Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 134 The Era Of Driverless Driving Is Coming!

Mr. Mark once said in "Das Kapital" that for the sake of 100% profit, capital dares to trample all human laws. With more than 300% profit, capital dares to commit any crime and even risk hanging.

The huge interests behind normal temperature superconductors and Beichen Charging Station have made all venture capital institutions fall into wonderful fantasies!

In their view, although the profits generated by Beichen Automobile, which Luo Yang mainly promoted at this conference, were equally huge, according to Luo Yang's consistent style, they would not necessarily be allowed to participate in it!

But charging stations are different!

To Luo Yang, the huge market of billions of people abroad is a huge cake smeared with poison. If you want to eat it, you need to take certain risks!

Market for market!

Resources for resources!

As experienced bosses, these venture capital institutions almost instantly understood Luo Yang's plan to collect electricity bills, and immediately realized the possibility of cooperation!

Although Luo Yang has been acting as the enemy of Wall Street in the past time, and has driven Wall Street to pieces like a stir-up stick, but for them, all of this can be measured in money!

As long as the gains outweigh the losses, they dare to do anything!

Including betraying the interests of the United States!

As a capital-first country, many consortiums are the masters hidden behind the United States, and most of these consortiums are related to YTR.

Room-temperature superconductors play a great role and can bring huge economic benefits, but this is not what they value most. For them, the benefits brought by room-temperature superconductors are the most important.

Room-temperature superconductors and super charging stations are spread all over the world, which means that electric vehicles will completely eliminate fuel vehicles.

By then, the world's main consumption of oil will only be in industry, and fuel vehicles, a major fuel consumer, will no longer exist. So the tycoon countries that have become the world's richest people relying on oil, after losing the huge profits brought by oil, what else can allow them to continue to live a luxurious life in this land where more than 90% is desert?

If you think carefully about the twists and turns, you will naturally understand this move!

As a result, driven by these large consortiums, major venture capital institutions around the world quickly launched negotiation plans and began to prepare for this cooperation!

At the press conference, after further revealing more data about Beichen Automobile, the press conference came to an end, and Luo Yang finally mentioned the last important point!

"I know that the unmanned driving system released by a friend some time ago has caused many people to badmouth Beichen Technology, thinking that we have fallen behind in this technological iteration.

Everyone knows that the friendly businessman mentioned by Luo Yang is naturally Tesla, which has joined forces with Gu Ge!

The two parties jointly established the "Titan" company, which specializes in unmanned driving system business. It can be said that it was praised to the sky some time ago!

You can see Titan Company’s test clips on YouTube, major video and short video platforms. Many netizens who didn’t know the truth exclaimed “black technology”, and then looked confused under the overwhelming 500,000 publicity in the comment area. I was forced to start "reflection"!

The two stars of Brother Gu who were watching the press conference, their expressions froze at this moment.

The cigar in Brin's hand suddenly lost its aroma!

"No way? Is Beichen Technology really going to launch an unmanned driving system?"

At Tesla headquarters, Musk also looked gloomy at the moment!

The emergence of graphene power batteries has become one of the biggest highlights of Beichen Automobile. He has no doubt about Beichen Automobile's sales!

Under such a premise, Luo Yang actually wants to release an autonomous driving system?

This is to wipe out (aebc) Tesla!

At the press conference, Luo Yang continued to speak.

“What I want to say here is, I’m sorry, Beichen Technology has disappointed some people who are naysayers! As a technology company with the world’s largest system ecosystem, as a company with the world’s largest search engine business, Beichen Technology The foundation and breakthroughs of science and technology in artificial intelligence and unmanned driving system technology are not weaker than those of some bosses!"

"This time, released together with Beichen Automobile, there is also the unmanned driving system carefully developed by Beichen Technology!"


The whole place fell into darkness!

The next moment, only the big screen lights up.

Everyone present was stunned for a moment, and then saw a shot appear on the big screen.

"Time, X month X day, 202X, 15:31 pm.

"Location: Shanghai."

What comes into view is an underground garage!

"Wait a minute? Why does this garage look familiar?"

"Shit! I remembered where this came from. Isn't this Xinjie Garage, one of the eight devil garages in Shanghai? People in the world nicknamed it "Nine-story Demon Tower!"

"People from other provinces don't know how serious it is. Is this nine-story demon tower so scary? Isn't it just a parking lot?"

"Didn't you notice the time? Isn't this the current Beijing time? This is not a video at all, but a live broadcast!"

Many people noticed this!

Sure enough, this is a live broadcast!

In front of the lens is the front windshield, you can clearly see the entire hood, and not only this lens, but also the entire 360-degree surround lens is displayed on the wooden screen!

Not only that, but there are also pictures of the interior of the car, with no one inside!

