Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 147 You 100 Million And I Have 100 Million! Shows Of Goodwill From The Three Major Construct

While the major friends and businessmen are jealous and envious, there is also a heated discussion in the outside world. Whether domestic or foreign, the yearning for wealth is the same.

"If Mr. Luo distributes 76 billion Dragon Yuan to the whole world, and the global population is currently 7.6 billion people, then everyone can share 100 million Dragon Yuan, wouldn't I also become a billionaire! Fantasy is drooling.jpg! "

"???Your math teacher upstairs taught you 760/76, which is obviously 1 billion for each person!"

"Nima, the two of you upstairs are talented! Whose math calculation is like this? Let your math teacher know, I'm afraid he will beat you to death with a stick!"

"Wherever the crouching dragon is, there must be a phoenix chick! The ancients sincerely did not deceive me!"

The sand sculpture netizens happily built the building again.

As the topic became more and more crooked, someone finally got down to business again.

"Now that Beichen Auto's inventory has been sold out, doesn't it mean that we can no longer buy current cars?"

"That's right! I was busy with a project some time ago. Now that the project is over and I just got the bonus, I'm going to pick up a Red Rabbit, but it's out of stock!!!"

"+1! I am a fuel car owner. I have driven the Audi A4 for almost ten years. I am currently planning to replace it with a Jueying car, but there is no inventory in the online and offline channels! The lady at the flagship store said that currently You can only make a full payment reservation, and you have to wait a few days to pick up the car!”

"I live in Shanghai, and I made an appointment in advance from the beginning. But later I needed money for something at home, so I didn't go to buy it. "Song Neng was disqualified from the flagship store after the 7-month non-reservation period! Woohoo!" 04 "Sympathy +1, by the way, I can pet the head of the dog upstairs."

"Brothers, let's all go to Bibo and ask Mr. Luo when the second batch of ready-made cars will be released, Chongya!"

A large wave of people who had not bought the current car due to various reasons gathered under Luo Yang's personal scarf at the prompt of others and quickly left messages. Five minutes later, the scarf went down again!


Everyone looked at the web page that turned into a 404, and couldn't help but cry out in disdain.

Garbage scarf, will the server die after upgrading?

Mud, every time there is a hot event, the computer goes down, which makes people speechless and explodes!

Ten minutes later, the bib page was restored, and everyone was building a building under Luo Yang's bib while vomiting about the bib's garbage server.

"Mr. Lin! Many netizens are now waiting for a reply on Mr. Luo's personal scarf and want to ask about the launch date of the second batch of Beichen cars!"

The public relations department of Beichen Technology and Xiaoya are responsible for the daily operation of Luo Yang's personal scarf. The public relations department immediately notified Xiaoya via email because of the huge noise about the scarf.


The email has an automatic reply set up.

After another ten minutes, Xiao Yacai walked out of Luo Yang's office with a rosy face and some wrinkles on her purple hip skirt.

"Ahem, cough, cough, these troll netizens almost delayed Xiaoya's learning!"

Luo Yang shamelessly clicked on the scarf while complaining about netizens.

"I have seen your questions and will reply to you together. Due to production capacity and cost issues, Beichen Automobile has prepared a total of 180,000 vehicles in inventory before the launch of sales. However, we underestimated everyone's enthusiasm for buying and did not It was our mistake to think that everything was sold out in less than a month!”

"At present, Beichen Automobile's three major super factories are in full production 24 hours a day without interruption. The current daily production capacity is 3,000 vehicles. The second batch of car pre-sales will be opened in the middle of next month, and more than 120,000 cars will be released at one time!"

"Currently, both online and offline channels accept reservations, but the online channels still only support full payment reservations. When the pre-sale starts, users with full payment reservations will be the first batch to mention the current car!"

"On behalf of all the employees of Beichen Automobile, I would like to thank you all for your support and trust! We will, as always, adhere to the principle that Beichen products must be high-quality products and provide you with richer products! Thank you all!"

Luo Yang's reply once again aroused enthusiastic responses from everyone. After selecting a few lucky netizens to reply, Luo Yang continued his busy work.

After the pre-sale date of the second batch of Beichen cars was announced, more people were reassured that they would only have to wait another twenty days or so before the cars could be available. Most people said they were still willing to wait!

Users who are more anxious will either choose to buy from scalpers at a higher price, or find other car owners to transfer the ownership, but in this case it will be considered a second-hand car!

On the other side, after Luo Yang ended his morning schedule, he led several company executives to inspect the three major super factories.

The first thing to inspect is naturally the Carbon Valley Super Factory, which is just around the corner!

"Mr. Luo!"

"Mr. Luo!"

Two people, a man and a woman, led the factory manager to receive Luo Yang and his party.

The two people responsible for welcoming Luo Yang were none other than the three vice presidents of Beichen Automobile, except Qian Ming, the vice president of technology. They were Zhao Ke, who was in charge of the supply chain, and Li Yan, who was in charge of administrative affairs.

