Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 121 When Lithium Batteries Are Eliminated, Who Will Die Next?


As the headquarters of Beichen Technology, Luo Yang has set up two automobile flagship stores in Shanghai, one in Old Town and one in Pudong.

The No. 1 store covers an area of ​​6,000 square meters!

You must know that this is the old town of Shanghai where land is at a premium!

In order to get this piece of land, Luo Yang spent a lot of money!

Generally, the area of ​​a 4S store is at least 2,000 square meters, including exhibition area, reception area, service area, maintenance area, parking lot, etc., as the No. 1 flagship store of Beichen Automobile

This is where the renovation and design was first carried out.

After half a year, the renovation project has long been completed.

Unlike most automobile cities, which are relatively remote, this flagship store is located in the core area of ​​the city with a relatively large flow of people. The most convenient thing is that a viaduct was built nearby during the urban reconstruction a few years ago. If customers want to take a test drive, they can go right out of the flagship store and go directly onto the bridge, stepping on the accelerator all the way!

After getting off the bridge, there is a wide space nearby. Usually other 4S stores often come here to test drive their cars, which can be said to be very convenient!

In order to maintain confidentiality, the outside world is still blocked by a high wall, making it impossible for people to directly see the scene inside. However, as the news of Beichen Automobile warms up, the wall will soon be demolished "687".

Inside the wall, the decoration style of the flagship store is similar to that of the Beichen mobile phone flagship store, using a simple industrial style design with large-scale high-strength steel and large pieces of glass. Many models are already on display in the spacious and bright store!

Jueying, Red Rabbit, and Feidian, there are a total of six models in the three series. Models of different colors are placed around. At this moment, the sales team is undergoing final training.

Employees wearing uniforms have the logo of Beichen Automobile in front of them!

The words "Beichen Automobile Flagship Store" made these employees raise their heads proudly!

"Everyone, please note that investigators from the headquarters will come to conduct random inspections shortly. Please take the time to read the employee regulations and vehicle information again. Point deductions will affect the performance appraisal at the end of the month!"

A female store manager in her thirties was admonishing everyone.

Before being acquired by Beichen Technology, she had worked in this 4S store for many years and was promoted to deputy store manager. After the 4S store was acquired, she switched jobs to Beichen Technology.

As a salesperson, she is keenly aware of the huge opportunities!

"The arrival of Beichen Technology will definitely create huge waves in the automobile market!"

The name of Beichen Technology has already spread all over the world, and it is worshiped by countless people in the Dragon Kingdom. Moreover, Beichen Technology's salary and welfare system are very complete. I don't know how many people dream of joining Beichen Technology, and this female store manager, When faced with the opportunity to join Beichen Automobile directly, he immediately made his decision!

"Just to renovate this 4S store, Beichen Technology spent more than 20 million yuan, plus the land cost..."

The female store manager couldn’t help but click her tongue!

After rigorous training, the female store manager, who was promoted as a gold medal salesperson, has already memorized various information by heart.

Beichen Automobile flagship store implements a store manager employment system. Since it has not yet opened, all 36 store managers have signed an internship store manager agreement!

In the next three months, Beichen Technology will conduct a series of assessments on them!

If they pass, they will naturally be able to become regular employees. If they fail the assessment, there will be countless hard-working people eyeing the position of store manager!

After all, the store manager gets a sales commission!

Thinking of this, the female store manager began to patrol her territory again.

Coincidentally, similar scenes continue to be staged in major flagship stores across the country!

At noon that day, the propaganda offensive from Beichen Technology began to sweep the world!

Almost all Beichen mobile phone and computer system users received the push message from the system immediately. Due to the server and the policies of various countries, Longguo was the first to receive the push message!

"Huh? Is Beichen Technology going to release new products again?"

Sichuan Province.

A certain Internet celebrity was doing an outdoor live broadcast and exclaimed after seeing the push message.

He carries a total of three mobile phones with him, one for live streaming, one for reading news, and one held by an assistant who is responsible for receiving merchants and customers. As a food anchor, he usually goes outdoors to visit stores. With more than 600,000 fans on Douyin, he is considered a big internet celebrity.

"What did the anchor see? Why are you so surprised?"

"It seems to be a push from Beichen Technology... Damn, I received it too! It seems like there is a new product to be released!"

"I received it too! Coordinates of the Black Province!"

In the live broadcast room, the barrage quickly decreased at a speed visible to the naked eye, and everyone's attention was attracted to their mobile phones!

"Let me see what is going to be released... Beichen Auto???"

"Meow meow meow? Is Beichen Technology going to build a car?/Gotou"

"Have you guys forgotten that half a year ago Beichen Technology fully acquired Yunchi Automobile, which is one of the top six domestic electric vehicle manufacturers!"

