Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 117 Confident Gao Yunhai! Beichen Automobile Has Been Reborn!

“As of now, among the world’s mainstream social platforms, Tuite’s ranking has fallen out of the top ten. Its monthly active users are 217 million, which is very close to the domestic scarf data.

"Even so, as a veteran social software that has existed since 2006, the influence of Tuite cannot be underestimated. In overseas markets, many public figures are using this software, such as Musk, who is on Tuite Has 80 million followers!"

"As for the one who governs the country with Tuite, he has already been banned!"

The crowd burst into laughter.

He Siyuan shrugged, and then continued to show everyone the details of the withdrawal.

As the president of the Internet Business Group, he can be said to be the most concerned about this acquisition, because they will be an important opponent in the future!

“As a well-known technology tycoon in Silicon Valley, Musk’s previous career was mainly focused on industry, mainly Falcon Rocket Company and Tesla Company. Papa1, which he once founded, has no relationship with it after being acquired by Mussel. . It can be said that this acquisition represents Musk’s return of attention to the Internet field!”

"Not long ago, Musk said on Twitter that the second-generation driverless system jointly created by Tesla and Google has surpassed the world's mainstream level, and he also publicly announced @Beichen Technology, which seems to be the plan Starting a verbal spat with us, the PR department has not responded yet.

"Therefore, we do not rule out that Musk will re-acquire Papal after acquiring Tuite. After all, this person has been making trouble in the Bitcoin market and is also very ambitious in the field of virtual currency and 04 finance!"

“According to Musk’s consistent style, after privatizing Tuite, he is likely to launch a series of actions against Beichen Technology!”

He Siyuan's views are echoed by many people.

"Emmm, in addition to acquiring Tuite, there are rumors that Musk also plans to acquire Coca-Cola. This situation has not been confirmed yet."

"I'm done."

He Siyuan sat down again.

Everyone present is familiar with Musk, and they are all in the same circle. Although one is in China and the other is abroad, after the Beichen Automotive business begins, the two sides will inevitably compete, so understanding each other's information can be said to be a basic operation!

"Everyone, let's talk about your opinions! Don't just limit yourself to withdrawing from Tetra. After all, our ultimate purpose in getting involved in this acquisition is to attack Tetra and pave the way for our Beichen Automobile!"

"As long as the cars sell well, we can gain a firm foothold in the field of new energy vehicles, even if we give up this sniper attack, it doesn't matter!"

Luo Yang looked at everyone.

To this day, he rarely makes final decisions directly, but encourages everyone to express their opinions enthusiastically.

This helps to cultivate the young executives present, and also helps Luo Yang improve his own ideas and learn from the strengths of hundreds of schools of thought!

"Old Qian, please say a few words and introduce to everyone the progress of Beichen Automobile."

Gao Yunhai, who had just returned from Italy not long ago, looked at a middle-aged man at this moment.

This person is Qian Ming, the vice president of Beichen Automobile!

After Yunchi Automobile was fully acquired by Beichen Technology, founder Qian Ming became the only remaining senior executive, and all other investors withdrew their capital and left.

Later, as Yunchi changed its name to Beichen Automobile, a series of job adjustments were made.

As a boss with a background in electrical machinery technology, Qian Ming is a typical technical talent, but his administrative management skills are somewhat mediocre, so in the end he only served as vice president, while Gao Yunhai temporarily served as the president of Beichen Automobile.

As one of the earliest employees of Beichen Technology, Gao Yunhai has been promoted from the legal department consultant to the president of the hardware business group. Although he is a lawyer, he has always performed well in management positions and is one of Luo Yang's most trusted core executives. , Luo Yang is relieved to assume the position of president.

Beichen Automobile has three vice presidents. As Gao Yunhai's assistant, he is responsible for the three major areas of technology, administration, and supply chain. Qian Ming serves as the technical vice president.

Qian Ming had no objection to this arrangement.

Before being acquired by Beichen Technology, Yunchi Automobile was almost bankrupt. Compared with the three major electric car manufacturers of Wei Lai Dapeng Dream, Yunchi's situation was not ordinary!

As a result, no one expected that Yunchi Automobile would be acquired by Beichen Technology!

Compared with the position of President of Yunchi Automobile and Vice President of Technology of Beichen Automobile, everyone knows the difference in value!

After Luo Yang spent 7 billion US dollars to fully acquire Yunchi Automobile, he invested a lot of money in a series of transformation and upgrades of factories, production lines, 4S stores, etc., and also came up with graphene batteries and driverless systems. The backgrounds represented by the two are completely different!

It was only after Luo Yang's investigation and assessment that Qian Ming was retained. Whether he could be promoted to executive vice president or even president in the future would depend on his subsequent progress.

If he is not capable enough, Luo Yang will never put him in the position of a core executive!

The other two vice presidents also want to climb up, so Qian Ming needs to show real results if he wants to be promoted!

