Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 116 From Now On, The Sea Is Wide Enough For Fish To Leap, And The Sky Is High Enough For Bir

At a higher international strategic level, it is the battlefield between the Dragon Kingdom and the United States. At this level, both parties use all-round resources and engage in a series of games in many fields!

This is a battle for national destiny. Only big countries can survive on this tragic battlefield!

Those countries that have been left alone, as well as countless small countries that are salivating and eager to try, cannot survive even one round on this battlefield!

Destined to become a pawn in the game between great powers!

He is also destined to become cannon fodder!

The more fun you have now, the worse your death will be in the future!

This game not only involves the national aspect, but also covers the entire private level. Private business giants such as Beichen Technology and Tesla are undoubtedly the pawns of various countries!

The United States needs the white glove of Musk to pave the way for NASA and the right to speak in space, so the Dragon Kingdom also needs Luo Yang to come forward and snipe at this!

Just don’t make the enemy comfortable!

This is also the reason why Huawei immediately encountered a firestorm in the United States after launching the 5G standard.

The rise of Warwick has affected the huge cakes of Sco, Gaotong, Sansang and Fruit!

After Huawei and many other dragon country companies suffered heavy setbacks from the United States, Beichen Technology has now become a standalone company and is the only "497" private enterprise with extremely strong combat effectiveness!

Not only is it invincible in the Dragon Kingdom, it has also become famous in overseas markets!

It can be said that he is one of the most powerful thugs in the Dragon Kingdom!

In the world of martial arts, it would be a famous double-flowered red stick!

"Presumably Long Guo had already received the news before the acquisition was announced!"

Luo Yang's eyes lit up, and he realized why Ouyang Ming chose this period to invite him!

"This trip to 635 institute is a reassurance from Longguo to Beichen Technology!"

To be honest, before this trip to the 635 Institute, Luo Yang was actually worried.

To put it bluntly, Beichen Technology has developed to this point and has become the largest private enterprise in Dragon Kingdom, no less!

Whether in terms of technological productivity, influence, or value created, Beichen Technology has surpassed established manufacturers such as Warwick, as well as Internet giants such as Alibaba and Penguin, and has become the absolute leader in the private industry!

The most shocking thing is that the vast majority of the shares of such a super company with a valuation of more than 2 trillion US dollars are in the hands of one person, Luo Yang!

Directly created a world rich man!

Musk, who ranks second, has a net worth of about US$300 billion thanks to the skyrocketing market value of Tesla.

And Luo Yang's net worth, based on a valuation of US$2 trillion, is a full US$1.8 trillion!

6 times that of Musk!

Equivalent to the sum of the top 15 richest people in the world! (excluding Luo Yang himself)

Of course, this number is very watery, and many things in valuation and market value are fictitious. It does not mean that Luo Yang can have such a huge net worth!

But even so, there are still hundreds of billions of dollars!

Luo Yang can still sit firmly on the throne of the world's richest man!

Judging from the series of achievements achieved by Beichen Technology, even if Beichen Technology does not make any subsequent breakthroughs, it can still be prosperous for decades just by resting on its laurels!

Just like Microsoft half a century ago!

Furthermore, even if Beichen Technology does not go public, its annual net profit is still extremely terrifying!

Under the United States' promotion plan, Wall Street capital has been continuously promoting Luo Yang around the world. No user who has ever surfed the Internet knows about Luo Yang!

Everyone knows that this lucky boy from the Dragon Kingdom has risen to prominence in just a few years and has become the world's richest man!

Overseas, Luo Yang is the life idol of many peers, and countless people dream of becoming the next Luo Yang!

Under such circumstances, is it possible to say that no one is jealous?

Hatred of the rich will always exist!

Those companies whose market share has been taken away by Beichen Technology have long been jealous! Unfortunately, facing the huge Beichen Technology, they can only be helpless!

What Luo Yang is most worried about is Long Guo's opinion.

If Long Guo is afraid of him, then Beichen Technology will be in big trouble!

After all, the current Beichen Technology is really terrifying. The series of breakthroughs it has made are all Longguo’s huge shortcomings. From basic software to semiconductors, from graphene materials to graphene batteries, this series of important breakthroughs have broken the Many shackles that have plagued the Dragon Kingdom for many years!

The advent of graphene batteries means a huge revolution in the energy industry!

The energy industry, which has been monopolized by oil for a century, will undergo huge turmoil. This is undoubtedly an opportunity to reshuffle the situation!

Even if it does not reach the level of the fourth industrial revolution, it will have a huge impact on the world!

The information collected by Xiaobei through many secret channels on the Internet shows that there are many voices calling for the nationalization of Beichen Technology!

This forced Luo Yang to consider his future.

Once Beichen Technology is nationalized, how should he deal with it?