These two vice presidents were recruited by Beichen Technology with high salaries. They are both well-known executives in the industry. Zhao Ke did not come from a professional background, but was promoted from the bottom. Before that, he worked in many domestic joint venture car companies. , is very familiar with domestic and foreign supply chain affairs and has very rich industry experience. He is one of the personnel interviewed and recruited by Gao Yunhai in person.

After the establishment of Beichen Charging Station Company, Zhao Ke will temporarily serve as its president, and other adjustments will be made later.

Li Yan is a middle-aged woman with a background in finance. She has worked in the financial field for a long time, and then moved to a headhunting company for a long time. She has rich financial and administrative experience. She took the initiative after peacefully terminating the contract with her former company. The executive applied for by Beichen Technology is one of the few female executives at Beichen Technology!

At present, these two people have only joined for a relatively short period of time. They are still in the probation period and will not be promoted in the short term.

In addition to President Gao Yunhai, who is a core executive of the company and is also the president of Beichen Automobile, the three vice presidents are each in charge of technology, administration, and supply chain affairs.

In the core area of ​​Carbon Valley, where land is at a premium, Beichen Technology can be said to occupy the C position. The area that has been completed in the first phase has all been allocated to Beichen Automobile as the headquarters industrial park, with a total area of ​​6 million square meters!

One of the three major super factories is located here, covering an area of ​​1.5 million square meters!

"What is the current production capacity of the Carbon Valley factory? How long will it take for the second phase of the expansion project to be completed while maintaining quality, quantity and safety?"

Luo Yang asked the question that everyone was concerned about.

Zhao Ke pushed up his glasses and then said:

"Mr. Luo, the current production capacity of the Carbon Valley Plant has reached full capacity. The maximum production capacity is 1,100 vehicles per day, which is higher than the initially expected production capacity. All aspects are operating stably, and relevant subsidies have been paid out in a timely manner. All employees are currently very enthusiastic about their work!”

“In terms of the expansion of the second phase of the project, the final winner was the Railway Construction Group. If the fastest construction plan is adopted under the premise of safety, quality and quantity, it is expected to be put into production in one and a half months, and the maximum production capacity can be reached in three months. , by then the maximum daily production capacity of Post-Carbon Valley can be increased to 1,800 units!"

"Mr. Luo, according to this plan, if the expansion of the three super factories is completed at the same time, the daily production capacity can be increased to 5,400 vehicles, and the monthly production capacity can be stably supplied to around 160,000 vehicles!"

In three months, the daily production capacity has increased by 700 units. This is already a very satisfactory figure for everyone!

"Not bad, it has reached the qualifying line!"

Luo Yang’s evaluation of this data can be regarded as reaching the passing mark in his heart!

The second phase of the project is based on the expansion of the original Carbon Valley Factory. Several new production lines will be added. If the production capacity is to be further increased, due to the limited area of ​​the industrial park, a fourth super factory will need to be built!

At this time, Li Yan also spoke:

"Mr. Luo, in addition to the second phase of the Carbon Valley Plant being won by China Railway Construction, the second phase expansion projects of Jincheng Plant and Yancheng Plant were won by Longjian and Longtie respectively. The start date and delivery date are Close to Carbon Valley Factory."

"The three major construction groups are currently cooperating with Beichen Automobile, and have also expressed to us that they are willing to undertake the subsequent construction of the super factory at a relatively preferential price!"

"In addition, President Gao asked us to make a report on the new super factory, which has been submitted to the headquarters for approval."

In addition to serving as the executive vice president, Li Yan also serves as the deputy director of the financial department of Beichen Automobile. In Luo Yang's long-term career plan for internal executives, the arrangement for Li Yan includes the deputy position of finance. As for whether he can hold a more senior position, For high positions, it depends on Ji Gan's ability.

Xiaoya currently serves as the chief financial officer and is Li Yan’s direct leader. The stronger Li Yan’s ability, the greater the help to Xiaoya!

After all, Xiaoya is still too young and still needs some mature and stable help in many aspects.

Of course, for core executives such as the chief financial officer, loyalty and trust are what Luo Yang values ​​most.

Following Zhao Ke and Li Yan, Luo Yang visited the Carbon Valley Factory and then led the team to the north to inspect the Jincheng Factory and Yancheng Factory.

Compared with the Carbon Valley Factory, which is very close to Shencheng, the Jincheng Factory and the Yancheng Factory receive less attention, but their local attention is higher!

For just one Jincheng factory, the investment in the first-phase reconstruction and expansion project reached RMB 27 billion. Together with other projects, the final investment reached RMB 30 billion!

In order for the Gigafactory to continue to settle in Jincheng instead of moving to other places, the local department gave a lot of discounts, whether it was land prices or tax exemptions and tax reduction policies, everything was green!

In the end, Luo Yang did not disappoint Jincheng and chose to upgrade based on the original factory site.

After inspecting Jincheng, Luo Yang rested for a night in a courtyard in Beijing, chatted with Luo's father and mother, and took the high-speed train to Yancheng the next day. At the same time, the international situation suddenly changed!

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