Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 133: Becoming Rich In The World By Collecting Electricity Bills? This Is So Fucking Outrageo

"Beichen Charging Stations all over the country? Are all 1000V charging piles? Standard 600KW charging efficiency? Beichen Technology plans to charge electricity!"

The major electric vehicle manufacturers who were watching the live broadcast instantly understood Luo Yang’s ambition!

"Wolf is coming!"

Many bosses in the charging station business were shocked!

Everyone can feel the coming storm!

After the arrival of the electric vehicle trend, people with quick brains have seized the time to get on the electric vehicle. In addition to the major electric vehicle manufacturers in Longguo, supporting industries in the upstream and downstream industrial chains have also quickly followed suit, and derived A series of large and small enterprises, the most eye-catching of which is the Super Charger!

As Luo Yang mentioned, home charging piles can only use slow charging due to the limitations of the power grid. They are only suitable for car owners who live at home and travel daily. If you want to charge quickly, you must directly use high-power DC super charging piles. !

Under the pressure of the greenhouse effect, everyone knows that it is only a matter of time before electric cars replace fuel vehicles. Taking Long Country as an example, the number of cars now exceeds 300 million. These 300 million fuel vehicles alone provide three barrels of oil. Contributed countless profits!

The energy industry is hugely profitable!

So when trams become popular, what these 300 million trams need will not be gas stations, but super charging stations all over the country!

As long as the market share reaches a certain level, there will inevitably be a superpower that can rival three barrels of oil in the charging station industry!

And this newly born super giant only needs to buy electricity from the grid every day, just like a gas station, and then sell it to electric car owners at a higher price, and then you can lie down and count the money!

Ahem, because of construction costs, technology research and development costs, and equipment maintenance costs, adding 10 cents per kilowatt hour of electricity is not excessive, right?

Don’t underestimate this 1 cent, just look at the annual net profit of the power grid.

Last year, the annual revenue was 2.9 trillion dragon yuan and the net profit was 59.1 billion dragon yuan! And the year before last, the net profit reached 77 billion dragon yuan!

This is because the power grid is not mainly about commercial profit. Its main task is to stabilize people's livelihood and economy, so the electricity price will not be too high. If it were placed in the United States, there are countless large and small private calendar companies that will increase the electricity bill several times every minute!

During the snowstorm in the United States in the first half of the year, private power companies in the United States staged this scene!

Therefore, in the charging station industry, if you get hand cramps when collecting electricity bills, you are definitely not bragging!

Of course, there is a prerequisite, which is that a super giant with a high enough market share can be born!

As of now, this nascent industry is still a blue ocean. In addition to electric vehicle manufacturers' own super charging stations, a large number of third-party charging station companies have emerged in Longguo, specializing in super charging pile business.

However, due to its small scale, lack of funds, and lack of technical strength, coupled with the fact that major tram manufacturers deliberately made their own charging interfaces mismatched with other power stations in order to compete for territory, this industry is still in a state of barbaric pioneering. In a state of melee!

And now, Beichen Technology has entered this blue ocean!

With the current huge size of Beichen Technology, once it enters an industry, it will definitely break the existing pattern!

What's more, this is still a blue ocean!

And many people are coming back to their senses now.

"No wonder Beichen Technology wants to cooperate with the local government. This is to divide the cake! After all, according to Beichen Technology's financial resources, it can completely monopolize the entire Longguo market! Of course, the risks hidden behind this are also huge, such as three barrels Oil... Hiss, no wonder there is an official representative coming to the stage to speak!"

Many people's hearts were turned upside down and they realized the meaning hidden behind it!

Mr. Ren, Rebus and the other big guys looked at each other and couldn't help but be shocked!

"Beichen Technology is really making a big deal! It seems that Warwick is falling one step behind again. Mr. Wang and Mr. Zeng, you must have heard some rumors, right?"

Everyone looked at the two of them.

"To be honest, we did receive some rumors before this, but we didn't know the size of the collective, and I didn't expect Mr. Luo to start with 120 billion!"

Mr. Wang gave a wry smile, and he did not deny Mr. Ren's speculation.

"As far as I know, there are already some third-party charging station businesses on the market, and 600KW charging stations have begun to be installed on a small scale. Based on the scale of conventional charging stations, the construction cost of a 600KW charging station is about NT$2 million. Of course, with large-scale construction, the cost will be further reduced. Taking 2 million yuan as an example, a simple calculation, this 120 billion yuan is..."

Before Mr. Wang finished speaking, Mr. Zeng gave a shocking number!

"60,000 super charging stations!"



Everyone at the scene was shocked!

At present, there are not so many super charging stations in the entire Dragon Kingdom combined!

