Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 122 The Industry Was Shocked! The Global Automobile Giant Is Like A Widow!

The heat is still growing.

Several major domestic car manufacturers received the news immediately, and everyone's minds were buzzing!

The wolf is coming!

"This is not good, this is not good!"

The boss of Jili frowned at this moment and was afraid of Beichen Technology!

As we all know, it is often not the companies in the industry that kill the number one giant in the industry, but the cross-border giants who come from nowhere!

Maybe it's the Internet, maybe it's real estate, maybe it's selling Dali Pills.

But compared with Beichen Technology, these companies are only cross-border. Beichen Technology is a two-way foil-type dimensionality reduction attack!

The Big Mac with a valuation of two trillion US dollars on Wall Street, I’m just asking you how to defeat it!


Wait to die!


There are several other domestic car manufacturers and several major Internet giants who have the same idea!

As Internet giants who love to play cross-border games and have killed one traditional industry after another, they have always relied on the power of capital to win. Express delivery, takeout, taxis, moving, retail... countless industries are... There is no way to escape their massacre!

As for the three BTA giants who were the first to propose "completing the business landscape", the business layout of the three companies involves all aspects, and as the most popular new energy vehicle industry at the moment

Naturally, they will not miss this opportunity.

The three giants have respectively invested in electric car manufacturers such as Dream, Wei Lai, Dapeng and Weimar. Except for a man who is planning to come back next week, only BYD, a rising star, is shining in the field of electric cars D4. .

Several major state-owned car manufacturers, as well as the private company Geely, are obviously lagging behind in the field of electric vehicles.

In a villa in Hangzhou, Jack Ma was discussing with his think tank.

"Mr. Ma, to be honest, Beichen Automobile's attack this time is too fierce. I feel that this time it will be difficult for me!"

A certain middle-aged man spoke, breaking the dull atmosphere.

The other man shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"The main reason is that the rise of Beichen Technology is too fast. If we knew that they could conquer graphene batteries so quickly, there would be no need for us to invest heavily in Dapeng Motors last year!"

Just last year, Dapeng received a total of US$300 million in financing led by Ali and followed by the sovereign cartel funds from the Middle East!

Rich countries are not stupid either. In the environment of global warming, they cannot continue to live on oil. They have already begun to look for promising investment projects around the world. Dapeng is just one of them. It doesn’t even count.


"To be honest, I knew the world was going to change after Beichen Technology released its POS, but I didn't expect it to happen so quickly!"

"Yes, Luo Yang invited Mr. Ma to attend the press conference. I also went there. I just wanted to watch the excitement, but who would have thought that I would witness history with my own eyes!"

"The people in the investment department are not good at it. A company like Beichen Technology that plays a solid role in technology has not entered their field of vision! It can be said that it is a huge dereliction of duty!"

"Okay! Stop being second-guessing. It's not just us who are making mistakes. Penguin invests in so many companies every year. Qiandu and 361 cast nets everywhere to catch fish. Aren't they all making mistakes too!"

Everyone was talking about it.

For them, who have gone through ups and downs and worked hard to build the Ali empire today, Luo Yang’s path to success cannot be replicated at all!

The chance is too great!

But it is full of necessity!

Any company that plays high-tech in a down-to-earth manner will inevitably grow into a new giant in the industry once it completes a technological breakthrough. This is determined by the high added value, high profits, and technological monopoly characteristics of high-tech companies. !

People's discussions came to his ears, and expensive sandalwood was burning in the large and luxuriously decorated living room. The quiet fragrance made Jack Ma feel dizzy for a while.

"Luo Yang.......Beichen Technology......"

"Alas! I should have made up my mind back then. Even if I couldn't get angel round investment, it would be great if I could reach a cooperation!"


In Pengcheng, the gloomy dark clouds exploded with several thunders!

The torrential rain poured down instantly, shrouding the entire Peng City in a curtain of rain.

Coincidentally, in the Penguin headquarters, Brother Ma, who is working overtime, is also having a huge headache at the moment!

Compared to Jack Ma’s bet on Dapeng, Brother Xiao Ma, who always likes to bet on both sides, even invested in two companies, Wei Lai and Dream!

The total investment amount from both sides adds up to hundreds of millions of dollars!

Penguin is now the largest shareholder of Wei Lai, and the founder is currently only the second largest shareholder. Although the difference in the shares held by the two parties is only a few tenths, people in the Penguin Investment Department should not regret it more than Ali Investment Department at this moment!

Damn it, Beichen Technology doesn’t respect martial ethics!

We agreed that everyone was playing with ternary lithium batteries, but I just got a 3, and you just blew it!

Graphene battery!

Everyone is jealous of it!

But what’s more, it’s a deep helplessness!

Whether it is playing hard, playing soft, or some private business competition methods, they cannot be used on Beichen Technology. The reason is that the gap between the two sides is too big!

