Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 136 The Terror Of The \"Kunlun\" Supercomputer! Beichen Automobile Is So Delicio

Behind the smooth driving of the car, there is a huge technical team that is constantly busy.

"Mr. Qian, the current data feedback from all aspects of the unmanned driving system is good, and the "Kunlun 2 supercomputer" is also functioning normally! The 5G communication module provided by Warwick is also very powerful. The multiple data collected from the vehicle sensors are combined into The feedback is sent to the background supercomputer for processing before being received. The delay speed and packet loss rate of the intermediate data transmission are very low! All within the initially preset range!"

In front of the computer, the technician responsible for summarizing various aspects of data is making a report.

Qian Ming, Vice President of Beichen Automobile, has been paying attention to this scene throughout the whole process, and he also smiled at this moment!

"Haha, it is indeed a product that Mr. Luo personally participated in developing. The performance of this unmanned driving system in all aspects can be said to be perfect!"

"Yeah! I really didn't expect that our Beichen Technology could come up with a trump card that surpasses the "Titan" in such a short period of time! Mr. Luo and his colleagues in the software development department, artificial intelligence project team, and of course our "Kunlun Super Even so, it’s still as awesome as ever!”

Everyone smiled!

The development of this unmanned driving system, the core program and the most critical AI module were almost written by Luo Yang alone. The remaining "257" development tasks were distributed to the entire software development department, and then Together with the artificial intelligence project team from the Internet Business Group, this arduous task was completed!

It is worth mentioning that the artificial intelligence project team, after Beichen Technology fully acquired Voice, expanded its original technical team and recruited more relevant technology experts in the industry to form a new artificial intelligence project team. The intelligent AI "Xiaobei" currently active in various major products of Beichen Technology is the trump card product of the artificial intelligence project team!

Of course, except for Luo Yang and several core engineers of the project team (who signed a lifetime confidentiality agreement), no one else knew about the birth of Xiaobei's "strong artificial intelligence"!

Whether it is the "Xiaobei Voice Assistant" or the unmanned driving system that is shining brightly at the moment, it is just a subroutine of the strong artificial intelligence Xiaobei!

As a strong artificial intelligence, Xiaobei's strength is far more than this. However, in order to prevent being too high-profile and attracting the prying eyes and greed of many interested people, Luo Yang chose a steady and step-by-step approach, gradually making Xiaobei's abilities "reasonable" "Free it!"

A strong artificial intelligence plays the role of "artificial mental retardation", cough cough cough, it's easy to get it!

To put it bluntly, judging from the information currently disclosed by various countries, there is no intelligent AI that can pose a threat to Xiaobei! Including the "Alpha Dog" owned by Guge and the "Titan" owned by Tetra!

This is also one of Luo Yang’s greatest strengths.

For a strong artificial intelligence, its performance can only be limited by hardware. Conventional computers and servers are far from meeting Xiaobei's needs. Upgrading Xiaobei's "brain" to a supercomputer has become an urgent matter.

However, as an important weapon of the country, supercomputing has always been one of the treasures hidden by various countries. The vast majority of supercomputers around the world are responsible for important data calculation tasks released by various countries, whether it is scientific research or military affairs. All applications are highly confidential!

Among the supercomputers that can be purchased by the private sector, IDM is the best company. Beichen Technology, which is a thorn in the side of the United States, is naturally impossible for Luo Yang to purchase!

This was the beginning of Beichen Technology’s plan to develop its own “Kunlun supercomputer”.

As a super technology giant that has opened up the semiconductor industry chain, as well as basic software such as operating systems and databases, Beichen Technology’s independent research and development of supercomputers is actually not as difficult as the outside world imagines, especially with the secret of strong artificial intelligence Xiaobei Cooperate!

As early as half a year ago, the first-generation Kunlun supercomputer as a test model came out quietly, and Luo Yang has been keeping it secret, choosing to continue updating and upgrading!

Shanghai, the new headquarters of Beichen Technology.

After the main buildings of the headquarters were completed and put into use in batches, the new headquarters took on more and more research and development tasks! In a confidential area deep in the industrial park, a large building with a large area and spacious space Inside the building, something huge is running smoothly!

This behemoth is the first-generation Kunlun supercomputer that has been shrouded in mystery since its low-key debut!

The Kunlun supercomputer in front of us is already considered the official version. It is code-named 002 internally by Beichen Technology. Compared with the initially built test model No. 001, it has been upgraded to a certain extent and has improved many of the features found on the test model. The problem has now become Xiaobei’s shelter!

In other words, Beichen Technology currently has two supercomputers in use!

The floating point calculation speed of the Kunlun 1 supercomputer reached a terrifying 1.87 billion times when it was first launched. In terms of data, this has surpassed all public supercomputers in the world!

