Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 145: What’S Wrong With This Country? Let’S Ask In Detail! I Think Deeply!

As soon as Neon took action, Luo Yang, who was far away in Dragon Kingdom, received the news.

"It seems that I can't sit still anymore. This time I chose the automobile industry to start, which can be regarded as touching the industrial lifeblood of Neon Country!"

Luo Yang showed a mocking look.

You guys are about to fall down before I can do my best. If I throw out all my trump cards at once, I'm afraid the neon economy will collapse completely!

A bunch of weaklings!

As a person with strong artificial intelligence, Xiaobei can be said to be pervasive in the Internet field and is the real Internet overlord!

Even if these chaebols have been careful to prevent eavesdropping, they do not carry any electronic devices and turn on electromagnetic shielding during secret conversations, but no matter how careful they are, when the people below carry out their orders, it is impossible to keep it secret forever!

Under Luo Yang's order, Xiaobei has been monitoring the Internet in Europe, America, Neon, Bangzi and other countries through various channels 24/7, and does not need to rest like other people, so Luo Yang immediately Message received!

In modern business competition, one of the most commonly used and effective means is still information gap. Opponents such as Europe, America, Neon, and Bangzi have always been eyeing Luo Yang and Long Guo. Whenever they have the opportunity, they will pounce on like a mad dog and try to tear off a piece. The meat is coming, and Luo Yang will naturally not swallow his anger. The soldiers will block it, and the water will cover it. He has already prepared a series of counterattack measures.


"The chaebols of these countries have officially united, and their power cannot be underestimated. Let me, Kangkang, decide who will take the lead in biting people this time!"

Luo Yang showed a playful smile.

It’s so cool to be the boss of the old silver coin!

The neon matter is not a big concern, Luo Yang is paying attention to a series of sudden changes in the market at the moment!

The camp changes of several state-owned automobile manufacturers were as expected by him. Although the market economy has been implemented, in terms of macroeconomics, as well as when it comes to national strategy, people's livelihood and safety and other factors, the will of the country is still dominant!

After Longguo officially made a comprehensive transformation plan, whether it was a behemoth like Three Barrels of Oil or major state-owned automobile manufacturers, they all completed the change of camp under a single order. The huge impact of this move is extremely beneficial to Beichen Technology!

This means that Beichen Technology is still the uncrowned king of the new energy vehicle industry!

"Whether it is Beichen Automobile or Beichen Charging Station, it is only a matter of time before it becomes a giant company. With upstream channels for graphene material production, supply, and an L3-level autonomous driving system, Beichen Technology still has Controls the setting and pricing power of industry standards!”

When a private enterprise has developed to the level of Beichen Technology, it has basically reached its ceiling. Its comprehensive influence has completely surpassed giant enterprises such as Penguin, Ahri, and Warwick, becoming the number one giant in the country!

At this time, many of Beichen Technology's corporate strategies must not only consider commercial impacts, but also include social responsibilities and obligations, as well as certain factors that are well-known but unspeakable!

The actions of the national team were a subtle way for Long Guo to remind Beichen Technology and Luo Yang!

Give it a peach and serve it in season!

This is the answer given by Longguo!

Beichen Technology's contribution and influence to Longguo are extremely huge, and Longguo also acquiesces to the further growth of Beichen Technology!

The ceiling has been raised again, giving Luo Yang and Beichen Technology more room to play.

After considering the future of Beichen Technology, Luo Yang temporarily turned his attention to the data in front of him.

Since Beichen Automobile's first-day sales data was released, it has directly caused huge waves around the world. Tesla, which has always been known as the world's leader in electric vehicles, has borne the brunt of an unprecedented huge impact!

United States, Nasdaq Exchange!

After the U.S. stock market opened, Nasdaq immediately experienced a wave of collapse!

A series of red numbers made the entire exchange miserable. Tesla's market value plummeted from US$810 billion yesterday to US$600 billion!

210 billion US dollars evaporated overnight!

And it’s still falling like crazy!

"Fake, damn Luo Yang, damn Beichen Technology, he made me lose two million US dollars! This is my entire net worth!"

"Ahhh! Can anyone tell me why Beichen Technology actually released a graphene car? Didn't all major media around the world collectively look down on Beichen Technology? Why is this happening!!!"

"Rumors say that Buffett has secretly sold off all his Tesla shares before the press conference! Tesla's major shareholders have also cashed out part of it! I suspect this is a conspiracy!"

"Damn it! I knew there was something shady in this!"

A large number of investors holding Tesla stock howled!

Many people's eyes were red, and they wanted to catch Tesla's major shareholders on the spot and beat them up!

