Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 208 The Shocking \"Doomsday Project\"! Luo Yang Was Poached!

"Two professors, we will have plenty of time to talk in detail later. Now let's let Mr. Luo know the progress of the project. Aren't you both impatient for a long time?"

Ouyang Ming interrupted the polite conversation between the two parties.

"Ahem, look at my brain. I forget about business when I'm happy! Come on, Mr. Luo, I'll show you around!"

Professor Xu slapped his forehead, feeling a little embarrassed.

After staying in the office all day, it was rare to meet someone outside, so we accidentally started chatting too much!

"Ha ha!"

The crowd burst into laughter.

It is rare to see two professors being so narrow-minded.

"Mr. Luo, this is your ID card. Don't lose it. Without this, something will happen!"

A middle-aged man following the two professors was wearing a camouflage uniform, but without any epaulets or signs on his body. He seemed to be a security guard. Then he handed Luo Yang a small ID card, which felt like metal and was about the same size as an ID card.


Luo Yang took it and hung it around his neck.

He glanced at Ouyang Ming, who took out a similar card from somewhere and hung it around his neck.

It seems that Ouyang Ming's identity is not just responsible for network security!

"Let's go!"

Luo Yang followed everyone and entered the mysterious 635 Research Institute.

The entire interior of the research institute is located in the heart of this unknown mountain. There are faint traces of excavation around it, and it looks like it has been there for some time.

After entering, there is a long cement passage. The ground has been leveled and hardened, and support structures can be seen at intervals around it. The width of the passage is enough for four large Jiefang trucks to pass through in parallel!

Luo Yang also had some vague guesses about this.

This should be the "doomsday project" excavated in the last century!

What is accessible to the public is called the "Three Defenses" project!

For some well-known reasons, the Dragon Kingdom originally excavated buildings called "Doomsday Engineering Project" in many places, many of which were deep underground. Most of the important confidential scientific research institutions were transferred to these places to ensure that they could When the end comes, you can leave a trace of fire for the Dragon Kingdom!

It is conceivable that such a huge project must have consumed countless manpower and material resources!

You must know that in the last century, Longguo did not have so many equipment and technologies today, and many things were dug out bit by bit by manpower!

Walking in this wide passage, Luo Yang was in awe!

In his previous life, when he was involved in classified projects, he heard some seniors mention similar situations. Unfortunately, the project he was unlucky enough to work on was not an underground bunker like this.

Judging from the conditions of the passage, fighter jets can be launched directly here in critical moments!

The huge passage can be transformed into an airstrip at any time!

Ouyang Ming looked at each other and smiled.

"Mr. Luo, just look at the situation here. When you leave the institute, keep everything you see in your heart! You have already read the confidentiality regulations and know what not to say."

"Don't worry! I understand the rules!"

As early as a few days ago, he was watching the news about Intel in Shanghai, and suddenly received a message from Ouyang Ming, saying that Project No. 2 had encountered a certain problem, and it was difficult to explain it in a few words through remote communication. , he needed to be present in person, and that’s how today’s group came together.

The reason why Xiaoya didn't follow was also because of Ouyang Ming's request.

Everything must be kept secret.

After reaching the end of the passage, there is a heavy steel door, driven by hydraulic pressure.

"This door should have three defense levels of defense!"

Luo Yang thought to himself.

After entering the gate, there were several passages extending deep into the mountain. Luo Yang followed Ou Yangming through twists and turns, and finally came to an underground space.

Starting from the gate, the road was filled with various armed personnel. Even Ouyang Ming and the two professors had to undergo strict verification before being allowed to enter.

The other party's eyes were very cold, he was wearing a weapon, and he had no expression even after seeing Luo Yang.

Luo Yang was silent, he knew that there was a high possibility that the other party did not know who he was at all!

After all, this is a highly confidential place.

"This is the person invited by the director, and this is his ID card!"

Luo Yang followed the middle-aged man's instructions and swiped his ID card on a small machine, and the indicator randomly turned green!

"The target is temporary access identity, verification passed!

A mechanical sound sounded.

After several procedures, Luo Yang finally arrived at his destination.

This is an extremely wide space, which is divided into many areas. Scientific researchers in white coats are busy, and there is no reaction at all to their arrival.

At this time, a person walked from the side, and his eyes suddenly lit up when he saw Luo Yang!

"`~Mr. Luo! You are finally here!"

One glance at Luo Yang, and he finally has an acquaintance!

Professor Xu cheerfully said:

"This person should be familiar to you. This is the graphene laboratory technician sent by you, Dr. Liu Chunsong! But now he is no longer from your company. Since joining this confidential plan, Dr. Liu has become our Special recruits from the 635 Research Institute!"

“These are the talents I have worked so hard to poach!”

Luo Yang felt a little sore.

This Dr. Liu Chunsong is the core technical staff of Ishiguro Nozomi Laboratory under Beichen Technology!

He used to work in a graphene laboratory in a European country, and was hired by Luo Yang at a huge cost. He is considered an important figure in the core team of the laboratory!


The two professors and Ouyang Ming were a little embarrassed, poaching people was not a good idea after all.

But (come on) there is no other way. The projects that everyone participates in are extremely confidential. It is difficult to get the qualifications to join, and it is even harder to leave!

High-level talents are in demand everywhere, not to mention the key research and development projects of Longguo!

In the eyes of all parties, Beichen Technology is a walking gold mine! And Luo Yang himself is the biggest piece of gold!

The forces that covet Beichen Technology are gone!

If Luo Yang hadn't connected with Fang through the operating system and gained friendship from J Fang, it would be hard to say that Beichen Technology would have been able to persist until now!

The business world is ups and downs, and there is countless darkness hidden under the water!

Not to mention anything else, Luo Yang would not be able to obtain the core team of Guang Beichen Security without the support of Party J, let alone get a Q certificate!

"Forget it, the meat is still rotten in the pot anyway! It's better to be poached by Party J than by other forces!

Luo Yang can only comfort himself!.

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