Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 144: The Turbulent Global Car Company! Neon Is Ready To Move!

The reason why it attracts attention from the outside world is actually very simple.

Because this is the national team!

The importance of state-owned enterprises is well known, so the national team, which also has a profound background, has made a transformation and upgrading plan so quickly. What does this mean?

Many smart people have already figured it out!

After major state-owned automobile manufacturers announced their transformation plans, major private fuel automobile manufacturers that were still waiting on the sidelines have also made decisions.

Zhejiang Province, Friday Headquarters!

As the No. 1 domestic private car company, Geely has always been the target of attention from many people in the industry!

Ever since it made a huge gamble to acquire Ohrwoo for US$1.8 billion, Geely has become the star of countless people. Many people believe that Geely will rise to prominence through Ohrwoo's technology!

However, as time goes by, this cross-border acquisition that shocked the country has aroused more and more people's doubts.

After spending 1.8 billion US dollars, it ended up just buying a shell of WoLWu. Its core technology, related patents, including the most important R&D center are still located in Europe. Geely has lost his wife and lost its troops!"

There are different opinions on this statement, but for Mr. Li of Jili, he has a different view!

For him, this acquisition of Geely has not resulted in a loss. Whether it is a successful marketing, enhancing brand influence, or absorbing part of the technology for his own use, the US$1.8 billion is actually worth it!

At present, it is also cooperating with Oherwo to jointly launch a certain sub-brand. With vigorous marketing, it has gained some popularity and is liked by a group of niche users.

Even in the past two years, he struck while the iron was hot and acquired Lianhua, a long-established sports car brand in Yingguo. Although this brand has fallen into disrepair and many young people have never heard of it, he is still ambitious. , jointly created a pure electric supercar, and the starting price reached 20 million yuan!

But all the enthusiasm, all the ambition, all the hard work, were poured out by a basin of water at this moment!

"In 16 hours, 5,000 cars were sold online, offline channels in Hong Kong and Macao were sold out, and sales in the mainland [Wanwan market] were booming..."

This series of data made Mr. Li feel very helpless.

He has been in the automobile industry for decades, and worked hard step by step to achieve his current achievements. He originally thought that he could lead Geely to the top of the industry according to his own plan, but who would have thought that Cheng Yaojin would suddenly appear!

What he didn't expect was that Cheng Yaojin had become a monk halfway!

A high-tech company engaged in basic software, semiconductors and the Internet suddenly entered the new energy automobile industry. This cross-latitude and cross-industry development strategy caught Mr. Li off guard!

"When BTA invested in new energy vehicles, I didn't take it seriously. Now that Beichen Technology has entered the market, I have finally woken up from my dream! It turns out that there are really no fuel vehicles in the future of the automobile industry!"

At the board meeting, Mr. Li made a speech.

Geely is not too late to enter the field of new energy vehicles, but due to various reasons, it did not directly give up the fuel vehicle business like BYD, because this means many efforts of Geely All wasted!

Whether it is the acquisition of Ouerwo or Lianhua, in addition to the purpose of brand promotion, he also tries to obtain more AEEE fuel vehicle technology patents and design experience from these acquisitions, and comprehensively improve Jili's technical level. However, Now it seems that both he and Ji Li have taken a detour!

"It's time to meet Mr. Luo!"

After the board meeting, Mr. Ji made a decision.

In the afternoon of the same day, Geely also officially issued an announcement announcing its plan to completely phase out fuel vehicles by 202X!

Following closely behind, Qirui and other well-known automobile manufacturers have also announced similar plans!

Almost overnight, large and small car manufacturers in Longguo collectively announced their transformation!

The speed has blinded many netizens!

"It feels like a dream. Yesterday, there were still people advocating for fuel vehicles, but today I saw the news that major car companies announced their transformation. This slap in the face came too fast!"

"The emergence of graphene batteries will bring about huge changes in the energy industry and the automotive industry. This change cannot be stopped by one or two companies! If we cannot transform in time,

If you keep up with the trend of new energy vehicles, you will only be completely eliminated by this change!"

"Yes, even several major state-owned automobile manufacturers in the Dragon Kingdom have announced their transformation. If you continue to be stubborn, you will only seek death!"

"In the past few days, reporters have photographed several CEOs of Longguo automobile manufacturers going to the Beichen Automobile headquarters in Carbon Valley. I guess they were going to discuss cooperation on graphene batteries.

"Actually, if you think about it carefully, this is not a bad thing for Longguo. After all, Beichen Technology is still a Dragonguo company. On the contrary, it is the joint venture manufacturers that are domineering in the domestic market. Now they are really going to die!"

"Judging from the behavior of Beichen Technology, these foreign manufacturers are afraid that they will pull off a layer of their skin, no, they are afraid that they will be wiped out by Beichen Technology!!!"

