista, he is not worried at all.

With Beichen Technology's terrifying technology reserves, just a little leakage can create a new giant!

He glanced around, and everyone was a little downcast. Even the Wall Street capital behind the major shareholders failed to lobby successfully, and they were even more powerless!

350 "At the critical moment, no one can be trusted!"

Lao Huang was furious in his heart!

The current situation is either to completely fall to Beichen Technology, or to let the United States do its thing and watch its market share be annexed by Tel, until the entire public contract is dissolved!

"It seems it's time to make a decision!"

After finishing the Cuban cigar in his hand, Lao Huang made an important decision in his heart!

He wants to join Beichen Technology!

Time flies by, and a week later, the hearing officially begins!

The Supreme Commander, federal justices, members of the emergency assessment team, and the lobbying teams of Intel and AND, the two major parties, all attended this hearing!

This hearing was not made public, so the major media and reporters could only wait outside the door, hoping to get the news as soon as possible!

During this week, the United States, which used to be slow in its work, showed an astonishing speed in investigation! The Black Palace almost gave all the green lights and streamlined all the cumbersome procedures. Only in just one week could it be completed Here, the hearing materials have been prepared!

There is a thick pile of various paper materials submitted by the two major companies involved!

An atmosphere full of solemnity and anxiety enveloped everyone.

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