Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 138: Dragon Kingdom’S New Business Card “Carbon Valley”! Show The Image Of A Great Country T

In the live broadcast room, under the gaze of countless people with mixed emotions, the blue flying electric car drove all the way and finally drove into a place that everyone was already familiar with!

Dragon Kingdom Carbon Valley!

With the establishment of the Longguo Graphene Association and the strong support and publicity of Longguo, the name of Longguo Carbon Valley has gradually been known by countries around the world. Although it has not yet caught up with the long-famous "Silicon Valley" of the United States, it has In the eyes of many countries, this has become a new business card of the Dragon Kingdom!

The gold content of graphene technology is well known, which means that it is possible for Carbon Valley to become the next technology center!

If Carbon Valley had not been established for a short period of time and many infrastructure projects had not yet been completed, it would have become a gathering place for commercial espionage from various countries!

"Oh! I remember that this Carbon Valley was established not long ago, but it has been put into use so quickly! The infrastructure capabilities of the people of the Dragon Kingdom are simply terrifying. Don't they need to take a break???"

"Brother, the people of Longguo are known as "Infrastructure Maniacs"! I come from a certain country in Africa, and the only railway in our country was built by Longguo with our support! Their work attitude is really amazing, do you dare to imagine that they actually Don’t you need to rest on weekends?”

"Haha, Long's ability to roll domestically is so terrifying. How can he still have time to take weekends when traveling from home to abroad? As long as the wages are in place, even if a railway is built from the northern Sahara to the South Philippines, the people of Long will still be able to build it in minutes. show you!"

"Si Guoyi! I know, I know, this is what the Long Kingdom people said when the wages are in place, the Four Emperors will be ruined!"

Viewers from all over the world left comments!

For them, this live broadcast is more than just a simple press conference!

The scenery along the way surprised many people!

Is the Dragon Kingdom actually so developed?

This seems to be different from what our own media promotes!!!

For well-known reasons, many countries have been smearing the Dragon Kingdom, so much so that in the impression of many countries, the people of the Dragon Kingdom still have Tartar pigtails!

In the hostile propaganda of these countries, the Dragon Kingdom is very backward, can't afford food, can't afford housing, and is in chaos! What's even more speechless is that many people really believe it!

You know, this is the 21st century!

Today, when the Internet is very developed, there are still people who are so ignorant!

But if you think about it carefully, it is actually quite normal. Except for developed countries and Dragon Kingdom, many countries are actually not as wealthy as ordinary people imagine. Many people have not actually accessed the Internet, and even mobile phones are not yet popular. In this situation Under the circumstances, it is normal to have this imagination.

Of course, except for some who are hostile to the Dragon Kingdom!

In order to break the stereotypes of these people, Dragon Kingdom has always focused on going out and promoting Dragon Kingdom culture. The hosting of the Olympic Games allowed the whole world to see a brand new Dragon Kingdom!

But this time, after learning that the Beichen Automobile Conference would be broadcast live to the world, the leaders of Shencheng took the initiative to contact Beichen Technology and proposed the idea of ​​cooperation!

Shanghai City leaders hope to show a brand new image to the world during the live broadcast!

Originally, Luo Yang planned to place the test site in a mountain city because the road conditions there were more complicated. However, Beichen Technology is a company in Shanghai after all. After consideration, Luo Yang finally chose Shanghai!

That's why today's scene happened!

Except for the unexpected incident with the delivery boy, everything else went according to plan!

The metropolitan urban area of ​​Shanghai, the brand-new old city, and the rapidly rising Dragon Country Carbon Valley all showed their side to the global audience in the live broadcast room!

When Blue Flying Electric drove into Beichen Industrial Park, after being disinfected by the staff, it went straight all the way and entered the conference site through the passage reserved in the backstage!!!


When the lights came on, countless people were excited about this dusty blue flying car! After all, everyone saw this car with their own eyes and arrived without a driver all the way!

"Hello everyone~!"

When the tester opened the car door and waved his hands to everyone, the scene burst into warm cheers!

"Long live Beichen Technology!"

"It's so cheating! Is this Beichen Technology's trump card? I can't hold my wallet anymore and want to take this car home!"

"This is just the lowest version of Feidian. The higher-end Jueying and Chitu will definitely perform even better! In terms of configuration, design, and unique technologies in all aspects, I would like to call Beichen Automobile the strongest !!!”

At the same time, Xiaobei also officially "flyed" out of the car and came to the super big screen at the scene, winking playfully at everyone!

"This drive ends here, I wish you a safe journey!"

The crisp and soft sound sounded, and countless spectators went crazy again!

"Ahhh! Wife, I love you!"

