Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 137 Musk Doubts Life! Who Is Iron Man?

"Damn Luo Yang!"

When he saw this, Musk, who had always looked gloomy, couldn't help but break his guard!

As a big boss in the industry, he can be said to be well aware of all aspects of autonomous driving systems. Judging from the current performance of Beichen Automobile, it has definitely reached the true L3 level!

As for whether it reaches 4, he is a little unsure!

Even so, the threat from Beichen Automobile is extremely huge!

They know their own affairs. Under the free marketism of the United States, Tesla controls the relevant media through money offensives and has been controlling negative public opinion. At the same time, it is crazily building momentum for its own Titan driverless system on a global scale, but the paper bag cannot If you don't hold fire, stones can't be turned into gold. No matter how much you brag, you can't change the fact that the Taikun system is only at the LP level.


Among other things, more than ten years have passed, and Tesla’s driverless system has never reached the level of full popularity. However, the frequent car accidents that occur every now and then can tell you about Titan’s technical level!

"Those guys in the technical department, when will they be able to upgrade Titan to the L3 technical level???"

There is a big question mark in Musk's heart!

"Is it true that the gap between geniuses and ordinary people cannot be filled by quantity and money? This is the 21st century! It's not more than a hundred years ago!"

More than a hundred years ago, it was the age of inventors!

In this era, countless inventors have promoted the progress and development of science and technology with their own efforts. However, it was not until the appearance of one person that changed this scene!

That is the so-called "King of Inventions" Edison!

Edison may not be an excellent inventor, but he is definitely an excellent businessman!

Before Edison, most inventors worked alone, but Edison pioneered the "collective laboratory". He convened a large number of inventors and talents to brainstorm and jointly develop new technologies, and then named them Edison name, and then with the support of the big chaebol Mo Gen, it was commercially promoted under the name of "Tongyong Electric" company!

Electric lights and alternating current were all promoted under this model.

Even today, Tongyong Electric is still one of the world-renowned electrical giants!

From then on, laboratories and technical teams replaced the efforts of the inventor alone, and the process of crazy involution among inventors began.

Today, it is rare to hear of a person achieving a technological breakthrough!

The appearance of Luo Yang broke this scene!

Although Beichen Technology also has a large technical team and a team that Luo Yang organized during his college years, none of this can cover up Luo Yang's brilliance!

Whether it is the POS system, or subsequent breakthroughs in basic software, semiconductors, graphene and other technical fields, Luo Yang's name cannot be avoided!

In Musk's view, Luo Yang's technological achievements in the above-mentioned fields are no less than those of Edison more than a hundred years ago!

Edison used his laboratory to kill inventors around the world!

Luo Yang single-handedly killed countless technology giants around the world!

At this moment, Musk suddenly felt a little frustrated!

Known as the "Iron Man Prototype" and wildly praised by the outside world, he suddenly understood why the villain "Iron Overlord" Obadiah in the Iron Man movie killed Tony Stark!

The famous Iron Man Tony Stark, a person who is called "a man also cursed by knowledge" by the purple sweet potato Thanos, is one of the most famous geniuses in the Marvel universe. He is best known for the invention of steel. Warframe, and Micro Ark Reactor!

No matter how many scientists the villain Obadiah gathered, he could not recreate the miniature Ark reactor. In the end, he had no choice but to take a desperate risk and attack Iron Man himself!

Now it seems that Luo Yang, who is also a technical genius who became famous at a young age, looks more like Iron Man!

And Tamask is more like the villain Obadiah!


As soon as this idea came up, Musk threw it out of his mind!


Absolutely impossible!

I am Musk! I am Iron Man! I am one of the greatest entrepreneurs in the world!

Musk's heart is full of unwillingness!

On the other side, the twin stars of Brother Gu, who had watched the entire live broadcast, were all speechless at this moment!

The cigar in Brin's hand fell on the expensive Arab handmade carpet, burning a big hole in it, but Brin didn't realize it!

That blue "fly-electric" car, with its flexible figure shuttling through the complex old city, was like a thunder, deeply engraved in his mind!

"No, this must not be true. I think I may be too tired recently and have hallucinations..."

Bryn muttered.


He walked over with his leather shoes and crushed the cigar on the carpet as hard as an ant!

"Wake up Bryn! This is not an illusion, but a cruel reality!"

The owner of the leather shoes, Page, who along with Brin was hailed as the other two of Gu Ge Gemini, spoke with a heavy face at this moment, breaking Brin's fantasy!

"Page, we..."