Note that this refers to super charging stations. Generally speaking, common super charging stations each have no less than 10 super charging piles!

And with Luo Yang’s style, the number of charging piles at Beichen Charging Station cannot be just “10”!

This means that the first phase of the plan announced by Luo Yang is to build at least 600,000 super charging piles in Longguo!!!

How many Superchargers does Tesla have right now?

According to Tetra's latest announcement, it has more than 20,000 super charging piles worldwide. It is currently preparing to continue to build 1,300 standard super charging stations in Longguo, which will probably add 9,000 super charging stations. Charging pile.

As for other tram manufacturers, emmm..., everyone knows.

"According to this scale, the popularity of electric vehicles will probably increase dramatically! Even if Beichen Automobile is positioned as a luxury brand, other domestic electric vehicle manufacturers can also take advantage of Beichen Charging Station to increase sales by a large amount! "

"Why do I feel that although Beichen Technology has not sold a single car, it can make back the cost just by charging electricity bills?"

Rebus silently calculated an account, and the answer he came up with made him unbelievable!

This is outrageous!

You haven’t made any money selling the car yet, but you can recoup most of the cost just by charging electricity bills!!!

After everyone digested the previous news, Luo Yang continued to announce more data.

"The first generation of 1000V super charging piles is essentially still a mainstream high-voltage fast charging technology. The main material is still a conventional conductor. After all, this technology has been around for a long time and is mature and stable enough. This is why we chose 1000V as the The reason for the first generation of charging standards.”

"Of course, as a world-leading technology company, Beichen Technology will never trap itself in the eyes of the world!"

Luo Yang looked at the crowd and said: "The charging efficiency of conventional conductors has almost reached its limit. If you continue to increase the output power, many problems will occur, such as severe heat generation!"

"As we all know, graphene material is almost a universal material. In addition to its application in semiconductor and other fields, it is also an excellent conductor. Currently, Beichen Technology has begun to explore the use of graphene material to achieve room temperature superconductivity. I hope This technology can be successfully implemented on the second or third generation super charging piles!"

"`~ Let the dream of large-scale application of room-temperature superconducting materials truly become a reality!"


The audience burst into warm applause again!

Compared with the previous style of preparing trump cards first and then announcing them later, Luo Yang is now starting to impress everyone!

But I have to say, this flatbread is so delicious!

People who understand the application prospects of this technology all have their eyes lit up at this moment! The officials and the power grid are smiling and applauding!

Luo Yang has communicated this news to them in private. Once Beichen Technology is able to commercialize room-temperature superconductor technology, major enterprises and institutions in the Dragon Kingdom will definitely be the first to experience it!

Room temperature superconductor!

It’s of no use at all!

Not to mention anything else, take the power grid as an example. The largest loss in current transmission comes from heat loss (search for the principle yourself). In order to avoid this problem, all countries have adopted high-voltage power transmission. Even so, it cannot be completely avoided. Heating is determined by the physical properties of conventional conductors!

Once normal temperature superconductors are used, it cannot be said that the loss can be completely avoided, but the loss can definitely be reduced from the original 6%-10% to 2%, or 1% or even lower!

The electricity bill saved alone is an astronomical figure!!!

The normal temperature superconductor mentioned by Luo Yang is based on graphene material, which means that Luo Yang and Beichen Technology still have the exclusive patent for this technology!

In addition to making money by selling materials, (Thanks to Zhao) Luo Yang can continue to collect patent fees!

"This graphene material is like a phoenix that can lay golden eggs!"

Everyone is extremely jealous!

America, Wall Street.

"Invest! Invest! We must seize this opportunity to invest. No matter what method we use, money! Women! Resource replacement! Or other sensitive technologies that the Dragon Kingdom urgently needs can be considered! We must get a piece of this big cake! "

The person in charge of Red Mountain Capital is a little crazy at the moment!

"That's right! We have a certain chance to participate this time! Since Luo Yang can establish a joint venture charging station with the local government of Longguo, it is possible to cooperate with us! Doesn't he want to collect the electricity bill? Then let him collect it! I don’t believe he would be satisfied with just one Dragon Kingdom market!”

"As long as he wants to go global and charge electricity bills from all over the world, he cannot do without our help! If he can make it go public, I believe it will be a super unicorn! By that time, even if there is no other business, just relying on Just collecting electricity bills can make him a rich man in the world!!!"

"Talk! We must talk to him!"

"That's right! On behalf of the board of directors, I agree to this proposal!"

"On behalf of the major shareholders, I agree with this proposal!"

Hongshan, Gao Sheng, IBG, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, Morgan Stanley...

Many venture capital institutions from all over the world are all going crazy at this moment!

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