Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 143 It’S Not That We Don’T Work Hard, But Our Opponent Has A Gundam!

At the same time, as of 8 a.m., there were only 3,900 cars left in stock of 5,000 cars sold through online channels! This means that a total of 1,100 cars were sold in the past 8 hours!

This real achievement made countless people who paid attention red-eyed on the spot!

This means sales of at least 300 million!

You must know that in the early morning, it is the time when there are the fewest people in the day!

After 8 o'clock, most people have already started to go out to work, and their sales will inevitably continue to rise. If you do not consider the offline test drive experience, it is more convenient to place orders through online channels than offline channels!

Sure enough, when the time came to 12 o'clock, there were only 2,630 cars left on the online channel!

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, there were 506 vehicles left!

At 4:17 pm, all 5,000 cars were sold out!

"Here, why are they sold out so quickly! When we just refreshed, there were still more than a hundred cars!"

After the interface was refreshed, the remaining inventory quantity became 0, and many people slapped the table in frustration!

Most of these people had a wait-and-see attitude before. After all, there are only a few people who directly purchase the car without test driving. For this reason, they still hold a bit of luck, thinking that they can wait until the first batch of car owners on the market evaluate it. Time continued to buy cars, and it turned out that they had not underestimated the madness of the market.

In 16 hours and 17 minutes, 5,000 cars were sold online daily!!!

This is quite scary data!

Everyone was shocked by this number!

"It's not that the Raptors can't defeat the river. Beichen Automobile's online sales exceeded 5,000 units on the first day. Is it possible that the monthly sales will exceed 150,000? This does not include offline channels! The market response is too crazy!"

Pengcheng, Yati headquarters.

Mr. Wang, who heard the news, felt a little dizzy at the moment.

As the company with the highest sales volume of electric vehicles in Longguo, he has been paying attention to the progress of Beichen Automobile!

It can be found from the official website that the first batch of inventory sold by Beichen Automotive Network includes 2,000 Feidians and 1,500 Jueying and Chitu vehicles. After all vehicles are sold out, this means that the total revenue will be at least 1.85 billion!

Equivalent to a small goal of hourly income!

This is because the online payment does not include the Longguo new energy vehicle subsidy. This requires the car owner to go to the designated offline location to pick up the car, and the staff will go through the relevant procedures before the subsidy will be refunded, which is equivalent to each vehicle. The car costs about 50,000 yuan, which is already informed to the user when making payment.

Even so, many car owners still place orders and pay without any hesitation!

There is one thought in everyone's mind!

That’s buying, buying, buying!

At this time, his chief secretary spoke.

"Mr. Wang, judging from the news obtained from various channels, many people are currently thinking of being the first to eat crabs. They believe that Beichen Automobile will become the most successful new energy vehicle in history! After all, Beichen Automobile's selling point is real There are too many, whether it is graphene batteries, super fast charging, or true L3 driverless driving, it is enough to leverage the new energy vehicle market!"

"Many people feel that Beichen Automobile still has room for appreciation in value in the future, especially the first batch of cars on sale, which have certain commemorative and collection significance!"

"In addition, according to uncertain information, Beichen Automobile's inventory is about 100,000-120,000 vehicles. According to the market's digestion speed, it is very likely that they will be sold out in half a month! By then, whether it is an online or offline order, all orders The queues for reservations further stimulate buyers’ enthusiasm!”

"In Hong Kong and Macao, it is said that all vehicles through offline channels have been sold out!"

"Now the entire market is very optimistic about the future of Beichen Automobile. A number of third-party institutions have taken the opportunity to enter the market and have announced the acquisition of various models of Beichen Automobile at prices ranging from 5,000 to 50,000 yuan higher than the market price!"

Mr. Wang couldn't help but click his tongue at the secretary's news.

"Hiss! 100,000-120,000 vehicles in stock??? Doesn't this mean that Beichen Technology has spent more than 30 billion just preparing this batch of inventory vehicles???"

Although I don't know what the profit margin of Beichen Auto is, it does not hinder Mr. Wang's speculation.

The official guide price of a Feidian is 250,000 yuan. After deducting the 50,000 yuan car purchase subsidy, the actual bare car price is around 200,000 yuan. At the same time, because new energy vehicles do not need to pay purchase tax, other expenses only need to be added with insurance premiums. , you can land it within 210,000 yuan!

The inventory is calculated based on the maximum amount of 120,000 vehicles, and assuming that half of the inventory is Feidian and the rest is Jueying and Chitu, then the total value of this batch of inventory cars is approximately equivalent to 360/Z!

Luo Yang's madness and wealth made Mr. Wang's eyebrows jump!

"36 billion! Mr. Luo is really a big spender. The market has accepted it well. If the market reacts coldly to Beichen Auto, then Beichen Technology's more than 30 billion may be wasted on the spot!"