"I originally thought that even if Beichen Technology could take the lead in enjoying technological dividends with its graphene technology, we could rely on the driverless system to overtake in corners and realize our dream of continuing to compete for hegemony. But obviously, we failed again! Neither did I. To think that Beichen Technology and Luo Yang were able to achieve a breakthrough in unmanned driving systems in such a short period of time!"

Musk isn’t the only one feeling discouraged!

Whether it is Page or Brin [at this moment, there is an urge to doubt life!

The two of them also became famous at a young age. After being rejected by Yahu, they jointly founded Guge and developed it into the global giant it is today, experiencing countless ups and downs along the way!

Whether it was Microhard or Fruit, including the now-declined Yahu, they all once posed a great threat to Brother Gu, but even so, the two of them have never been as powerless as they are today!

"Perhaps Luo Yang is the technology giant mentioned by the media?"

Page's eyes were a little confused!

In the unmanned system project that he and Terra, including the board of directors and many shareholders, had high hopes, they failed again, which meant that they once again lost a trump card!

No, it should be said to be the trump card!

The moment the trump card is revealed, it no longer has the ability to pose a secondary threat!

To this day, all of Gu Ge’s flagship products have been attacked by Beichen Technology!

Beichen Technology's Pmos mobile phone system is conquering cities around the world. The number of users of the Android system has been shrinking again and again. In addition to the US market, the market share in Europe and South America is also constantly being eroded!

Google search engine, once ranked number one in the world, has also been dethroned by the sudden emergence of Aurora Search!

The unmanned driving system and artificial intelligence projects that they had hidden for more than ten years were slapped to the ground by Luo Yang not long after they were officially unveiled!

At present, except for oil pipes, Gu Ge does not have any trump product that can pose a threat to Beichen Technology!!!

The beginning of all this bad situation can be traced back to the period when the United States imposed a comprehensive ban on Beichen Technology. Faced with the crazy encirclement and suppression by the United States and major business giants, Luo Yang led Beichen Technology to choose a curve to save the country and chose to A breakthrough was made in the field of mobile phone systems and a crazy sniper attack was launched on the fruit company!

Beichen Technology’s compensation of RMB 1 trillion to the fruit company is still a scene that countless Internet users talk about!

It was during this period that Brother Gu, who believed that pmos would pose a threat to Android, chose to follow the footsteps of the United States and officially banned Beichen Technology and several major mobile phone manufacturers in Longguo!

It was from this moment that Brother Gu began his unprecedented collapse!

At that time, Gu Ge’s peak market value reached US$1.54 trillion!

When the U.S. stock market closed yesterday, Google’s market value was...$20 billion!

Compared with its peak period, Gu Ge’s market value has shrunk by nearly two-thirds!

Moreover, this number was also late after Google 657 and Tesla jointly released the "Titan" not long ago and acquired Microsoft's "Must Win" search engine!

At that time, after the three giants of Microsoft, Google, and Tesla joined forces, they successively released products that caused the stock prices of all parties to rise. Microsoft relied on the spring breeze of win11, and its market value climbed to 850 billion U.S. dollars. Tesla, as the current largest One of the hottest companies, it has broken through the US$900 billion mark all the way!

With the sentiment of other concept stocks in the doldrums, Tesla can be said to have become the hot favorite of technology stocks. Countless hot money poured in crazily and began to push its market value all the way up!

Even the famous stock god Buffett officially entered the venue!

With this series of actions, countless individual investors have entered the market. Everyone believes that Tesla will become the second fruit company!

Musk also made frequent public appearances, gave many speeches, and also proposed the idea of ​​acquiring Tuita!

Just the day before the press conference, as of the close of the U.S. stock market, Tesla's highest market value officially exceeded the $1 trillion mark!

The whole Wall Street is going crazy!

This gluttonous feast belonging to global investors, or to major capital giants, once made Tesla occupy countless headlines!

However, overnight, the situation changed and Beichen Technology took action!

Faced with the pressing pressure of the Big Three, Beichen Technology, which had been silent for a while, once again came up with its trump card!

An unmanned driving system belonging to Beichen Technology!!!

This operation of Luo Yang and Beichen Technology once again shocked Wall Street! If the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq had not yet opened, everyone has no doubt at this moment that the market values ​​of Google and Tesla would plummet rapidly!


Countless investors who had been crazy about Tesla before took a breath of cold air!

Like a bucket of cold water being poured on the head, when the fanatical emotions dissipated, everyone simultaneously recalled the fear of being dominated by Luo Yang!

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