Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 209: Tactics Are Always Needed! Fuze Has Firepower Coverage!

After uncovering this scene, everyone arrived at today's destination.

"The area we are in now belongs to the Weapons Research and Development Department. This is just one of the locations. It is mainly responsible for the development of electromagnetic weapons!"

"The ones on the left are responsible for electromagnetic rifles and many lightweight firearms. On the right are heavy weapons, including electromagnetic railguns and other important projects. Currently, we are testing both land-based and ship-based models. We are further improving miniaturization. , the problem of lightweight………….”

With Professor Xu’s introduction, the 635 Research Institute officially unveiled its mystery!

What is being studied here is surprisingly electromagnetic weapons!

Ouyang Ming was obviously not here for the first time, and he was already used to all this. Luo Yang had seen the tip of the iceberg through remote video before, and now he finally saw the full picture of these black technologies!

Different types of weapons are being developed in each laboratory. From firearms to artillery, you can see similar semi-finished products. If the scene here were made public, I don’t know how many outsiders would be shocked!

Is this still the rabbit that has always been ridiculed by the world for its backward technology?

Foreign electromagnetic weapons tests have been exposed on the Internet before, and countless netizens exclaimed them as black technology, especially those led by the two major arms giants of the United States and China. While many people were shocked, they also looked forward to the Dragon Kingdom. Bring out your own electromagnetic weapons!

On a forum for military enthusiasts, a mysterious person once exposed a piece of news, claiming that the Dragon Kingdom was secretly developing electromagnetic weapons. However, because there was no evidence or photos to prove it, netizens thought it was an eye-catching attempt, and in the end it was rejected. Let it go.

And everything in front of me proves that it is all true!

"The big guy in front of us is one of the prototypes. It has been tested many times, but this electromagnetic rail gun still has many problems!"

Professor Xu led everyone along and stopped in a huge room. In front of everyone, there was a cannon-like weapon that had been disassembled. This was the prototype of the electromagnetic railgun that Professor Xu mentioned!

The appearance of this steel behemoth is cold silver, full of futuristic science fiction colors. Two long guide rails replace the barrel, and the neatly arranged electromagnetic cavity flashes with a faint blue light.

This electromagnetic gun is undergoing a charging test, and at the same time, someone is constantly recording various data.

"Charging test, 57% 58%......"

The testers are constantly increasing the energy. As the number climbs, the light inside the electromagnetic cavity becomes more intense!

"Stop charging. The peak value of this test is 72%. The time has improved compared to the last time, and the energy loss has also been reduced. Record the data. It seems there is room for improvement!"

"Huh? Professor Xu, where have you been? We are looking for you...Mr. Luo!?"

The researcher responsible for the test looked very young, probably in his thirties. He quickly recognized Luo Yang’s identity after seeing the crowd!

"It's a pleasure to meet you, and finally meet you in person! The graphene battery you developed has been of great help to us!"

"Professor Xu, this is..."

"This is one of my students. He has been working on the electromagnetic gun project since graduation. You can just call him Xiaofang."

Professor Xu introduced Luo Yang to him with a smile.

"Well, that's not good. Let's call him Mr. Fang.

The other party was obviously older than him, so Luo Yang did not change his words. After a few words, they became familiar with each other.

Soon everyone's attention turned to the electromagnetic gun.

Following Xiaofang's introduction, Luo Yang also learned about the latest progress of the prototype.

Different from artillery in the traditional sense, the electromagnetic railgun uses the principle of electromagnetism, which causes the magnetic field and electric current to interact, generating a huge Lorentz force to push the projectile. Theoretically, the highest speed can reach sub-light speed! (Under vacuum conditions)

The electromagnetic gun does not require gunpowder, has no gunpowder smoke, and has very low noise, which is very suitable for the J side's requirements!

At present, there is no large-scale electromagnetic gun in the outside world. Even the United States only showed off the concept of an electromagnetic gun in the Transformers movie. Judging from the news obtained from the outside world, the other side is also in the prototype stage!

One of the biggest problems with electromagnetic guns is energy!

In order to meet various battlefield situations, the performance of the electromagnetic gun needs to be very stable, the charging speed must be fast, and it must be able to meet the needs of multiple uses.

You can’t drag a generator everywhere you go!

Conventional battery modules cannot meet the needs of electromagnetic guns at all. Before this, the mainstream energy supply method was to connect a power supply device and use DC charging. At the same time, supercapacitors were used to replace conventional battery modules. Basically, one shot was fired and it went straight away. Half of the battery was consumed, which resulted in insufficient firepower.

When the capacitor is fully charged again [conventional artillery vehicles have released dozens of tons of ammunition!

This makes Wotu, who is in the late stages of a lack of firepower phobia, unacceptable!

I need more firepower!

I want firepower coverage!!

Let’s play around with tactics and stuff!

The emergence of graphene batteries has completely solved this problem!

Compared with traditional battery modules and supercapacitors, graphene batteries’ fast charge and discharge, as well as ultra-large capacity and other characteristics, directly entered J Fang’s field of vision!

After Luo Yang decided to take out the graphene battery, he guessed what would happen today.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Ouyang Ming to come directly to the door and take away a batch of large-capacity graphene batteries for experiments! Originally, they were prepared for Beichen Motors, but before the cars were released, they were first used in electromagnetic rail guns. superior.

Before Dr. Liu Chunsong was dispatched here, he served as the deputy leader of the graphene battery project team!

"The technology of Dragon Kingdom in this world has made a huge leap because of my appearance!"

Luo Yang looked at the scene in front of him with a smile on his face!

He dedicated his youth to the Dragon Kingdom in his previous life, and he can still contribute to the Dragon Kingdom in this life. This is nothing more than what he wants in his life!

"The large-capacity graphene battery provided by your company has solved our most troublesome charging and battery life problems. This makes it very possible for the electromagnetic railgun to move from prototype to large-scale equipment!"

"One of the limitations for us now is the cost issue. Emmm, the research and development cost of this prototype is too high. Small batch equipment cannot recover the cost at all. If the price is too high, our procurement expenses are limited. After all, foreign countries are staring at us all day long. China, increasing military spending is like stabbing them with a knife!"

Professor Xu curled his lips, obviously very disdainful of Western forces such as the United States!

Even though he is the biggest troublemaker in the world, he still stares at the Dragon Kingdom all day long. Every time the J fee is raised, he immediately jumps in and joins other European countries to jump up and down to smear the Dragon Kingdom.

After all, as we all know, Dragon Country’s J fee is already the lowest among the global powers. As a superpower, how much did the United States spend on J fee last year?

A total of 778 billion US dollars!!!

And the global expenditure is only 1.9 trillion US dollars!

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