Not to mention that he is ignorant, no new energy vehicle company dares to make such a big bet globally!

36 billion of funds, even if it is not cash flow, but to obtain goods from the upstream industry chain first and pay later, it is still extremely risky!

Such a huge amount of funds is simply impossible to achieve without sufficient credibility and guarantee!

If it were BYAT, let alone 36 billion, even if it was 3 billion in funds, if there was no guarantee from a bank or other financial institution, the upstream industry chain would never agree!

That is to say, Beichen Technology is rich and powerful. Although the company's financial reports have never been disclosed to the public, in the well-known case of Beichen Technology suing Fruit Company, Fruit Company finally compensated Beichen Technology for US$83 billion! According to the exchange rate at the time, it was equivalent to 550 billion dragon yuan!

After the final result of this case was announced, it caused a sensation all over the world!

Since the establishment of Fruit Company, no other company has been able to make it so miserable!

It was this battle that made Beichen Technology the god of war in the industry!

At least no blind company dares to take such a huge risk to touch Beichen Technology!

Similarly, with the help of this terrifying cash flow of 550 billion yuan, Beichen Technology has enough confidence to implement a series of strategic plans, from opening up the semiconductor industry chain, establishing the Longguo Semiconductor Alliance, to Carbon Valley and Longguo Graphite With the birth of the Aene Association, the start-up funds for each plan are as high as tens of billions!

It is precisely because of this confidence that no one, whether it is market regulators, banks and third-party financial institutions, including major suppliers in the upstream automotive industry chain, will doubt the financial strength of Beichen Technology!

"Only for the first batch of inventory vehicles, Beichen Technology spent 36 billion, plus the super charging stations that will be spread across the country, and by the way, there are also Beichen Technology's three super factories. The total number of these projects combined, I'm afraid it will exceed 150 billion! In comparison with the two, BYD's actions are simply a trifle!"

Mr. Wang shook his head helplessly!

It’s not that we don’t work hard, but our opponent is very enthusiastic!

How on earth should we fight a wealthy man who spends tens of billions of dollars in checks at every turn, but the opponent is not a good guy, with both internal and external skills and high-tech equipment?

~There is no other way. Judging from the current performance of Beichen Automobile, it is hard to say whether it can take the top spot in the industry, but it will definitely occupy the most important place in the automobile market!"

"The car market is so big. If one person eats too much, others will be hungry! By then, not only our BYD, but also the sales of all car companies will be affected! In addition, the global economic situation has not been stable in recent years. Great, it looks like it’s time for BYD to make a strategic adjustment!"

After thinking for a long time, Mr. Wang made a decision!

He is a smart man, and after stepping onto the big ship of Beichen Technology, he has unswervingly chosen to embrace it!

Anyway, there is nothing shameful about hugging thighs.

After getting the ticket to graphene technology, he convened a board of directors and shareholders meeting and formally proposed a comprehensive transformation plan. Now it seems that this step will be faster!

If it were slower, I might not even be able to drink the soup!

When Mr. Wang decided to lead BYAT to make strategic adjustments, all major automakers around the world felt faced with a formidable enemy and held high-level meetings one after another to discuss follow-up response plans!

Several other domestic new energy vehicle manufacturers know that they are not at the same level as Beichen Automobile, so they have chosen to stay away.

“In view of certain factors, our company originally planned to hold a press conference in the near future, and all plans to launch a new model have been postponed. The specific release time is to be determined!

After this announcement was made, spokespersons from various companies chose to be ostriches and turned a deaf ear to the ridicule and sympathetic comments online.

Don’t listen, don’t listen, that bastard is chanting sutras!

As a new (P) energy (P) source (T) car manufacturer, they have not delayed their orders once or twice anyway. After all, a certain man has not returned from the United States yet!

Of course, this decision cannot be made by themselves.

The biggest financial backers behind these manufacturers are several major Internet giants from the Dragon Kingdom. However, as of now, neither Penguin nor Ari and other giants are rivals of Beichen Technology. Naturally, they will not choose to compete with Beichen Technology at this time. Technology competes in the arena and one after another approved this plan!

As for other domestic automakers and state-owned enterprises, luckily, as early as when Luo Yang submitted the three-barrel oil transformation plan to the superiors, as state-owned enterprises, they heard the news and understood the determination of the superiors, so they were mentally prepared for it!

"In order to cooperate with Longguo's new energy strategy and contribute to energy conservation and emission reduction, our company has decided to accelerate the strategic planning of decommissioning fuel vehicles! It has been decided to advance it to 202X, when it will be fully transformed into a new energy vehicle manufacturer!"

After the plan was announced, it once again aroused huge attention from the outside world!

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