"Damn it, what happened half a year ago, no wonder I don't remember it. I've been exposed to too many electric mice recently, so I haven't had a good rest, and my memory has declined a bit..."

"Hiss! Brother upstairs, please pay attention to your health! I'm going to see what brother is paying attention to...Pfft! My nosebleeds can't be suppressed anymore!"

"That's enough for you guys upstairs. The building is so crooked that I can't possibly be seduced by a mere electric mouse when my sleeves are so clean...Gan! I studied Spring and Autumn Period!"

After a while, netizens took great pleasure in posting barrages, but they soon went wrong.

However, more people have noticed the content of the news. Beichen Automobile will be officially released in more than a week!

The most eye-catching thing is that Beichen Technology emphasized that this will be the world's first mass-produced graphene battery car!

The words "graphene battery car" completely caught everyone's attention!

After a while, the whole network was shocked!

"He's coming, he's coming! He's coming with a graphene battery! He is... Luo Yang!"

"What a hot man, he finally appears again!"

"Graphene battery cars, after waiting for so long, they are finally going to be mass-produced! Hahaha, I'm really looking forward to it!"

The topic of graphene battery cars became a hot search topic in less than ten minutes!

To date, within the Dragon Kingdom alone, Beichen Technology's pmos and POS users have exceeded 1.1 billion (mobile phone and computer users overlap), and the number has exceeded 1.5 billion globally!

In just one afternoon, hundreds of millions of people already knew the news!

Not only are there hot searches at the moment, but five of the top ten hot news on Aurora Search are about Beichen Automobile and graphene batteries!

"Breaking news: The era of graphene cars is coming!"

"Beichen Automobile, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Beichen Technology, is about to open a new page in the history of human science and technology!"

"Dousi's counterattack! Dig deeper into the past and present life of Yunchi Automobile!"

"Faced with the aggressive three giant American companies, Beichen Technology finally stopped being silent and took the initiative to launch an attack!"

"Mysterious man exposed video: Beichen Motors is suspected to be testing the driverless system, targeting Tesla and Google!"


The whole network exploded!

Under the instructions of Luo Yang, Beichen Technology went all out to publicize it, and almost all users who were surfing the Internet learned about the news [Countless posts quickly swept through major websites!

On a certain page, a post was pinned to the top....

"After half a year of retreat, Beichen Technology has finally reached a new level. This post is dedicated to the late-blooming graphene battery car!"

This is a blogger who has been around for a long time. His knowledge is very mixed. He is a website celebrity and usually has quite a lot of fans.

In this post, he issued his own analysis and speculation.

"Everyone knows that Beichen Technology released graphene batteries as early as half a year ago, but at that time it was only limited to small battery modules. It is speculated that its large battery modules may have some kind of risks, or there are mostly uncontrollable factors, such as spontaneous combustion and explosion. , or the battery capacity has shrunk, etc., which led Beichen Technology to release Beichen Auto now.

"Of course, these are all speculations. Judging from Beichen Technology's usual style of doing things, it is inevitable to do what it says. This means that Beichen Technology should completely solve the problem of graphene battery modules for automobiles. Personal blind guessing should involve Battery module design, BMS battery management system, etc.”

"The arrival of the graphene era is announcing the demise of the carbon-based era. Today, in the fields of semiconductors, screens, mobile phone batteries, etc., graphene products are conquering cities and territories at an irreversible speed. Today, President Luo Da once again raised his sword. The sword is aimed at the automotive field!”

4.3 "Based on the previous situation, the emergence of graphene battery cars will completely eliminate the current hybrid, plug-in, and pure electric cars. After all, these cars can be said to have no advantages in front of graphene batteries. It is as if The matchlock gun of the Middle Ages has been directly eliminated by the hot weapons of the 21st century. The combat effectiveness of the two is not at the same level!"

"Then, a very interesting topic comes up."

"New energy vehicles have been unable to completely eliminate fuel vehicles due to various reasons. After graphene vehicles eliminate ternary lithium batteries, lead-acid batteries, hydrogen batteries, natural gas and other new energy vehicles, the next ones to die will be who?"

"I'll wait and see!"

This post attracted quite a lot of attention!

Especially the last sentence, "Who will die next?" It can be described as murderous and heartbreaking!

Almost everyone knows that the next one to die will definitely be the fuel vehicle that has dominated Blue Star for a century!

When fuel vehicles, a major consumer of oil, disappear, oil consumption will inevitably decrease significantly. After all, other power generation methods give people more choices than thermal power!

So after the disappearance of fuel vehicles, will the next one to die be the oil giants that dominate the world?

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