Their losses this time were too great, and many people gambled their entire fortune!

Bet that Beichen Technology will fail, bet that Tetra can continue to lead the world!

But unfortunately, they failed!

Some time ago, under the crazy publicity of Wall Street and the major capital behind Tesla, Tesla has earned enough attention from the world and has become a sensation.

The stock price, which was already filled with huge moisture, is still soaring, attracting the attention of many people. Many people are so excited that they directly bought Tesla stocks at a high price!

Before Tesla plummeted, some people did make money, but many more people suffered huge losses!

Especially for some short-term holders, the numbers on their accounts were wiped out overnight, and their positions were eventually forced to be liquidated!

Many investors' mentality collapsed on the spot!

As a popular stock, Tesla's plunge triggered a series of reactions. Major manufacturers in its upstream and downstream supply chains were also unfortunately affected, and the stocks of some listed companies also plummeted!

In addition to new energy car manufacturers such as Tesla, all major traditional car manufacturers have fallen into a mess!

$600 billion!

$530 billion!

$480 billion!

As of the close of the U.S. stock market that day, Tesla's market value had once again plummeted to $480 billion in just one day. The situation continued to worsen, almost triggering another circuit breaker for the entire U.S. stock market!

Many people once again recalled the fear of being dominated by Luo Yang!

That night, major media outlets in the United States reported on the emergency, and many well-known commentators and media tycoons expressed pessimistic views!

"This guy Luo Yang is simply the God of Death on Wall Street! From the earliest Microsoft to Google, Fruit Company, IDM, Oracle, the entire American Internet companies, basic software industry, and semiconductor industry were all massacred by him. !And now, this butcher’s knife has fallen on the automobile industry again!”

0…Please give me flowers…………

"As a traditional automobile power, the United States has been greatly affected!"

“Originally with the rise of new energy vehicles, the traditional automobile manufacturing industry in the United States was already facing a huge crisis. The former automobile city of Detroit has now turned into a ghost town and a rust belt, and a large number of people have fallen into unemployment... "

"And now, this situation will continue to get worse!"

"Here, I can't help but ask, when will this chaotic situation end? Is this cabinet capable of reversing this situation? If not, then next year's general election may cause another disturbance!"

"The cabinet should pay attention to one thing. If we cannot defeat the enemy and drive away the invaders this time, then we will lose more! By then, all companies in the United States will close down one by one, and all American people will be unemployed and at home. Look at all our jobs being taken away by Asians from across the ocean!"

"Fight back! We must fight back hard!"

"We should do whatever it takes to do this!"

A CNN report directly pushed Beichen Technology to the forefront.

The content of the report is biased in the past. After all, the butt determines the head. As a well-known media controlled by American capital, it is natural to try its best to discredit Beichen Technology!

After many ignorant people were misled, many people got hot-headed and started to rant on various occasions. After all, freedom of speech is the right thing!

As a result, reports in the format of "What's going on in this country?", "Standing Questions", "Shock Ministry" and other formats have been released one after another!

After all, creatures like Angry Youth are not just a specialty of the Dragon Kingdom!

"The series of serious problems we are currently facing may destroy the entire United States if not resolved in time! What is wrong with the United States?"

"Many crises are approaching the United States, and federalism may become the root cause of the disintegration of the United States! This must be a problem with the system! Should we consider the possibility of the sickle and hammer flag flying in the Black House!"

"Shocked! The great eastern country has become the world's hegemon, and Caiguo has lost its global voice!"

"Women cried bitterly, men shed tears. The United States has been hit by an unprecedented huge scandal. Please pay attention to follow-up reports for details..."

"Should the world's second largest economy be included in the list of developed countries and shoulder more international responsibilities and obligations?"

Of course, these reports were suppressed by capital and the cabinet at the first opportunity. Instead, there were overwhelming reports on various Dragon Kingdom threat theories, as well as a large number of requests for the cabinet to investigate and sanction Beichen Technology!

Under the exaggeration of these media, the powerful world's number one hegemony seemed to be reduced to the world's second-rate country overnight! And the Dragon Kingdom stepped on the corpse of the United States and ascended to the throne of the world's hegemon!

This statement is actually recognized by many people!

After all, unlike one of the world's largest developing countries, which keeps mumbling about making a fortune, the Angsa nation has no such thing as modesty.

Anyway, if you dare to say it, I dare to believe it!

After all, 5G signals can spread diseases, so even more outrageous news than this is not surprising.

But no matter how the outside world quarrels, without the ordinary people noticing, the focus of the huge storm caused by Tesla's plunge has been directly diverted, and everyone's attention has been diverted elsewhere at this moment!

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