Are you going far away to seek asylum from other forces?

Or will he just disappear and disappear from everyone's sight forever?

Luo Yang didn't mind and considered the worst case scenario.

After all, the benefits brought by Beichen Technology are simply too great, and when the benefits are large enough, no one can refuse them casually!

The current situation of Beichen Technology is a bit delicate. Longguo not only needs Beichen Technology as a thug to help Longguo break a series of blockades in the private sector, but at the same time, it also needs to consider a series of important impacts that Beichen Technology may have due to its too great influence.

Luo Yang's concerns are correct.

As early as after Beichen Technology conquered the graphene material, Longguo had many important discussions in secret places unknown to Luo Yang!

Nearly half of them expressed their intention to split up Beichen Technology or forcibly nationalize it!

Half of the people also expressed strong opposition. If nationalization is forced, it will cause an extremely terrible blow to private enterprises!

This impact is extremely far-reaching. With Beichen Technology as an example, who will dare to invest in research and development in the future?

Without R&D, companies cannot break through foreign blockades and industry monopolies. Engaging in research and development requires heavy investment from enterprises and private capital. However, after achieving important breakthroughs and developments, enterprises suddenly change their banner overnight!

In the long run, the confidence of private enterprises and investors will suffer a devastating blow!

This will destroy private enterprises in the entire Dragon Kingdom!

Not only that, overseas investment will also be wary, and they will completely withdraw from the Dragon Country market. After all, no one dares to take such a huge risk! For example, the Mao Xiong Country has suffered losses in this regard!

After a long discussion, this idea was finally rejected. After all, the impact was too great...

And many forces that were once eager to dismember and annex Beichen Technology can only look up to the sky and sigh!

God won't help me!

Soon, all the rumors and conspiracies against Beichen Technology disappeared!

The idea of ​​nationalizing Beichen Technology was never mentioned again!

And Fang responded quickly.

Originally, due to confidentiality reasons, Luo Yang was not allowed to formally contact Fang. Now it seems that it is no longer necessary. So with Fang's order, Ouyang Ming took the initiative to contact Luo Yang, and this time 635 institute trip!

After Luo Yang saw the electromagnetic catapult and came into contact with many highly confidential projects of Institute 635, he also learned about Long Guo's attitude from this move!

Don’t worry and go for it!

Under the unique system of the Dragon Kingdom, industries such as military industry are state-owned enterprises, and it is impossible for private enterprises to participate. However, this time Luo Yang and Beichen Technology can participate in the research and development of electromagnetic guns and electromagnetic catapults, which are important equipment of the country. The meaning behind it is naturally self-evident!

Many things do not need to be made public, as long as an attitude is enough!

Luo Yang also truly let go of his heart!

Beichen Technology has no obstacles ahead!

Longguo will not become a stumbling block for Beichen Technology, but Beichen Technology’s strongest backer!

"Without this trip to the 635 institute, Beichen Technology's subsequent series of strategic plans would have been completely different!"

Luo Yang is the indispensable soul of Beichen Technology. As long as he stands firm, Beichen Technology will not be in trouble!

Looking through the porthole, the clear sky is as clear as blue!

From now on, the sea is wide enough for fish to leap, and the sky is high enough for birds to fly!

"Brother Luo, do we need to get involved in this acquisition plan?"

Xiaoya looked at Luo Yang.

"let me consider it."

Luo Yang withdrew his gaze and did not make a decision immediately.

After understanding the hidden purpose of the Tuite acquisition, he realized that it, like Intel's acquisition of AND, was promoted by the US government and aimed at integrating resources in different industries in order to 3.1 cooperate with the US macro-strategy Planning, this is close to a national policy!

Even if you intervene, it will be difficult to prevent Tiancheng from taking over!

"Although it can't be stopped, it is still possible to cause some trouble for the other party and delay the acquisition!"

Luo Yang began to consider related solutions.

The purpose of any war is not just to fight for the sake of fighting, but ultimately to consider interests!

Now that he has decided to target Musk, Luo Yang does not mind launching an early crackdown on Tesla! Although it is earlier than planned, Luo Yang realizes that he can get greater benefits from it!

Once Tetra falls, it will free up a huge market share!

The one most likely to take over is Beichen Technology!

The huge benefits are worth Luo Yang's action!

Moreover, this action can also cooperate with Dragon Kingdom's series of strategic plans and help Dragon Kingdom win more benefits and voice!

"Notify the core executives to hold a meeting at the headquarters at three o'clock in the afternoon!"


The plane quickly arrived at Shanghai Airport, and Beichen Security's fleet was already waiting here. After returning to Beichen's headquarters, Luo Yang immediately summoned the senior management and began a series of discussions and arrangements regarding Tuite and Tesila! .

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