The world's most powerful supercomputer is currently known to be the United States' Extreme Supercomputer, with a floating-point computing speed of 1.486 billion floating-point operations per second! And Dragon Kingdom's currently strongest supercomputer "Sunway TaihuLight" , the floating point operation speed is 9.3 billion times per second, ranking 6th in the world!

The computing power of the Kunlun 2 supercomputer has once again increased the floating point computing power to 2.3 billion times! It is equivalent to 1.5 times the extreme supercomputer in the United States!

Among them, 70% of the computing resources of the Kunlun 2 supercomputer are allocated to the unmanned driving system project team, and 30% are allocated to the commercial remote sensing satellite project team, all of which are coordinated behind the scenes by artificial intelligence Xiaobei!

The two commercial remote sensing satellites launched by Beichen Technology can be regarded as Xiaobei's two "eyes in space". They are respectively responsible for observing domestic and foreign ground information. Of course, what the so-called commercial satellites can do is not just simple things. After all, you know everything about business observations!

The No. 1 supercomputer is used to process data from other aspects of Beichen Technology!

As the saying goes, it takes ten minutes on stage and ten years of hard work off stage. To the outside world, the unmanned driving system that seems very simple hides huge amounts of data! To put it bluntly, with the unmanned driving system of Beichen Technology, The data collected by the system requires terrifying computing resources!

Conventional servers are fine for temporary support, but long-term data processing will inevitably lead to downtime!

Taking Feidian alone as an example, there are more than 30 sensors distributed in the body, chassis and other locations to collect road conditions and various aspects of data. However, it is not actually the vehicle-mounted "Suzaku chip" that is responsible for processing these huge data. It’s the Kunlun supercomputer hidden behind the scenes!

The data collected by the body sensors is very large. In addition, the driving of the entire car must be controlled. At the same time, the network or satellite signals must be connected to obtain data from commercial remote sensing satellites. Many data are mixed together. It can be said that Very complicated!

What is even more nerve-wracking is that these data need to be processed in a very short time and then returned to the on-board chip "Suzaku" to complete the "unmanned driving" of the car.

In this way, only with the help of the powerful computing power of supercomputers and the cooperation of Xiaobei's subroutines, can the background process these huge data correctly and quickly in a very short time, and then feed it back to "Suzaku"!

To put it bluntly, the highest level of performance of this system has reached the L4 level commonly known in the industry!

A complete unmanned driving system must be a complete closed loop, and it cannot be achieved without any aspect! In this closed loop, there are Xiaobei subroutines responsible for the AI ​​algorithm, Kunlun supercomputer responsible for processing data, and data transmission. Huawei's 5G communication module, commercial remote sensing satellites responsible for collecting many ground data, plus vehicle body sensors that collect real-time data...

Looking at the world, there is only one company with this level of capabilities! There is no other division!

The AI ​​algorithm of Xiaobei subroutine alone is enough to defeat the world!

It is precisely because of the terrifying computing power of the Kunlun 2 supercomputer that the Beichen unmanned driving system, which has been highly anticipated by everyone, has lived up to everyone's expectations and given a perfect answer!

With the behind-the-scenes support of Kunlun supercomputer and Xiaobei subroutine, this blue flying electric vehicle, which was watched by hundreds of millions of people around the world, passed through the old city of Shanghai easily and smoothly!

Whether it is schools, residential areas, vegetable markets, or complex narrow road networks, the huge flow of people and vehicles have not caused any trouble to Feidian!


The moment Feidian rushed out of the old city, the audience burst into warm applause!

"Hahaha! I knew it! Beichen Technology will never let us down! The old city of Shencheng can be called a devil's map. In such a place with great variables, no one without strong technical foundation dares to pat their chests. Live broadcast! Then the shame will be felt all over the world!"

"The scene just now gave me goosebumps! This is not only the official debut of Beichen Automobile, but also Beichen Technology's strong counterattack against Gu Ge and Tesla!"

"To be fair, although the "Titan" driverless system released by Tesla last time seems to have a more complicated test location, the difficulty of the two is different! Every test of Tesla is on a fixed track. To put it bluntly, any company that is interested in building an unmanned driving system will complete this series of tests! In other words, Tetra has no bright spots in this aspect!"

"That's right! You must know that the population density of the United States is far lower than that of the Dragon Country. Good performance on the track does not mean that the road is actually perfect! In my opinion, any autonomous car driving company should complete something similar to Beichen Technology This is a real road test!"

"You guys, you like the new and get tired of the old too quickly, right? Not long ago, you blew the Titan system to the sky, but now you all trample it on the ground and rub it hard! As expected, you only see the new people laughing, but not the old people crying!"

"Pfft! Suddenly I want to hold a moment of silence for Musk!"

Compared with the scene before the press conference, when the entire Internet was watching the decline of Beichen Technology, now everyone's tone has changed!

I saw how ruthless Shuai Beichen Technology was before, but now it is so fragrant!.

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