Qian Mingren is nearly middle-aged, but there is no sign of gaining weight. He looks elegant in a well-fitting suit, but he still has not lost his dream of pursuing electrical engineering technology!

"Then let me introduce it to you!"

"Beichen Automobile is our next main product. It can be said that the company has put countless efforts into it, and it is also our first official launch in the automotive field!"

"The situation in the past two years has been special. The global economy has been affected, private consumption desire has decreased, and the real estate market, automobile market, and mobile phone market have all been in decline. Under such circumstances, Beichen Mobile relies on leading technology that far exceeds that of other manufacturers. We have achieved excellent sales results, which proves that consumers are still capable of purchasing!”

"As for whether they can impress consumers, it depends on each company's ability!"

“Judging from the results of market research, the public has great expectations for graphene battery cars!”

Qian Ming had a smile on his face. He was obviously very optimistic about the research results and also very confident in his own products!

Compared with Yunchi Automobile, which was unable to obtain financing and was about to face bankruptcy, Beichen Automobile now has a bright future!

"Extreme weather caused by global warming has become more and more frequent in recent years, which has forced countries to tighten restrictions on traditional fuel vehicles and begin to vigorously promote new energy vehicles!"

"Under such circumstances, the traditional fuel vehicle giants have been in the cold, and their sales have also declined. They have accelerated the launch of hybrid and plug-in vehicles, and have also accelerated their plans to eliminate fuel vehicles! BYAT even announced, All fuel vehicles will be phased out after 2022!"

"At present, several major domestic Internet giants have invested in three major electric vehicle manufacturers: Dapeng, Wei Lai, and Meng Meng. A week ago, Dami also announced its entry into the automobile manufacturing industry. Warwick stated that it has no plans to build a car yet, but from their Judging from the analysis of a series of actions, it is inevitable to enter the field of automobile manufacturing, it is just a matter of time!”

"Looking around the world, it can be said that now is a good time to launch Beichen Automobile!"

Qian Ming's view was supported by everyone present.

After all, the trend is unstoppable. As global warming intensifies, more and more people are feeling the tremendous changes in the automobile market!

There will always be people who dare to eat crabs. After Tesla, the manufacturer that has taken the biggest cake, more and more manufacturers and private capital have begun to pour into this emerging market!

Electric vehicles have a very early history, but they have not been able to develop. If global warming had not intensified, it would still be far from being possible for electric vehicles to be fully popularized!

The world's most powerful oil giants are the biggest obstacle to the popularization of electric vehicles!

After all, the United States has been fighting for decades for oil, and the oil companies represented behind it cannot easily give up such huge benefits!

"On the other hand, with the maturity of U.S. shale oil technology, global crude oil prices have been falling, from more than 100 US dollars in previous years to more than 40 US dollars now. The lower oil prices have intensified the popularity of cars, making cars more popular. Carbon dioxide emissions have been rising, further intensifying global warming. This is an endless cycle with no solution!"

"At the same time, because of well-known reasons, no matter how the international crude oil price drops, the domestic oil price still plummets by 1 cent, rising slightly by 5,123 cents. Therefore, the high oil price has caused many domestic consumers to directly give up fuel vehicles! This year BYAT's The sales volume of hybrid and pure electric vehicles has far exceeded that of other manufacturers!"

"And BYAT's sales of fuel vehicles last month were actually 0!"

"In addition to BYD, several other domestic electric car manufacturers have also reaped this wave of dividends. Although they have still not built a few cars, their stock prices have been skyrocketing!

"Internationally, Tesla is still far ahead, and its market value has soared from US$550 billion in the first half of the year to US$900 billion now!!!"

Qian Ming disclosed a lot of data!

The meaning behind it is naturally self-evident!

Fuel vehicles have no future!

Speaking of this, Gao Yunhai, who had been listening silently, couldn't help but feel a little jealous at this moment.

"Seriously, at least half of the US$900 billion should belong to our Beichen Motors!"

"After all, this is the only graphene battery car!"

"Just based on this sign, I am confident that Beichen Automobile will conquer all directions and dominate the world!"

Damn it!

The eyelids of everyone present jumped!

Qian Ming even twitched the corner of his mouth!

This boss of mine is so ambitious!

"Hey! Lao Gao, you have really lost your temper recently! Tesla can have the current market value only after more than ten years of development and stumbling all the way to where it is now! If you open your mouth and cut off half of the cake, I Burmask will rush over directly to fight for you!"

Han Feng had a weird expression on his face!

"It seems that the popularity of Beichen mobile phones overseas has given Lao Gao a lot of confidence! Let's see, Mr. Luo, just spin off Beichen Automobile and separate the hardware business group. Anyway, Lao Gao is so confident, I believe Beichen Automobile has it all Ability to support a business group alone!"

Ma Liang also interjected at this moment.

"Hahaha! Old Ma, your idea is too cruel! This is what you should do!"

Everyone was overjoyed!

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