From the picture, you can clearly see the Polaris logo on the outside of the car. This is exactly the blue "flying electric" coupe displayed above the stage!

At this time, the screen switched to two parts. At the exit of the garage, an employee wearing Beichen Technology's test clothing came over, waved to the camera, and then took out his mobile phone.

"Xiaobei, are you there?"

The next second, a Q-version three-headed figure quietly poked its head out from the side of the screen. The cute painting style made everyone's eyes bright!

At this time, Xiaobei looked around in a very humane manner, and then "flyed" out with a "xiu"!

"Hello, the voice assistant Xiaobei is at your service!"

"Wow! It's Xiaobei! My wife is so cute!"

"The guy upstairs is obviously my wife!"

"The level of anthropomorphism is too high. It seems like it is really flying out. With this cute painting style, smooth picture, and this level of anthropomorphism, I believe you if you say there is really a person hidden in it!"

"There must be a real person acting behind it, right? Aren't all other companies' voice assistants like this? Maybe the actor behind it is a big man who picks his feet!"

"Shit! You upstairs can't leave if you can! Give me your address and I'll send you some warmth!"

Since Beichen Technology launched AI Xiaobei, this virtual image has quickly been loved by countless Beichen Technology users. It has surpassed the smart AI of major companies and has become the hottest and most popular smart voice assistant nowadays!

In order to compete for Xiaobei's "ownership", "the war has begun on the barrage!"

At this time, the staff asked Xiao Beidao.

"Xiao Bei, I don't know where my car is parked. Please help me find it. I'm going to the Beichen Automobile Launch Conference later!"


Q version Xiaobei blinked his big eyes.

At the same time, in another picture, the Dalian screen inside the car lit up with a faint light. After the power-on self-check, Bei's figure also appeared!

Then under his control, this blue flying electric coupe began to move, attracting everyone's attention!

Judging from the picture, the car starts very smoothly without any setbacks. After all, the tram accelerates very violently!

There were cars parked around this car. Without any human intervention, Xiaobei controlled the car and drove away slowly. This scene alone made many people's eyes light up!

"Is this an automatic parking system? Can it automatically park or drive away?"

"I'm going! This is real. Self-driving! I remember that at Tesla's press conference, there were staff who needed to follow the whole process!"

"Is this asking Xiaobei to drive out of the garage by himself? Hey, the difficulty is a bit high, and the signal in the garage has not been very good. Can Xiaobei really complete this task? There are so many cars around, if it really breaks How much money do you have to pay?"

"Don't worry, Beichen Technology is so rich that it can afford to pay for it even if it scratches all the cars in the parking lot!"

"Mr. Luo: I thank your whole family!"


There was a lot of discussion on the barrage.

Obviously, Xiaobei did not disappoint everyone!

Under the attention of everyone, Xiaobei smoothly and easily drove the car out of the parking space, then automatically recognized the map through the Internet, and then began to follow a complicated route to the ground!

The title of "Nine-Story Demon Tower" of Xinjie Garage is not just a boast. The long ramps and winding routes make many experienced drivers find it very troublesome, and they may accidentally slip away and get scratched!

Even people who have never been to Xinjie Garage feel a little dizzy when looking at the 360-degree surround camera!

"What kind of devilish garage is this? I feel motion sickness even when I'm sitting at home. Don't you Shanghainese people feel the same when walking in this garage???"

"Just get used to it, there are many similar garages!"

"It seems that every city has a few underground garages with complicated road conditions, but this Xinjie garage is still far behind ours! I am located in a mountain city! The road conditions here are complex, and it is known as the Magic 8D City !You thought you were entering an underground garage? No, you are actually on the 18th floor!"

"Hahaha! When it comes to road conditions, Shancheng is indeed number one in the Dragon Kingdom!"

Amid everyone's teasing, Feidian quickly arrived at the driving exit. The on-board camera automatically scanned the QR code at the exit. Without any manual operation, it automatically scanned the code to pay. Then he drove straight and stopped next to the staff member. !

When the driverless flying electric car stopped, it automatically opened the window. There was no driver inside. It happened to be clearly visible to the people not far away who were looking at the excitement. A burst of exclamations broke out in an instant. !

"Damn it! Why is there no one in this car? It must be haunted!"

An old man was shocked!

A young lady in cool clothes couldn't help but roll her eyes. "Emmm, let me ask you, is it possible that this is the legendary driverless car???"

"Speaking of which, the driverless system of this car is too smart. So far, most of the driverless drivers are just bragging, including the Titan company established by Tesla some time ago.

Although it is said that there is no one, people still have to follow them throughout the whole process, and even so, accidents still happen frequently!"

There were obviously knowledgeable people in the crowd who expressed doubts at this moment!

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