The huge size of Beichen Technology makes it difficult for any domestic company to resist. Even the giants who dominate the Internet can only tremble with fear at this moment!

Once upon a time, the two horses who once aspired to the throne of the country's richest people have long been reduced to Luo Yang's background.

Whether it is Penguin or Ahri, there is no doubt that they are the top giants in the country. However, the opponents they compete with are only affiliated to the Internet business group of Beichen Technology!

Just a first-level department!

What is even more shocking is that the core business of the Internet Business Group - Aurora Search, a king who defeated Qiandu to win the domestic search engine throne and then defeated Gu Ge to become the world's largest search engine, is just Beichen. A search engine business derived from the system (covering POS computer system, pmos mobile phone system, CPOS vehicle system)!

Just over a year ago, the new Beichen Technology was just a small and micro enterprise that barely attracted their attention!

(Beichen Technology: Yes! Laozhi was a small! Micro! Enterprise! at that time!)

"There are talented people from generation to generation, and each has been leading the way for hundreds of years!"

Brother Ma sighed deeply!

Having been a rival with Jack Ma for decades, he felt old for the first time!

Compared with the half-compromise mentality of domestic manufacturers, foreign car manufacturers are completely panicked!

After all, as a native of the Dragon Kingdom, Luo Yang will not kill all domestic manufacturers, but he will cut to the chase against foreign manufacturers!

The gap between graphene batteries and conventional battery energy is really huge!

What frightens them the most is that they know that Beichen Technology has a killer weapon, but they are powerless to do anything!

I can only watch helplessly as the sword falls!

As the news spread from the Dragon Kingdom to the world, major car manufacturers collectively broke their defenses!

Neon, Dongjing.

A sweet headquarters.

"Nani! Bagada (impossible)! How could they achieve a breakthrough so quickly! These cunning and cunning Dilong people must be faking it! Deliberately disturbing the morale of the army!"

Inu Taro, who was originally in a quiet room, quietly practicing the art of swordsmanship, broke his guard on the spot after hearing the news brought by his secretary! With a flash of the sword in his hand, the ancient screen in front of him was cut in two!

The blade passed through the young female secretary's hair, and a strand of hair fell down!

"Sir, no matter whether the news is true or false, you can no longer despise the people of the Dragon Kingdom!"

When the female secretary faced the blade, her heart trembled, but she still lay loyally on the ground, admonishing her master.

She is not only Inu Taro's personal secretary, but also a soldier trained by his family since childhood! If necessary, she will not hesitate to take a bullet for Inu Taro!

Of course, I don’t know if it can be blocked!

After all, under normal circumstances, being able to block it once is the limit...

After taking a few deep breaths, Inutaro suppressed his anger and responded immediately!

"Notify the Automobile Association to convene the highest level meeting immediately. This is an emergency! Tell them [all electric car manufacturers must be present. This is an important meeting concerning our nuclear nation!"

"If we cannot win this battle, our neon automobile industry will be devastated!"


Great Lakes, Detroit Green.

The headquarters of an automobile giant.

A certain major shareholder who had been pampered for too long and had a big heart and a fat body had his blood pressure soar on the spot and smashed the expensive tea cup in his hand!

He has been in charge of the family business for too long, and he is like a lion, staring at the report in front of him with cannibalistic eyes. After a long time, he said in a hoarse voice.

"Ryan, tell these idiots who submitted this report to get out of the company! Immediately! Immediately!"

"Don't let these idiots appear in front of me again!"


Assistant Ryan seemed to be used to it.

No wonder the major shareholder is so irritable. In the report in front of him, the think tank affiliated with his automobile company vowed to use various words such as "absolute", "inevitable", "impossible" and "false" to refute it fiercely. Discover the possibility of Beichen Technology building a graphene battery car!

"Based on the data we collected, we analyzed and concluded that Beichen Technology has encountered a technical bottleneck!"

"Perhaps automotive graphene batteries have encountered some insurmountable difficulties. After comprehensive analysis, we believe that Beichen Technology will not break through this bottleneck within one or two years!"

"We still have enough time to develop our own new energy vehicles...

Perhaps it has been too long since he has gone deep into the front line. This major shareholder does not seem to have that strong control over his company. At least he has always believed this report to be true!

Until I saw the news today!

As a conservative member who stubbornly resists Beichen Technology, this major shareholder has always stayed away from Beichen Technology's products. After all, Microsoft, Fruit, and Google are all from the United States. These system developers have nothing to do with the American government. He is simply too Nothing is clearer!

Of course, Beichen Technology will not be given the opportunity to eavesdrop on him!

"Contact me the other two car companies, I want to discuss it."

The eyes of major shareholders are full of gloom.

"Perhaps it's time to meet little Rockefeller and those people... By the way, there's also Musk, the white glove launched by NASA..."

On the banks of the Five Great Lakes, vast mist shrouded the lakes.

The lake is quiet, and what is hidden under the calm water is boundless darkness!

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