While netizens in Longguo are discussing it hotly, all the major car manufacturers in the world are in danger at this moment!

With the changes in the global market in recent years, in a series of dazzling acquisitions and reorganizations, the main market shares in the global automotive field have been divided up by Neon, Bangzi, Deguo, Miguo, and Italy.

Among them, Bangzi is the weakest, followed by Italy and Italy. Among the three major traditional car manufacturers in the United States, only Ford and Tongyong are left, while China's BBA and Neon manufacturers are the strongest, especially in the Longguo market. Chinese manufacturers occupy a considerable market share!

When the United States launched sanctions against Beichen Technology, Neon and Bangzi immediately took action. After being beaten up by Luo Yang and Beichen Technology, Bangzi's cash-in-hand cars angrily announced that they would withdraw from the Longguo market. Only Neon It’s still a happy life!

The three major neon giants, Shuangtian Yichuan, have always been frequent visitors to Longguo's car sales list.

Even though Neon has been treating the Longguo market differently, reducing allocations in various ways, and forcing the so-called energy-absorbing (plastic) materials, it still has many users because of its fuel economy.

However, after Beichen Automobile was released, in the face of the powerful performance of graphene batteries, Neon Automobile's most popular "fuel economy" suddenly lost its advantage!

Neon, Dongjing, Fengtian headquarters.

"President, based on the data we have obtained, we can prove that Beichen Technology is not cheating! The graphene battery module it launched can indeed achieve super battery life!"

The female secretary handed a report to Watanabe, the gloomy-faced Fengtian supervisor.

"Baga! Luo Yang is indeed a serious concern of my great neon empire!"

The data on the report, every sentence made Watanabe tremble with fear!

"A third-party organization has tested that the most powerful A199 battery module has a maximum range of 1,547 kilometers, which has exceeded the standard data of 1,500 kilometers. The safety performance of graphene batteries has also been certified by many organizations, even if It was tested using violent means such as puncture, and there was no explosion!"

"At the same time, its charging efficiency is also amazing. Coupled with Beichen Super Charging Stations all over the country, there is no doubt that Beichen Automobile's future is bright!"

"By then, Beichen Automobile will further squeeze out the market share of luxury brands. Because of the consumption habits of Longguo people, BBA may be able to retain part of the market share, but luxury brands from Neon, as well as other second- and third-tier luxury brands, will be further squeezed. , and even completely withdraw from the Dragon Kingdom market!"

“Not only that, with prices being close to each other, Beichen Automobile’s launch of the light luxury coupe “Feidian” will also squeeze the B-class car market share of major mid- to low-end joint venture brands!”

"According to the predictions of the think tank, Beichen Technology will inevitably open up part of the graphene battery technology and decentralize it to some automobile manufacturers in Longguo, thereby completing comprehensive coverage of all price points in the mid-to-low-end market!"

"At that time, our neon manufacturers will be driven out of the Dragon Kingdom market!"

The analysis in the report gave Watanabe a chill down his back!

As a veteran who has been on the battlefield for a long time, he knows that the scene analyzed in the report is not alarmist, but the coming reality!

After he turned to the next page, he couldn't help but shrink his pupils!

The report on this page is not provided by Fengtian Think Tank, but by the Sanjing Zaibatsu who stands behind Fengtian!

As Neon's top chaebol, the information and channels Sanjing has are far beyond what Fengtian can match!

"According to the analysis of channels such as the Black Palace and the Neon Damingfu Think Tank, it can be determined that Luo Yang is a very extreme nationalist! In addition, Luo Yang is young and is easily affected by some so-called patriotic ideas and makes extreme emotions The decision to transform! This can be determined from a series of events in the past!"

"Previously, because Neon cooperated with the United States to sanction Longguo in the fields of semiconductors, batteries, optical instruments, etc., Beichen Technology has been attacking Neon's strong industries! But this time, the emergence of graphene batteries and Beichen Automobile will seriously Attack or even destroy Hongguo’s pillar industry - automobiles!"

"The turnover of the Longguo market accounts for a large proportion of our Neon automobile industry. Once a war breaks out in the automobile industry, the consequences will be very serious!"

"For Long Guo, life without the automobile industry will be uncomfortable at best, but it won't hurt our muscles and bones. But for me, Da Neon, it is a matter of life and death!"

"Watanabe-kun, please note that our Great Neon Empire is an industrial country. Once the automobile industry is destroyed, the subsequent consequences will be devastating!"

"So, it's time to make a decision!"

"This dispute in the automobile industry is not our Sanjing family's business. I have notified several other major Neon chaebols and are preparing to jointly lobby the Daming Palace. At the same time, I will communicate with Wall Street. I hope they can lobby the Black Palace. If we can unite Europe and the United States, Together with the power of my great neon empire, we will definitely be able to strangle the Dragon Kingdom!"

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