As the most popular AI character in Dragon Kingdom, Xiaobei can be said to be killed by men, women, old and young!

You must know that Xiaobei's body is a strong artificial intelligence!

This highly intelligent AI is the only one in the world, and there is no other semicolon!

After everyone calmed down, Luo Yang appeared again, looked at everyone with a smile and said, "How about it, Beichen Technology didn't disappoint everyone, did it?"


His response was naturally overwhelming praise!

This live broadcast directly touched the hearts of countless people!

Many people are already ready to move at this moment, waiting for the press conference to end before paying for the car!

"The unmanned driving system developed by Beichen Technology has cost us a lot of effort! The emergence of any technology cannot be completed overnight. From research and development to road testing, we have spent a lot of time and energy. We have invested countless human, material and financial resources, and thanks to the efforts of all employees of Beichen Science and Technology Department, we have achieved today’s results!”

"The success of the unmanned driving system belongs to everyone at Beichen Technology!"

Luo Yang's words made tens of thousands of Beichen employees blush!

As a member of Beichen Technology [Everyone is honored at this moment!

Today, Luo Yang is becoming more and more skilled in winning people's hearts!

It's just a few nice words, and it won't lose its skin. No matter what the outside world thinks, the core of this technology still belongs to him and Xiaobei, and there is no need to worry about leaks!

On the other hand, he hopes that the technical team of Beichen Technology can share some of his reputation with him!

After all, he is already good enough!!!

“After applying to the relevant departments and getting approval, we conducted complex and lengthy tests and completed a series of difficult tests including self-driving on-road tests! I can proudly announce to everyone that this self-driving system The system's intelligence has reached level 13!"

"Of course, friends and businessmen also promote it this way, but I think the gap between the two goes without saying!"


Luo Yang’s answer did not exceed everyone’s expectations!

Judging from the live broadcast just now, the performance in all aspects far exceeds Tesla's L2 level, and it also beats all domestic and foreign competitors! Let alone L3, even if Luo Yang advertises it as L4, they have no doubt!

This is a huge gap visible to the naked eye!

In addition, Beichen Technology itself is a world-renowned technology giant, and the vehicle-mounted system CPOS is backed by the Beichen system ecosystem with billions of users, coupled with the powerful Beichen search engine, and the Intelligent voice assistant Xiaobei, everyone has no doubt about the actual experience effect of this driverless system!

Many people can’t sit still at this moment!

Rebus and Mr. Ren looked at each other and saw the eagerness in each other's eyes. It was obvious that Mr. Ren was eager to try this pure electric SUV "Red Rabbit"!

And he, Rebus, naturally fell in love with the Black Warrior version of the Flying Electric!

Of course, this car is more suitable for driving in private. If you usually attend business meetings or public occasions, of course, the calm and majestic "Jueying" is more suitable!

"Currently, Beichen Automobile has received approval from relevant ministries and commissions and many local governments. The driverless system has been opened to major first-tier cities in Longguo! We are currently applying for further applications to open more cities. We will announce the follow-up progress on the official website of Beichen Automobile. !”

"If you have more questions about this, you can take it for a test drive after the press conference. Audiences at the venue can do so with an invitation letter, and other audiences can do it at Beichen Automobile's major flagship stores!"

"Then the last important question, I think everyone is also curious about it, is how much does Beichen Motors sell for?"

Luo Yang looked at the time and saw that it was almost the end of the press conference.

Everyone nodded at this moment!

"I estimate that the entry-level model of Feidian will be priced at no less than 300,000 yuan. After all, Beichen Motors is so powerful. Just a graphene battery is enough to whet the appetite of all new energy car owners! Plus, it is so powerful. The unmanned driving system! The final selling price will definitely not be lower than this figure!”

"Isn't 300,000 yuan too cheap? I think it should start at least 500,000 yuan! I can actually accept this price!"

"Shit! Those people upstairs are all wealthy people! Can you give us poor people something to eat? I might as well buy a house in the county for a car worth hundreds of thousands! The car will only depreciate, but the house is a real need and can appreciate in value. !”

"I think the entry-level model's price of 150,000 yuan is acceptable. I'm driving an old Bora now and I'm planning to change my car. At this price, I swipe my card on the spot!"

"I'm afraid those people upstairs are not dreaming. Mr. Luo has said that Beichen Automobile is positioned as a luxury brand. How can the entry-level model be less than 300,000 yuan!"

Everyone is talking about this!

It has to be said that Beichen Automobile is very attractive to everyone. Although many cash-strapped car owners are eager to try it, the high price will only turn them away!

Amid much attention, Luo Yang officially announced the final price of Dragon!.

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