Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 210 Double Firepower? No! This Rabbit Needs Three Times The Firepower!

There are so many places where graphene batteries can be used!

In addition to the electromagnetic railgun, there are also electromagnetic rifles, and one of the most important purposes of Luo Yang's trip is the second project under the 635 Research Institute!

Even the number of the electromagnetic railgun is ranked fifth, so one can imagine the importance of Project No. 2!

The emergence of graphene batteries will directly solve many of the problems that plague Longguo's important projects!

Because of such a huge impact, after Luo Yang released the graphene battery, Longguo immediately contacted Luo Yang privately through Ouyang Ming, saying that large-capacity graphene batteries would probably be banned from export!

Luo Yang expressed his understanding and cooperated immediately.

"In this regard, I will unconditionally cooperate with Long Guo's instructions!"

Ouyang Ming's expression was very pleased at that time.

Not long after that, several ministers from relevant departments of Longguo came to visit, and then the Longguo Graphene Association was established.

If you think about it with your toes, you can guess that without the official permission and attention of Dragon Kingdom, Beichen Technology would not have been able to acquire a large piece of land in a short period of time as the birthplace of "Carbon Valley"!

"At present, the Ministry of Commerce has not issued a specific policy. It should be still in the game with the United States. Once the export ban policy comes out, "Biao Weilong will decide to use this as his main card!"

Luo Yang had already been mentally prepared.

The inability to export large-capacity batteries will not cause much loss to Beichen Technology. Beichen Technology can still make huge profits by selling graphene raw materials and other derived graphene products!

The Public Relations Department has already prepared the corresponding announcement, and as long as the Ministry of Commerce issues an order, it can be published directly on the official website.

Countries that secretly want to cause harm may be disappointed!

With the introduction, Luo Yang also learned about a series of problems encountered by this electromagnetic gun prototype.

In addition to the high cost, there is still room for further improvement in energy conversion. According to Fang's requirements, he hopes to triple the current data!

In layman's terms, it is hoped that within the same period of time, the amount of ammunition dropped can be three times the current amount!

"Well, it is indeed my rabbit style!"

Luo Yang said he was no longer surprised.

This standard from the J side directly caused everyone in the 635 Research Institute to feel extremely overwhelmed!

In order to increase the delivery volume, the electromagnetic gun can only further increase its size and add more battery modules. However, J side also requires that the electromagnetic gun must be miniaturized and lightweight while ensuring sufficient firepower!

Because except for the non-mobile land-based models, which have no requirements for miniaturization, the rest, whether they are mobile artillery or ship-based models, have high requirements for the size of the electromagnetic gun!

Even if the firepower is strong enough, the weight of the Gustav cannon is close to 1,300 tons, so Fang can only abandon it in tears!

The miniaturized electromagnetic gun is not only easy to move, but also more concealed.

This is also one of the main problems the institute is encountering now.

"In addition to these, Fang also hopes to transplant this artillery to domestic main battle tanks! At present, we have modified and adapted it for several mainstream models of tanks! However, the progress is not ideal, regardless of the research and development team As a driving team, it will be difficult to change from the concept of traditional weapons for a while."

Professor Xu talked eloquently and talked about many difficulties.

"I can understand it. After all, this weapon is a bit too close to the future. Even the United States has no experience of using it on a large scale!"

"Yes! It's not easy for us to get a head start this time. I hope we can maintain the lead as much as possible!"

Professor He sighed.

"In addition to Lao Xu's electromagnetic weapons, my swarm drone combat system also has many difficulties. Let's discuss it together later."

"no problem!"

This is also the reason why Luo Yang himself came here personally.

There are really many things that can only be solved by him personally.

The swarm UAV combat system is not just a problem that can be solved by a set of software. It involves many difficulties such as the data interface of the enemy, the identification friend or foe system, the UAV intelligent system, as well as the automatic distribution of aircraft groups and ammunition!

Private drone teams often perform tricks, which in itself is a beggar version of the unmanned combat system.

Even if the program is set in advance and the performance site is cleared, problems such as drone collisions or lights not working will still occur. When there are too many bugs, the fleet will be like a nest of headless flies. Flying around!

In addition to the absolutely powerful hardware configuration of drones, there are higher requirements for being able to intelligently control the flying array and automatically find attack targets!

In the "Fall Trilogy" of the Hollywood blockbuster, the scene in which the commander-in-chief of the United States is attacked by a KB drone attack is the most likely scene of war!

0…Please give me flowers…

After the war between the two sides, before one's side could finish gathering, the opponent's drone swarm had already flown overhead!

Self-braking attacks such as missiles and bombs are one of the mainstream attack methods of drones.

The more sci-fi ones, such as those equipped with electromagnetic guns, are even more hidden!

Compared with the electromagnetic gun, the drone swarm occupies a much smaller area and is controlled remotely. The test site is not here, but in a valley outside.

"Mr. Luo, let me give you a demonstration and you can see what needs to be improved.

Professor He pressed the call button, and there was already a team waiting at the test site.

"The experiment begins!"

Soon, a large screen covering the entire wall showed the simulated "attack target" - a valley 3 kilometers away, where there were simulated convoys and dummies.

"Buzz buzz!"

Dozens of small camouflage-colored drones quickly formed a formation and flew into the air!

This time it is not a commercial drone, but an improvement from an ordinary civilian drone model, mainly to test the swarm system.

At this time, the drone image was clearly transmitted back on the big screen.

"Authorized automatic attack!"

Following Professor He's order, the drone quickly flew towards the valley at an extremely fast speed!

During the flight, the drone team was in an orderly manner without any chaos.

"This batch of drones has been specially improved by us, with stronger anti-interference capabilities and greater signal power. Previous test results show that with the intelligent bee swarm system developed by Mr. Luo, even if it is interfered with Under the circumstances, the drone still has certain judgment ability to handle combat matters!"

Professor He was overjoyed with this system!

Judging from the foreign military data provided by J, the advanced level of this swarm system has approached the mainstream level in the United States! It is even better in some places!

In addition to the swarm system, Longguo is also eager to have more powerful drones. After all, the "Global Hawk" drone of the United States is famous.

Now everyone can't afford it. After all, it's all taxpayers' money. Every time one falls, everyone will feel sad for a long time.

Therefore, in this test, we can only test the waters with an improved civilian drone. .

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